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Forum Post: Racism at the Wall Street protests

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:34 p.m. EST by AmericaAwake (-2) from Hoboken, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There are many people who want to join the movement against American and international finance who are silenced and chased away by communists, Zionists, anarchists and liberals.

Some groups involved in the protest such as ACORN and even "ANTIFA" (a group that fights against some imaginary "fascist" boogeyman) are funded by an evil Zionist billionaire currency speculator named GEORGE SOROS, who incidently has funded various "color" revolutions in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.

How can you stand against racial inequality and yet not see the Jewish supremacist streak in American politics and finance? This isn't saying all Jews are bad, just that a PORTION of the community is doing many evil things in America.

At this protest I hear a lot of talk about WHITE CHRISTIANS being to blame for the problems of all the colored peoples, and incidently many of the people instructing and saying this are Jewish supremacists. This is not only racism, but also a blatant lie. One look at the list of America's most influential bankers and speculators will make any open minded person chuckle at this idea.

The reason people would call them out as ZIONIST bankers (which offended a segment of the protesters at OWS) is due to the fact that Zionism is a racist ideology against gentiles and gentiles should know that the people in power see them as inferiors to be exploited. If this was 1980 and white South Africans who unrepetently supported apartheid were disproportionately represented in high finance and nefarious politics, I can guarantee that virtually all the far left wing protesters would point this out without any qualms. Would a black man be wrong to feel uncomfortable if America was disproportionately controlled by pro-Apartheid white South Africans????




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[-] 2 points by Poplicola (125) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Sir, put the hatred down and take a look at the world around you. This is not about who is in control, this is about who do we want in control. You share the same frustration as the rest of the world, though you target your frustration at a particular group. This is ineffective. Target your anger to do something good in the world around you.

[-] 0 points by Ernest99 (16) from Aurora, IL 13 years ago

Do you tell people not to hate White supremacists? I doubt it. So why do you tell people not to hate Jewish supremacists? We should hate racists in every racial group, not just Whites!

I also don't like it when Jewish racists hide behind the Jewish people and pretend that the hatred is directed at all Jews, it's not, it's just them.

[-] 1 points by Poplicola (125) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

I have love for all mankind and understand that hatred is fostered by miscommunication. Please, try to open your eyes. Scapegoating is ineffective.

[-] 1 points by Ernest99 (16) from Aurora, IL 13 years ago

It's not scapegoating. They (Jewish racists) are the ones who have their hands on the levers of power in this country. Would I be scapegoating if I said that when this country first started it was White racists who had their hands on the levers of power? Of course not. Because it would be true.


[-] 1 points by Ernest99 (16) from Aurora, IL 13 years ago

They are not all Jewish, but most of them are, but everyone is afraid to say so because they don't want to sound "anti-Semitic". But it's not anti-Semitic because it's not against Jews, it's against Jewish racism. As for your second comment, I would have to say that's racist. Are Jews different in anyway from Gentiles? If Gentiles can bankrupt a nation, so can Jews. Everyone is equal, and there is racism in all races.

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

come on down here... I bet you can get poked by 5-10 races all at the same time,,,

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

your the racist and trying to scare people, get bent.

[-] 1 points by Selfmade (12) 13 years ago

The white supremacy after opening there hands and welcoming these people in are now having their hands bit. Kind of like picking up a cute little wild rat.


[-] 0 points by Monkeyboy69 (150) 13 years ago

99.9 of the comments on this website are complete garbage ... But this one is by far the winner

[-] 0 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago

Where the crap did you get your information on Zionism?

"Zionism is a nationalist Jewish political movement that, in its broadest sense, calls for the self-determination of the Jewish people in a sovereign Jewish national homeland. ..."


George Soros is evil and his Open Society funds all kinds of organizations-Moveon.org, The Tides Foundation, The Working Families Party, Acorn, Media Matters, etc. His money and influence is all over this movement. But George Soros is, in his own word, a "non practicing Jew and a non-Zionist".

[-] -1 points by sdcheung (76) 13 years ago

Amen, Spread the truth,.

[-] -1 points by AmericaAwake (-2) from Hoboken, NJ 13 years ago

If being against Zionism (Jewish Supremacism) is racist against all Jews, then being against white supremacism (a very common theme at these protests) should be considered racist against white people.

[-] -1 points by AmericaAwake (-2) from Hoboken, NJ 13 years ago

If being against Zionism (Jewish Supremacism) is racist against all Jews, then being against white supremacism (a very common theme at these protests) should be considered racist against white people.