Forum Post: Read it and weep.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:26 a.m. EST by KerryRawe
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It seems that there are a lot of people who have taken it upon themselves to vomit their self-righteousness all over the forums of this site. I page through tons of comments that call our President names, call the people who protest names, slander and demean the whole movement in any way they can. They will even launch into a long drawn out life story about how hard they work, and how they aren't complaining about playing a game that is rigged. But they are. That's what this movement is - a large varied portion of the public that realizes that the system is rigged, and demand it be fixed.
And what's more, a lot of blowhards want to say that the 1% don't agree. They do.
And it's not just John. It's a lot of others, rich, middle class, poor. The truth is that the people here who make hateful, divisive posts filled with attacks, slander, and remarks that OWS is a waste of time are simply wrong.
And as their gnashing of teeth gets more violent, we get more proof that we are right. We're the 99%. Democracy runs on a majority. And as just about every pollster can tell you unanimously, America and the World agrees with OWS. Even the Vatican agrees with OWS!
So I can only hope that this protest continues for as long as possible. I hope that it sparks the change that is long overdue. I hope it galvanizes people's determination to act, to make things better for everyone.
So I say to the "Conservatives", the people who rail against this movement - go ahead and say whatever you want, because it doesn't make you any less wrong. Wrong is wrong, and that's what you are :)
Problem is the wimpy "demands" and solutions being proposed are not radical enough to deal with global warming, 7-billion ppl on the planet, the funny-money games on Wall Street and peak oil. The only real solution is too abolish money but I don't see that happening.
Time to get outta Babylon before it falls. Life as we're living it is not sustainable.
You can hope we can hope but this will change nothing ... Russell Simmons will find a way Yo make money off this ... The Vatican wants a world bank that they are in charge of ... Not a good idea ... We are all slaves ... The only way you will get the change you want is armed rebellion and that's not going to happen eithier ... We are all to busy taking care of ourselves and family ... We work and shop for the system controlled by a few rich families ... Debt is money ... You work to pay debt that you can never pay off ...
I feel the same way. People get trampled on in these posts. I also hope the protest goes on for as long as possible and I hope that all who share the same spark of passion for this economy's reform can come together, figure out a plan and rise up.