Forum Post: Quite Interesting Piece of Literature
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 12:57 p.m. EST by Trythis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"These times are not for the faint of heart. Confusion and indifference have shrouded crucial events that effect each and every one of us. Uncertainty is the only constant in our lives. Yet few are willing to act on it. A ragtag army of youths have taken post throughout America's cities in defiance against newfound threats. And although their resolve is strong, without proper agenda, I fear they will fail before any change is made.
Occupy Wall St. has committed to being a leaderless protest group. Instead of tackling one issue, they take on all the nations problems, a bold move. Yet, the focus of the group has fragmented and weakened their ranks. I fear that when the time comes to take a more active role, the Occupy protesters will be unable to effectively transition. What is a leaderless movement, but a headless snake withering in the sun. What is the point of saying, "We will not stand for this," but then not propose a solution to the issues at hand? I do not use the word revolution lightly. Peace breeds civilization, but if the recent events have said anything, it is that the government is unwilling to change. In such drastic cases, a new government must be installed, one that not only institutes the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; the core standards each American deserves, but an open mind to the rapid evolution of our world. We all hope that violence will not be needed to open our governments eyes, but, at a certain point, one cannot sit idly by. Yes, occupy the places where blame is cast so easily. But no change is made in a sit-in. In fact, no change is made sitting at all, but by standing up to oppressors. A nation cannot prosper if the government will not allow us our voice, and our voice is crying for change.
The Occupy Wall St. is a group worthy of recognition, no doubt. Protesters from all over the country have come together to tell the government, this has gone too far. But to tell is not enough. We must show the nation what we can do. We have opened millions of ears to the plight. Now we must open their eyes. We must make a showing of our power. A statement to say to the ones who will not listen, "we are the future." I call America to action, but many challenges lay ahead for us. We must cast away the idea that we are the nameless masses simply upset by minor issues. We must show fearlessness in the darkest times. It is time to prove your strong hearts and sharp tongues to the ones who wish to quiet us. It is time to organize. A revolution needs a leader, and a revolutionary cannot fight alone. I call all willing to my banner, together we can create an America for the people, how it's supposed to be. We are citizens of a proud nation but that nation is plagued by a stagnant, ineffective government. Do not fear, it is still our nation. I will fight for my voice to be heard. Will you?"
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