Forum Post: RANT- Wear body armor!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 10:08 p.m. EST by TH3W01F
from Ottawa, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To my fellow upper and lower class: wear body armor. If I could offer you only one piece of advice for the future, body armor would be it. Benefits of body armor have been proven in scientific laboratories, and our society is going to hell in a hand basket in a rocket assisted fashion. All my other advice pertains to trying to live a decent life. You can listen to it or you can tell me to stuff it. But I'll dispense my advice now.
Life is hard, once you accept that fact you'll find that you're not so disappointed when you screw up. The pain you feel from screwing up in life will remove weakness from your body. But it still sucks.
Don't take too many drugs that mess with your brain. Or by the time you're forty, you'll act like you're two.
Have a backup. Don't have too much faith in computer or society. You never know when either one might crash.
Get a good knife.
Beware of anyone that lead others with a religious, righteous fervor. They invariably burn books and hurt people.
Don't get too high on your moral high horse. The only difference between right and wrong is the number of people who agree with you.
Stash guns, money and fake ID. Because you might need them at some point. If you don't, someone you know will.
Beware of cults, churches and multinational corporations. They all want to control you and rob you of your soul.
Try not to break the law. It complicates things. But if you're going to do it, think it through and do it big. There's nothing more embarrassing than doing time for some bullshit reason.
Avoid violence as much as you can. But if it happens there is no such thing as fighting dirty. Stick your thumb in his eye and use weapons when he's unarmed. You can justify it all to yourself later.
Don't let yourself be limited by tradition. If we all did that we'd still live in caves.
Trust your guts more than anything or anyone else in the universe. No one else knows you as well as you.
Old people are really, really strong. And realize that a measure of strength is not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can get hit.
When in a moral, financial or violent crisis do whatever it takes to survive.
Don't watch day time TV, it will only make you feel stupid.
Maybe your opinion's right. Maybe it's not. Maybe you're gay, maybe you're not. Maybe you'll divorce. Maybe you'll end up behind a Seven-Eleven mumbling to yourself. But no matter what happens, you are the only person responsible for your outcome. Not your parents, not your culture, not your financial status. But don't be too hard on yourself. You had to make decisions at the time. A bad plan today is better than the best plan tomorrow.
Don't play head games and don't put up with people who play them with you.
Learn who your real friends are. Friends will help you move. Real friends will help you move a body.
Know where you're going, and know who's coming with you. But never get that order mixed up.
Be friends with your lovers, or when you get old the two of you will have nothing.
You are in charge of your own body. But be sure of what you do with it, because you're going to have it for a very long time.
Stand up for people who are smaller than you and people who are attacked emotionally and physically. They probably need your help, but they won't ask for it.
Be a good guy who does bad things from time to time. But looking in the mirror is the only way that you can judge yourself and make that call.
If you don't know what to do in any situation, consider the economics. Money is not the only thing in life, but it's really, really important.
Try to stop swearing, it makes you look like an idiot. But if you can figure out how to do this, let me know.
Try to patch things up with your family. If it takes, great. If not, try again in two years or when you feel strong enough. In the mean time, your friends will help you get by.
Don't date your ex's or have a long distance relationship. It can work, but it's more treacherous than a pissed off mink in a rabbit hole wired on bezed compound.
But trust me on the body armor!!
Original Rant done by Sean Kennedy
This post has more wisdom than any other dozen posts combined. 'Friends will help you move. Real friends will help you move a body.' LMFAO!! That's one of the greatest quotes I've heard in a long time.
That's why Sean Kennedy is the fucking man.
Sounds good to me.
Not bullet body armor but it's the next best thing It's made out of kevlar. This stuff works!
Oh I thought you were telling me personally at first lol
Oops nope. It's a rant from, more precisely Sean Kennedy which has been pretty much telling many people for years what now we pretty much are figuring out now.