Forum Post: Quit the censorship of those that don't agree
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:54 p.m. EST by DublinJack
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I find the whole occupy wall street thing rediculous. If you are upset about not working then create a business and hire everyone that is protesting beside of you. Blaming the rich doesn't help the poor. Class warfare is a waste of time. Try creating something, quit wasting energy complaining and put it toward creating something that will create jobs. The rich didn't get rich complaining but by working. I am not rich, but I don't blame those that are for me not being so, I blame myself.
technological unemployment:
Inflation tax:
cyclical consumption:
The problems extend FAR beyond simply getting "jobs" but more importantly there's an extreme lack of coverage and conversation on important issues.
Media Blackouts:
sorry jack i think you have the wrong web site i think you were looking for www.myheadswayupmybutt .com sorry couldnt resist your just to perfect wont do it again its the whole cant fix stupid thing
I see you are unaware of the basic goals of the movement. This is concerning considering you are on the movement's official website, and that information is readily available.
Don't believe mainstream media. If you want to learn about us, ask US.
Who is more apt to tell you the truth about what we stand for: Us, or some uninvolved party who gives us almost no recognition relative to the noise we are making?
he doesnt care about the truth, he only cares about profits.
Don't blame the participant, blame the system.
Yeah, I'll go start a business with my family of 5 and my $20k annual earnings. I'll do that right now. And a great many of the wealthy in this country were BORN into it in this day and age. Their fathers and grandfathers worked their butts off. Stop being an antidisestablishmentarianist.
I am happily working away on my business, thank-you very much. Despite working hard for my future I can see that there are some things that are very wrong with the way this country is run and I want to do something about it. That's why I am here.
If you are okay letting big corporations purchase your politicians then by all means, stay home.
A bit difficult to start a business when you have no income and owe more than you have in equity, but thanks for the terrible advice anyways. cheers!
It is very easy to make money online with very little start up money. There are so many little niches. You just have to get creative
yea, we should all blame ourselves our future, our retirement, our jobs have been stolen, we mush have done it all to ourselves and it has nothing at all to do with corporations corrupting our government. ROFL you do not have to agree, we know you are just doing your job posting discouraging messages like Hanoi Hanna from you cubicle in D.C
Isn't there spell-check on this thing?
How are you censored in your desire to carry water for the 1%?
You know they'll never let you join them, right? You realize there are 5 applicants for every job and real wages have been nose-diving for the past 40 years, right? You know income and wealth inequality in the US is far higher than any other advanced nation, right? You know that our democracy has been completely subverted by wealth, right? You have heard the terms "plutocracy" and "oligarchy," right?
Actually, there are many areas that require skilled labor or engineering/technical degrees that are unfilled due to a lack of qualified candidates. Each year we graduate fewer and fewer with science and engineering skill sets in favor of liberal arts degrees. That leaves an over-abundance of one skill set that is of a lower demand verses an under supply of skill sets that are in demand. We end up with under or unemployed segments of the population while, simultaneously, jobs are available that cannot be filled.
BLS August 2011: 14 million "official" unemployed, 2.7 million unfilled positions. Yes, there are some, but that number is never zero. 14/2.7 = 5.
Sure. that averages 5, but by point was that although there might be 5-10 applicants for some jobs there are still some where there are not enough skilled employees/applicants to fill them and they either go unfilled OR employers turn to the H1B program and bring in the talent from overseas. Again, a lot of jobs remain unfilled for a long period of time due to the lack of skilled workers. We, as a country, need a return to educating and training workers to fill skilled positions.
We've fallen from #1 to somewhere around #20 in the world in math and science proficiency. We need to do better if we want to compete and be able to create and fill high paying jobs in this country.
No argument here.