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Forum Post: Re: Jews Running Wall Street

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 3:22 p.m. EST by robertfrombklyn (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As a POI.. I'm Jewish.. and I'm out of work.. on Unemployment... I'm suffering just as much as anyone else who's struggling...

To say Jews Control Wall Street is absurd.... Look at some of the names on executive committees at some of the firms.. They are as diverse as the population in NYC..... Do Jewish people work on Wall Street? Yes.. but so do people from other racial, religious, and ethnic groups.... Do you have a head for finance?? If you do.. you can work thee.. if not.. you can't.. very simple...



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[-] 2 points by AgentRed (4) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

So over the divisive Anti-Semitism!!

[-] 1 points by betsydoula (143) from Beverly Hills, FL 13 years ago

This is just the kind of banter for divide and conquer ourselves. What we need here is unity, which connects us no matter what religion or politics. This movement is about taking the money out of politics and getting rid of career politicians. To those who would wish to blame a particular religion on this crisis, I guess you are interested in the same old thing. Take a look in the mirror first because true change begins inside. It is your perceptions and your attitude that change the world.

[-] 1 points by George1944 (2) 13 years ago

Why use falsehoods to create the diversion? Because there is nothing else. It is very much like the phoney threats from Iraq that "justified" the massacre of the Iraqi people. When there is no genuine cause you play the Boogey Man card.

[-] 1 points by Blankass (24) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

When you criticise the financial oligarchs do just that. The Nazis were angry about Wallstreet oligarchs who caused the 1929 crisis and then hunted down the jews. That was a mistake and a misconception. When oligarchs wear suits and ties and you combat suits and ties instead of the oligarchs the angry crowds would slay the waiters and servants. Oligarchy is not about religion, jewish oligarchs don't care for unemployed jews.

[-] 1 points by George1944 (2) 13 years ago

The many who are protesting are a reflection of serious discontent. If the movement spreads it will force changes in regulations. It is in the interest of the exploiters to prevent changes that cut into their freeloading ways. IT is therefore very much in their interest to destroy the movement in any way possible. Since the mighty have the media access they can colour the movement as they wish, and the antisemitism smokescreen is the easy way to cast a diversion. Take the focus off the real issue and distort the true nature of the movement.

[-] 1 points by makinaapoint (1) 13 years ago

How about simply " Make AIPAC register as a foreign lobby"? They blatantly coordinate their policies with those of the Israeli government, as a domestic U.S political-action arm. and they are widely acknowledged as the most powerful and feared lobby in the country. By requiring their registration as a foreign lobbyist, they would be taken out of the domestic U.S. political picture. BIG problem solved!

[-] 1 points by imhere (5) 13 years ago

Jews running wall street??? Isn't that being more than just a little racist? I didn't think ows was a race thing? When you start with the bigotry you start to lose the argument.

[-] 1 points by Blankass (24) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Actually it is factual but religion doesn't mean a thing here. Oligarchs just care for the almighty buck.

[-] 1 points by RillyKewl (218) 13 years ago

Robert, Don't encourage them. They love that. Please, as bad as it is, you've just gotta ignore them.

[-] 0 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

You personal situation does not mean Jew's aren't running Wall St... but I can't say they are. I just disagree with the gov's support of Israel which it commits various atrocities against the Palestinians.