Forum Post: Question, how many people here really understand the core problem to our economic fuckness right now? How the central bankers own our ass?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:59 p.m. EST by iwantmygoldback1933
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I mean you people are still talking about some stupid msnbc debate which doesnt even come close to our problems. Who the hell cares about the glass steagle act, wall st, healhcare, dodd frank, corporations, when your not even talking about the much bigger problem? Wake the hell up you buffoons. Stop thinking that the person to your left who studied economics or watches Bill o Reilly because hes a tool knows wtf hes talking about. The problem is much bigger then some retarded talking point some unemployed shit is crying about.
Go to the core of our problem, see who runs it, defeat them. cut the shit people, open your eyes and see how the banks are raping us. Central banks aka bernanke aka timothy geithner aka the fed aka the fuckin devils in the name as bachmann said. 999
just pay attention/you people get me mad
watch this retards and get educated,
& for the hipsters, get high and figure this out
here is a graph that shows how tax breaks for the wealthy have turned into recessions and depressions. FACTS.
See also Amazing Charts Show How 90% Of The Country Has Gotten Shafted Over The Past 30 Years... *
This should be done with a breakdown of the top 1% and the bottom 99% and the picture would be even starker.
Central banks are not the problem. The only problem with the central bank is that it is captured by Wall Street. Wall Street is the primary problem.
and wallstreet is consisted of banks and where do the banks get the money from? The Federal Reserve, the central bankers. Understand now? the CORE problems. The Fed owns all these wallstreet firms so they fund them whenever it is needed. Its all the same people. The same corrupts, and now, in the past decades they've been in the whitehouse crashing our economy.
So nationalize the central bank, get money out of Washington, and that problem goes away. The Fed doesn't own Wall Street. It's vice versa. I agree that its the same people, but the power flows from Wall Street. Nationalize the federal reserve and take the central bank out of Wall Street's hands. Nationalize the federal reserve and put it in the hands of the people.
I mean in theory were on the same page, just worded it differently.
After the Great Depression, our Government enacted a series of laws to prevent any possibility of a reoccurrence. Over the last 40 years, those laws have been slowly repealed. After the current economic collapse, Europe reinstated most of the laws - the US reinstated only a few for show. We need to PUT THE LEASH BACK ON WALL STREET NOW!!! The megalomaniacs who run Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan will never be satisfied with the billions that they have. These greedy scallywags will always want more even if it means the ruin of millions of hard working middle and lower income people. Our government must PUT THE LEASH BACK ON WALL STREET NOW!!!
Ok so... (1) laws enacted to prevent collapse; (2) laws repealed to prevent collapse (3) US has reinstated only some;
The US economy has collapsed. Therefore, collapse is due to the lack of sufficient regulation.
Which regulations should be reinstated? I don't necessarily disagree or agree with you, but it's only because you leave the reader without any specifics. Without those specifics, your argument sounds like you created and defeated the strawman. If we know which regulations should be re-enacted, we can examine those regulations, find out if there is any causal connection between their enactment and collapse, and then decide to agree or disagree with you.
The people who have any ability to respond to this boards pleas and the protesters pleas need information presented in an intelligible format such as this.
I guess it's just you, Bachmann, and Paul that will be dressing up as slaves for Halloween this year.
Best of luck to you, slave!
End our federal reserve, abolish income tax, and most importantly demand peace with the world. This is what we need period
End our federal reserve, abolish income tax, and most importantly demand peace with the world. This is what we need period
Let it collapse.
After the Great Depression, our Government enacted a series of laws to prevent any possibility of a reoccurrence. Over the last 40 years, those laws have been slowly repealed. After the current economic collapse, Europe reinstated most of the laws - the US reinstated only a few for show. We need to PUT THE LEASH BACK ON WALL STREET NOW!!! The megalomaniacs who run Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan will never be satisfied with the billions that they have. These greedy scallywags will always want more even if it means the ruin of millions of hard working middle and lower income people. Our government must PUT THE LEASH BACK ON WALL STREET NOW!!!
FYI- OP, cartoons typically reeks of oversimplification. If a change in the laws is what you are looking for, get away from Wall Street and petition your Congressman and/or Senator.
Note: it usually helps to have a detailed proposal in hand, rather than an "everything sucks and should be stopped" style argument.
See your apart of the problem. Are you too stupid to see the proposal or what Im talking about? Honestly pay attention, it goes a long way.
&& petition congressmen senator? what? You think thats going to make any difference? grow the hell up or go troll on some other thread.
