Forum Post: Racism Gets Sued
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 17, 2013, 12:39 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
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Who would have thought it would have gotten far enough to allow for a court case?
What millennium did someone say we are in?
And then there were two.
The child was in intensive care, and no hospital is going to throw such a child out into the street.........
Ok, I missed that part. Thanks. It sounded like the man was staying at the hosp for a month.
From the occupytheory
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Wow. Just wow.
Not much else you can say.
How could a reputable hospital allowed this in the first place?
It's gotta make you wonder.
I can't believe that people like this still exist.
Oh, wait.....never mind.
How do they get into hospital administration?
The same way that they get into politics or as radio show hosts.
Ya. I thought about this earlier and I have to wonder if it crossed their mind that what they were doing was racism. I mean did they realize it. There are people that do not get it. Do not.
Was it a......holy shit, we have a racist clown with a baby and he will raise hell and he has just demanded that he does not have an African American nurse and we will just try not to make any waves at all and be really, really quiet and she will have to just have to .............
know her place.
Of course, I live in the most racist area in the US so, it's humanly possible that Administration knew damn well it was racist and just didn't care.
The hospital had options other than giving in to racist demands.
They chose not to use those options and that's a conscience decision.
They could have built a bridge and burned one instead.
I understand that. I am not defending those actions.
I just have to wonder what would possess someone to take that course of action. I work in an atmosphere where you may have to make decisions in a rapid fire kind of way. Even so, given the amount of time that the infant was in the hospital they could have changed course. They didn't.
I worked for a guy many years ago that shafted me. He knew he shafted me. I went to the manager and he told me that they knew he shafted me but were banking on the fact that I didn't make enough money to take him to court.
On top of this, we have hospitals that are out to screw the people that work for them. Intentionally so. Just do not care. They are willing to put patients lives in jeopardy to score a buck.
It's the thought process that I am interested in. Some people really are that stupid but many more are just deliberate jack asses.
By way of conscience decision, it had to be deliberate.
I find it very odd that they didn't see this as a liability. It's just insane.
They'll just bankrupt that hospital corporation and start a new one.
Perhaps the owners wanted to cash out anyway.
I hope she nails those bitches for everything. I really do. I have run through every plausible scenario in my mind and I hope that they just don't name the hospital--cause they had to have had the meeting because they knew a lawsuit was coming so they removed all evidence of it. I want those names of everyone that made that decision all the way down the line---like a blacklist of dickheads.
Yes, the actual persons involved should pay dearly for these decisions and NOT be allowed to hide behind the skirt of the corporation.
You live in Michigan?
lol. No and after reading a fair amount of material---I refuse to.
Scalia another racist conservative fuck
Please sign
She won't win the case.
This is the terrorism we should refocus on.
people can pay who they choose
and the are a lot to choose from
Well I would assume she suing to take advantage of line 36 on her 1040 but she doesn't have a rat's chance in hell of winning. Because this is America and people have a right to wear swastikas, deny healthcare, and be every bit as opinionated and prejudice as they please. While the hospital may be obligated to hire, and to provide care, the patient has no legal obligation to accept services offered.
You assume a lot.
However assumption is NOT knowledge.
I think there is something in the water in Michigan.
Fracking fluid?
Whatever his beliefs are the baby comes first. Or do all of you agree with Andrew Cuomo? Many the hospital should "abort" this baby? After all it will probably grow up being racist and all.
Spending a lot of time over at stormfront lately?
No. But I notice you don't address the post. You know I'm right, don't you?
The child could have easily been cared for, without cow towing to the fathers racism.
They are separate issues.
Oh, and by the way, that means that yes, you were wrong.
Cared for by whom?
The question that has to be asked - instead of letting ones emotions get in the way as have several posters here have done - is this -
Does the hospital have a "duty" to cater to an individual who makes a request to change care givers because of his/her beliefs regardless of what they are - religious, racists or otherwise - and the big question is "did this person violate any "civil rights law" by "making this request?
The next question that has to be asked is "does the hospital have an obligation towards the "offended individual" by saying no to a request like this and on what grounds?
If no "civil rights" laws were broken then on what grounds should this request be denied?
And lets say that the hospital did deny this request, the health care provider did take care of the child, and the child died because of some unknown reason - then what - lawsuits against the hospital?
