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Forum Post: Radulovic Boston Case Could Set Precedent - No More Free Speech Online

Posted 5 years ago on Jan. 13, 2020, 4:47 p.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The FBI appears to have arrested Radulovic on charges of threats made on an international trade and commerce line. If the government wins the case against this jerkoff - it may have far reaching implications reclassifying the internet as a private market such as a mall where protest is only allowed if the mall owners allow it. The public square online will cease to exist. Our lawmakers must urgently create bills to protect free speech online so that cases such as these don't begin to find obscure ways to dismantle rights to free speech or open the door to allow corporations to sue individuals for liable (say for you example criticize McDonalds or WalMart)and government to arrest individuals who criticize or discuss tar and feathering bank ceo's and politicians. "Those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither."

The PUBLIC already owns the RF Spectrum airways and we can take broadband by public eminent domain. The reality is we only lease these land line pole locations and airways to telecom corporations they do not own them. They belong to the people. The internet belongs to the people and belongs in the public domain.

Isn't it time the constitution automatically includes new technologies such as the internet? We must protect our Library of Alexandria and PUBLIC SQUARE. Corporations want it they attacked Net Neutrality are we going to let them take it all away?

Net Neutrality Now!!!!!! Eminent Domain of the internet Now!!!



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 5 years ago

The PUBLIC already owns the RF Spectrum airways and we can take broadband by public eminent domain. The reality is we only lease these land line pole locations and airways to telecom corporations they do not own them. They belong to the people. The internet belongs to the people and belongs in the public domain.

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 5 years ago

Net Neutrality Now!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 5 years ago

Isn't it time the constitution automatically includes new technologies such as the internet? We must protect our Library of Alexandria and PUBLIC SQUARE. Corporations want it they attacked Net Neutrality are we going to let them take it all away?