"pay attention"?? Where is the proposal? Please be kind enough to point it out to an ignorant person such as myself.
Ending our central bank system which we call the Federal Reserve Bank. I apologize for my frustrations.
I don't necessarily disagree with you. But this has been an issue long-debated, and long before OWS. Again, if we end a regulation, such as the Fed, what fills the void? What is the proposal? That's what I'm asking for.
The treasury is who is suppose to coin money. That should be the governments MAIN priority. Thats what government should be about. Not pass it on to the bankers. Not worry what we do in our day to day lives. Not take away our freedoms because itll make us safer.
We need to instill his message. This and peace. We dont want problems with ANYONE. Become neutral with everyone. Trade with anyone/everyone. You cant be at war with someone if you trade with them. Peace is our only gateway to prosperity.
(1) If we trade with everyone, but they don't accept or trade our products, who loses? Us.
(2) Hypothetical question: let's just assume the Fed disappears tomorrow. Tell me how the disappearance of the Fed actually benefits your life in any tangible way. That's the issue I grapple with. Just because something "shouldn't" be a certain way doesn't necessarily make it a core issue we should devote our energies to.
Interest rates. It would be WAY lower because there would be no middle man. No robbing us of our wealth. No more bailing out of major companies and banks. In a free society, the strong eat the weak which gives room for more companies to emerge. Competition is essential. We only know of the 800 billion stimulus but thats chump change compared to the 16 trillion the fed was giving out. I prefer 20,000 mom and pop shops instead of 20,000 walmarts, targets, toysrus, etc etc etc etc. If they fail its over. No bailing out of the sort. If we let the natural cycle of business happen as its suppose to, we'd never have major problems as we do now. But instead corporations, banks, everyone gets bailed out and we have problems. & we trade with who wants to trade with us, if they dont then so be it. no going into war with oil rich countries because they are going to start selling their oil in euro and not dollar if you get what im saying.
you can't solve the big problem without first solving the small problems
The small problems dont matter!! i t do e s n t m a t t e r ! ! ! if we are still leaving our currency to the hands of the bankers, nothing else matters
we can take the currency out of the hands of bankers, eventually someone else will take control of it again.
all the civilizations in the world did not converge to such a universal system if this system was terrible.
We put it in the hands of the GOVT ! Thats one ofn the sole reason gov't was even established. The coinage of money. Every country's gov't should coin their own money. Why depend on these bankers who give us fiat money which isnt worth anything? Interest rates where we end up paying X2 if not more of what we borrowed in the first place. This is criminal people! Wake up everyone !
All fiat money RIP when they wake up. &&& do you know whats fucking hilarious? we want to return to a gold standard right? but who owns all the gold? central bankers do so we'll see how that turns out.
i agree. The Fed is the central problem to our economic woes, but we can't just abolish the Fed tomorrow even if we could. Unfortunately, we the people, have to be weened of the Fed to avoid total collapse, and the new system has to be readily implemented. What's our solution to the Fed? I think the population and value of our resources is worth more than all the gold in the world. Prices be adjusted accordingly. I've heard and read a little about resource economics, but I'm having a little trouble understanding it.
+1 Yes, our resources are worth ALOT more then we think, but not even that, resources are soooo much more valuable. SO much more important to prosper as a civilization that we take it for granted. Resources and metals. Have the treasury coin based on that because i know for a fact, that is the future.
Are the fed activities even now constitutional? We must revisit this document to investigate its validity and the possibilities of crimes been committed and prosecute the perpetrator for treason. What is proper way to deal with this mess?
+1. Your so correct. We need to follow the constitution and jail these pieces of shits. I guarantee when we audit the fed, we WILL find out they were funding both sides of the war & much more terrible things. These kind of people are literally the scum of the earth.
We clearly understand!
We are less high tech but we're doing it the right way. This year!
Olancho was founded by an alliance of rugged individualists who succeeded in ridding irrational and dangerous industrial society precepts to create a resilient nation based on equitable prosperity, small-scale production and an economy limited by the efficiencies of nature.
Olancho will become the first energy-independent constitutional republic that integrates liberty, self-reliance and free-enterprise with permaculture, agro-ecology, soil husbandry, food security and natural resource conservation.
Olancho is the idea that human prosperity and thriving ecosystems are achievable through the application of renewable energy and appropriate technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and good government.
Good reference on the subject with the tools to find the real root of the issues.
The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, by G. Edward Griffin
Damn right!