Another question that has to be asked is did this individual in requesting that "no african americans take care of this baby" breach the policies of the hospital or for that matter any local, state or federal civil laws?
The bottom line is "what are the policies" of the hospital and did they violate them?
Does a hospital violate "civil rights law" or any other law for that matter, when a persons asks that "white only" take care of their child and abides by that request?
What a lot of people don't understand or want to understand is that there are people out there who have certain beliefs.
So what is the solution - kill this person because of the way he thinks or believes?
We have become an "intolerable" society when it comes to "hurting someones feelings". It's apparent that the care giver had her feelings hurt and as a result thinks a "law suit" will solve the problem - NOT!
The best thing she should have done was report it to her supervisor, voicing her opinion and let them handle it as in any situation where an employee is in disagreement with company policy.
Say it ain't so Mickey!
So how did this play out in the courts?
You can use google to search if you like.
Here is one story.
What do you think of this? Do you think it is ok?
Naw, we need the actual court transcript - that will say it all.
So the racism doesn't bother you?
People have a right to voice their opinion however they want - that's what the 1st amendment is about - Now this woman who didn't like took action that she believed would "make her whole".
So racism doesn't bother you?
the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others
abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief
So tell us was there an indication of "agressive behaviour or abuse" towards the care giver? And did the individual who requested the change indicate or acted that he was superior towards her in any way?
Why don't you answer the question?
Just say racism doesn't bother you. Own it!! embrace the racist in you. If it IS in you.
Let me put it to you this way - if my neighbor next door was out in her yard working and a car load of young white punks came by calling racial slurs - I would immediately intervene because it "directly affects me and my neighborhood".
Like several weeks ago when there was loud swearing coming from the housle across the street. Five minutes later three drunks stumbling and falling down, swearing went walking down the street
This young girl walking up the street was approached by one of them and he continued to follow her up the street stumbling with a beer in his hand -
I called the police - and he was arrested for public intoxication and probably using drugs.
So I will stand up when I feel the need to do so regardless of the circumstances -
This situation with this healthcare provider and the individual - I can do nothing about - now maybe the people who know him can but unless I am directly involved - it's not for me to get in a "tizzie" about.
"tizzie"? A bit bellitling. But you equate racist treatment with drunken, harassment (NOT racist?) of a young girl, so you are saying racism is bad and wrong? Kinda, you just can't actually say it.
You further say if it affected YOU, you would stand up and speak out. The harassment of the girl might not have affected you except it was near you?
We can do better than that. We can think beyond ourselves.
Well I believe we MUST speak out against all harassment of our fellow humans. THAT is how we stop the hateful, hurtful behavior. Certainly minimizing the act by describing our response as a "tizzie" is not helpful.
We should be outraged, we should express it and the racists should be embarrassed, humiliated, and shamed into never treating people so poorly again.
Well what better way to "speak out" by becoming involved when it directly affects you? If everyone acted when it "directly affected them" then it wouldn't be a problem would it?
Apparently not everyone is doing this so it's still out there - but not around my neighborhood -
Of course I support your suggestion that we speak out when it directly affects us.
That is a no brainer!
My suggestion is that we think beyond ourselves, and speak up when we learn of an injustice/hateful/hurtful racist offense even if it doesn't affect us directly.
I think this is where we disagree.
racist req, info on previous suits
You need to spend a few days in the race threads.
This is out of line.
Just because someone believes in racism is no reason for a hospital to adapt to his views.
OK, look at it this way. Doesn’t the father have an obligation to do what he thinks is best for his child? Whether we agree with him or not isn’t the point. He still has the right to say who will take care of his baby.
It's still racist for the hospital to do what they did.
What about the fathers rights? Even people with swastika tattoos have rights.
Their "rights" don't extend to being racist assholes.
Oh, yes they do. Being a racist asshole is not against the law. If that were true half the people in the US would be arrested.
So you don't agree with me - what laws have been broken?
Hospital policy dictates what they do in these circumstances - and it has nothing to do with me "spending a few days in the "race threads".
Again I ask - what laws have been broken? If you can answer that then this health care provider has a right to sue the hospital.
This is priceless!
Laws against discrimination.
You don't have those in your State?
Isn't it against the law to discriminate against people because of skin color?
