Forum Post: Quote of the Day - “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:20 a.m. EST by cskarlupka
from Annapolis, MD
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Inspiration and insights by our agents of change for justice and peace. Be well and thrive.
First some wacko puts up some bull crap web site, and then you, the conservative thinker register yourself on said web site and make as many postings as you can on it. Your posts must be totally disassociated with this movement. Some posting ideas might include things like how much you hate to change diapars, your favorite Harlequin romance, joining Amway, joining Columbia House, scalping low numbers at the deli counter for a considerable profit, and other useless bits of info. You get as many "sock puppet" usernames on it as possible. After that these liberals ridicule you and criticize your posts. But you still win, knowing you're wasting their time. You will be totally victorious by taking your rantings to and translate them to Chinese (traditional). You do that because you will further waste their time it takes for them to translate it and cook up some witty liberal answer that mentions class warfare. And then you can go drink a beer and ignore their answer, knowing you were successful in further crapping on the liberals. In the end, you win.
two thumbs up
He made good rice, but that is about all.