Please tell everyone how we are slaves to the bankers. We need to spread this around because its getting bad.
Been more than But...we need to address need in kicking it down the road.
I totally agree with you iwantmygoldback. Totally agree. The layers of deception are difficult for people to recognize. Very difficult. It has nothing to do with republicans or democrats. Nothing. It all has to do with money, and it has since the establishment of the Fed. The Fed is America's Monarchy.
Its so frustrating when we the people are alllll maddddd, were allllll protesting, shit, people over seas are rioting but all this energy getting put into stupid things like ohhh" we the 99%" bullshit like shut the fuck up. This is our chance to wake everyone up but the people on this forum and OWS who aren't understanding the gravity of the FED. Political parties dont matter anymore. Its all the same.
I believe I agree with you. You have to admit though, it is taking awhile for people to even FIND OUT about a movement against our current government, let alone make a plan. I think this movement has been smart in staying as leaderless and 'agenda-less' as possible for as long as possible, until people can find out about it and make their grievance known directly. Otherwise, it would be another political party (e.g. Tea Party) versus a grass roots movement. Do you agree?
I defiantly agree. This movement should be about bringing A W A R E N E S S to the people. Not about any political agenda at all. If OWS knew whats happening the word would spread so rapidly the gov't wouldnt know what to do. I swear the higher ups are trying to keep this all from the people because they KNOW if the people knew whats happening, we the people would revolt like a motherfucker. We wouldnt stand around doing nothing i guarantee you thaT. We need to spread awareness, they dont want to listen to ron paul so they WILL listen to us.
I agree with you completely. Every word that you said.
Its frightening how few people (including many in my family in fact) are aware of what is happening in the world. from the millions of people that protested worldwide yesterday, to the fact that Rome was burning yesterday, this is reaching 'biblical' proportions, and few are aware. I stood at Time Square yesterday, by myself, after a long journey from Washington DC. No CNN, no Fox, no MSNBC, no ABC, no NBC, no CBS. This will not be televised.
I share your frustration and hope for a better future Brother.
Yes, the media,you think they want to report whats ACTUALLY happening? They don"t care at all. These are the reasons when people say the media is controlled and all corrupt and all fucked. I completely believe them.
The amount of people protesting, how are they going to hold us back? They cant. They're going to have to implement marshal law when shit goes down. The peoples frustrations are rising. Its all over the world. I too hope for a better future my brother, because if we dont fix this now, our futures are going to be veryy different.
I also believe it will eventually get to that point. Similar to the independence of the colonies from the crown, when this type of wealth discrepancy exits...things historically get wild.
"Its so frustrating when we the people are alllll maddddd, were allllll protesting, shit, people over seas are rioting but all this energy getting put into stupid things like ohhh" we the 99%" bullshit like shut the fuck up. This is our chance to wake everyone up but the people on this forum and OWS who aren't understanding the gravity of the FED. Political parties dont matter anymore. Its all the same."<-----this
That is why I sought this place out. I could see why OWS is angry, and they are partially correct. I came here to try and educate, expose, and direct people to see the controllers. It goes beyond money however, at this point they already have the money.
It's ALL about CONTROL!
Yes ! they control the USA and i dont believe Im going out on a limb here when i say they control the world.
We need to bring A w a r e n e s s to these people because know one seems to realize what they are doing. How fiat money is the biggest scheme ever brought to the people. How these bankers control everything.
Here is a MAIN tool they use. This lays out an entire concept and means of CONTROL!
You are correct, and not on a limb by saying "the world". The same eletists control all the international banks(feds,imf, world bank..etc). They all go to the same secret meetings(bilderburger, and etc). They fight within themselves. There are a couple factions inside. One faction wants to do it brutal, fast, now. Other wants to use subtlety, coersion, over time. It is hard to break out of the paradigm that they have instilled. The indoctrination has been severe and long lasting.
Im slowly coming to the realization of nwo but im really hoping everyone is wrong but no one can deny the secrete meetings such as bilderburg and how its all based on central bankers and major political figures. I mean come on. We need to end this now ! Awareness is the only way. When we shed light on these issues, the people will wake up.
I hoped it wasn't real either.Fact is, when presented with the very people we accuse of it...THEY ADMIT IT! When you look around, and see what is happening....It's the only thing, that makes everything make sense. Ever wonder well, that was weird, why are they doing that? all comes back to one thing...CONTROL!
In 2002 Rockefeller authored his autobiography “Memoirs” wherein, on page 405, Mr. Rockefeller writes:
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."