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Forum Post: REACH OUT TO POLICE - Ask all unions to refuse action against peaceful public protests

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 3:25 p.m. EST by civilmack (4)
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The police are extremely visible victims of the same defunct system which we are all upset with. Politicians have been forcing them into ironically suppressing a movement which fights for their rights. As a result, law enforcement inevitably comes out looking like moronic gorillas clad in armor. We all know that they don't relish this role. Reach out to union leaders with a petition (grover norquist style) asking them to sign and promise no forceful actions against peaceful Occupy protests. This is a golden opportunity and will be much more effective than demonization. Imagine if politicians and the super-wealthy lost their protectors.



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[-] 2 points by sinthytech (30) 13 years ago

Yeah and make sure you tell the police you are fighting for their pensions too.

[-] 1 points by civilmack (4) 13 years ago

I'm all for the public banding entirely together... civilians including cops, and military. But, one thing at a time. I think there is enough will-power among police leaders right now to get them to hold back forceful actions against OWS. If the National Guard ever does get called in... "the salmon" will hopefully convince them that their part-time armed services gig still means they belong to the 99% before another Kent State incident arises.

[-] 1 points by SmithGoesWashington (72) 13 years ago

Then national Guards will be deployed. Remember Kent State? Do you know salmons how swim upstream? We should learn from them. They are not individual salmons they are one globally glued together in their minds. I read their story here: (http://messiahpsychoanalyst.org/Documents/MathematicsSalmons.html)

[-] 1 points by civilmack (4) 13 years ago

I agree that aggressive police actions have led to increased visibility of the movement, but that can not be the ultimate goal. One veteran already had his skull cracked... now more than a dozen are doused with pepper spray. I'd say the attention is on OWS. If police unions stop acting against us and actually march with the 99%... UC Davis students won't be the ones living in fear. Those in power will be forced to take even greater action. You might see the national guard called in, but that'd bring even more attention.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 13 years ago

Is civil disobedience an effective tool if there is no reaction from the authorities? If campus security had ignored the demonstrators blocking that walk at UC Davis, or if they had taken the time to remove one protestor at a time instead of resorting to the pepper spray, would the action have been as effective? Let's face it, a reaction is what all protests are after, the more violent the reaction the better for the movement.