Ok so tell me just because he made this request - is that being "racists"?
Do you see anyone charging him with "racism"?
If he requests based on race, that is obviously racist. Right?
I don't know if he was charged with racism. I guess not. Does that mean it is ok? Is it ok with you?
Ok so if he is racists - it has to be proven in a court of law for any action to be taken against him. - right?
Again, a lot of people who respond to this as being "racists" are being tricked and lead by the media because they use the "emotion button" to get people to responde.
So tell us what would you do if a person askes you not to do something for them because they didn't like the color of you skin.
I doubt that you would take them to court and I doubt that you would punch them in the face because it would leave you open to being thrown in jail.
You probably would make a comment about it and move on - think maybe that's what we need to do here. Why put so much emphasis on one individual who means "nothing" to anyone on this site other then what was reported on the news.
Did his decision making have a direct affect on you other then letting your emotions take over?
"make a comment about it and move on - think maybe that's what we need to do here" You let him off pretty easy. Not much deterrent for him in the future, or an example to discourage others.
"Why put so much emphasis on one individual". because he is an ignorant racist piece of shit. And he must be told so. Ridiculed, humiliated in the town square. If their is no law against it he should have his house bannered with "I am a racist" His job should be informed, His family. There should be a list on the internet. And people should send him messages expressing their opinion of his ignorant racism.
That should do it.
So he is ignorant what can you do about it? I am sure the news media did a very good job of calling him out. Now you have the option to go to the town, look him up and do with him what you will.
But you had better be prepared to suffer the consequences. Getting upset because this was on the news - really - how much shit goes on in this country that doesn't make the news that is more important.
If everything was reported that should be reported you would be busy for days upon days addressing each of these issues and eventually, you would have an "emotional burn out".
So you don't mind racist comments/actions against people.?
Everyone makes comments towards other people that they don't like to hear and as a result they become offended.
So if you want to start to talk about racists - how about all the "racists" rap songs that are out there - I guess you don't mind those racists comments against white people or our police do you.
Apparently society seems to be ok with them because they are out there selling like "hot cakes".
Explain that if you will?:
I could answer your question if you would give me the same respect and answer my question.
So you don't mind racist comments/actions against people.?
Hey I will take a stand when it involves me directly - or someone I know - I will not get involved in situations where I have no involvement - can't solve those problems can I and neither can you.
This is clever
3 interviews , no jobs
but yeah
We can try. If we have the will. And the interest, And the concern for others.
people should not be afraid of losing their jobs when they post on the internet
It could be a contract provision, though I fail to see what this has to directly do with racism.........
if one must sign a contract to be employed,
I can't agree with this practice
All employment involves a contract.
You sign it, or you don't get hired.
If fact, some employment contracts are merely implied by you doing the work
Not much of a choice, but it's the only one you are offered.
it's not a choice because I can not live without money
Then when the time comes, you too will sign the contract.
It's called having you by the balls, in some cultures.
That’s not true. Libelous speech is just as bad on the Internet as face to face. The Internet doesn’t give you any special privileges.
business should not be allowed to limit their employees speech
If it did not compromise the care of the baby and if it did not affect the nurse's pay or record and if the baby was not on Michigan Medicaid, then - no harm
Situational racism, is still racism.
Why harm the care givers?
It's not like choosing the color of a car.
79% of the money exchanged is services
Complying with ignorant racists is harm. It is definite harm. It is active racism and the hospital participated in it.
What is wrong with you?
It is not the hospital's place to participate these type of debates. The hospital's concern is health care. As reprehensible as that incident was, to argue against it or battle against it could have resulted in increased costs for the hospital and compromised care for the baby due to delays, etc.
Racism in the workplace is illegal.
Racism is illegal when it determines hiring, promotion, and pay. If the nurse's pay and record were not affected, this sounds like a request by the family.
Next you'll say people should be able to request to not have blacks sit next to them in restaurants? Or not let blacks make their meal at a restaurant? Should they have an all white section again? Maybe go back to the days of segregation?
Later racist.
No. As reprehensible as the act was at the hospital, this was simply a request. Again, no harm to the nurse's record or pay scale and no harm to the baby, then OK. Let them parse it out in future workflow charts and in human resources, but the immediate concern was the baby, and any delay could have had dire consequences.