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Forum Post: Read Howard Zinn's "A Peoples History of the United States"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 8:41 a.m. EST by johncharloe (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To all protesters:

Howard Zinn was a visionary. Please at least reread Chapter 23 of his book!!!

Chapter 23, "The Coming Revolt of the Guards", covers Zinn's theory on a possible future radical movement against the inequality in America. Zinn argues that there will eventually be a movement made up not only of previous groups that were involved in radical change (such as labor organizers, black radicals, Native Americans, feminists), but also members of the middle class who are starting to become discontented with the state of the nation. Zinn expects this movement to use "demonstrations, marches, civil disobedience; strikes and boycotts and general strikes; direct action to redistribute wealth, to reconstruct institutions, to revamp relationships."[12]

Citing Zinn would at least lend credence to the value of Occupy Wallstreet.


John Charloe Retired American Indian Lawyer from Oklahoma



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[-] 1 points by workingforus (4) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

Yes, Yes Yes. I printed this chapter out and have been handing to everyone and anyone. Peace!!!!!

the time is now

[-] 1 points by johncharloe (3) 13 years ago

Great! I spent ny professional life in the courts fighting for justice for Indian tribes and Indians living in poverty in Oklahoma. Howard Zinn was one of my heroes along with Red Jacket, Tecumseh and Quanah Parker. Remember Sand Creek, Wounded Knee and free Leonard Peltier. John Charloe, retired Seneca lawyer