Forum Post: Rachel Maddow (…) hawking a franchise that has convinced far too many Americans (…)
Posted 11 years ago on April 12, 2013, 5:39 p.m. EST by KevinPotts
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Racial Maddow vs. the Islamic Republic of Iran
Excerpt: “In high school, Rachel Maddow was a long-haired blonde, complete with Birkenstocks and an SAT prep book vocabulary. Today, as a well-paid journalist hawking a franchise that has convinced far too many Americans that liberal means unquestioned allegiance to the Democrat in the White House, Maddow has crafted an entirely different image, complete with an entirely different uniform.”
Kevin Potts@KevinLynnPotts@PunkPatriot
Thank you for posting this,seriously,sometimes it just feels good to get validation that it's"Not Just Me"whoCanSeeThroughTheBS
And to think only a few years ago I was looking up to people like her, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher & Michael Moore as the most politically-conscious-heroes of our time…
…which just goes to show how much of a Stranglehold the mainstream establishment has over the minds of the masses -the power of Manufacturing Consent & the Fake Left/Right Paradigm of the perpetuated status quo…
…Even someone who wants to be on the pro-humane side of the struggle ends up feeling obliged to choose between the lesser of two anti-humane choices…because everyone has been so brainwashed into limiting our thinking of everything to an Either/Or, This or That, Us vs. Them, Good vs. Evil / Autobot/Decepticon dichotomy…
I’m even guilty of it myself, it’s a deeply ingrained mental conditioning that we have been consistently bombarded with since birth…but it’s something that Must Be Overcome if the world is ever to achieve Real Solidarity -What are we fighting for?! We Should ALL Be On The Same Side!
But we’re Not ALL on the same side, it‘s not even being presented as a viable option (at least Not through the Mainstream). Humanity continues to suffer from a real life version of “The Curse of God“, from the biblical story of The Tower of Babel:
“According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withheld from them which they purpose to do." "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, so that they would not be able to return to each other, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth".
Gee, thanks God!! LOL We were A UNITED HUMANITY building a tower to Heaven! And like Stepping On An anthill you had to come down and Fuck That Shit Up! LOL (Note: Not Everyone Interprets The Bible Like I Do, If You Want “The Official” Mainstream Interpretation of The Story -Go To Church! lol )
I’ve actually listened to a preacher give a sermon about this on the radio before, and because of this story and the brainwashed “God must always be right” mentality and the dumb-ass-belief that “If The Bible said it, it must always be true” type of ridiculousness, he was actually giving a sermon on The Evils of a United Humanity! He shouted with such fervor and blind-faith certainty that (because of this story evidently) Any Goal of A United Humanity Is Evil And Against God’s Will! In The Name of God he basically said that Global-Solidarity and a United World at Peace and Harmony is the work of The Devil! We must always remain divided and at war with each other, because it’s what “God” wants. And Yes, if I had been there where he was preaching at the time, I would have probably bum rushed the pulpit, tackled him and broke his jaw lol But only in the name of “The Good Lord” of course, because it’s what his Bull-Shit-God would have wanted :-)
It’s true we still have to differentiate between good and bad, but one thing is for certain, the predominant mentality in this country that Democrats vs. Republicans / MSNBC vs. FOX News represents the eternal battle between the forces of good vs. evil is 100% Complete And Total Bullshit. If there is anything I can thank Obama for, it was helping to wake me up to That.