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Forum Post: Question about getting arrested.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:22 p.m. EST by deaddisneyy (17)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm wondering if I get arrested tomorrow morning PURELY for not leaving the park, will I face a possible court date in the future? I'm asking this question because I am moving out of the USA in 10 days and this would not exactly "work" for me hah. While I have slept at the park, I have steered clear of a situation where I could potentially be arrested up until this point, but I feel too strongly attached to this movement to not be there when the "cleaning" occurs.

Maybe someone who was arrested on the brooklyn bridge (or someone who knows a person who was arrested near wall street) can answer this for me? I hope I can expect to just be released after some time at a precinct, and if thats all I have to worry about... bring it on.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Dost (315) 13 years ago

Most likely nothing will happen unless violence is unleashed, just stay away from that but try to protect others by standing nearby and watching carefully what happens. If you get arrested, that will frighten you maybe but fear not. They will hustle you off to jail or a holding facilitiy but you will be with everybody else (not sure how NYPD handles this exactly, cities being different), They will make you go through court and you might get fingerprinted, this is all done to scare you. They WILL NOT bring you up or trial or even charge you. It is not good use of their time and if you brought a case before them, there are probably No witnesses whatsoever, The judge will ask you what you plea, and you say, Innocent (which you are). All done to scare you. Nothing goes on your criminal record. The Court generally lets you off scot free. So, don't panic, be comforted, relax and observe everything you see. You may see police who even agree with you and will take to you about it. If you run into an asshole policeman or woman. Just be nice, don't get riled, but stand up to them by being friendly, trying to connect. If they get angrier, just ignore them from there on. Anyways, some good advice from one who has been there a few times. Don't think the police will be swinging away but this is the type of action where a planted infiltrator will try to spark some violence. Then, they hope some crazed anarchists throw shit. If that happens, take off as fast as you can. A few of these cops are violent people but just don't attack an officer unless you have to do it to protect someone which is done at your discretion. I can't advise you on this. Just be nice, act normal and watch for the Club! Don; get scared, this probably won't happen. But if you are aware and make an effort to pay attention, you can see things before they happen. If you think someone is an infiltrator, you an surround him and ask him who is is and what he is doing. Don't get angry or violent. If you have no doubt, just assign two of you to follow him. It's a good detail, lots of fun. Freaks out the Undercover Cops but you have to be sure. Sometimes they will show you their badges. You can try following them surreptiously and from a distance. You can have five or six people watching him 10-15 feet apart so you can watch the cop from different angles. Anyway, you get the picture. Practice being in the present moment. it helps. Old Buddhist trick or state of being.

[-] 1 points by DRMartin789 (287) from Broomfield, CO 13 years ago

One thing to think about. I really want to get myself arrested but, ufortunately, I have a bit of a checkered past and it would reflect poorly on the reputation of the movement. I recommend that anybody who has been arrested (and especially convicted), in the past, for anything significant or salacious, avoid getting arrested.

[-] 1 points by ImpeachBloomberg (5) 13 years ago

Impeach Bloomberg. It's a goal, a worthwhile strategy, and he deserves it. It can be done before the next election. He needs to be on the defensive, he is a billionaire, and he has undermined an election with his money. This should be goal # 1, let's figure out how to do it.

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

Why are you moving out of the US? Don't like it here?

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

No, I certainly like it here, I love the fact that I was raised in NY.. I don't like certain things about it here. To answer your question, I am moving back to finally finish my degree in audio engineering.

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

Back where?

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

read my comments if you care to know. don't feel like typing it twice!

[-] 1 points by ReformWallStreet (35) 13 years ago

You'll get a disorderly conduct arrest.

Penal Law § 240.20 provides, in pertinent part, that a person is guilty of disorderly conduct "when, with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof * [h]e engages." (See Penal Law § 240.20 [1]. in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior.


public inconvenience --


If you're moving, then why get yourself arrested? The other country may not like it.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Don't get arrested if you're planning to travel. Just avoid.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Look up YouTube "Occupy Wall Street protester arrested from Vanderbilt University". He describes exactly what he is now going through.

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

thank you

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

Yes you will have to appear. If your lucky your lucky you'll get a desk ticket to appear at a later date to plea. As it stand you will probably be held overnight regardless. Although I'm sure the city is planning for mass arrests so maybe you'll get out in a few hours however unlikely that may be.

If you leave the usa, you will have a problem returning. WHen you fail to appear because you are out of the country, an arrest warrant will be issued. If you are a US citizen you will be arrested on your return. Chance of bail? Zip your in for the duration. If you are not a US citizen, you'll be detained, make bail and surrender your passport until the outcome of a trial.

Quick questions though... are you a US citizen?

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

Hmm okay.. I am a US citizen.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

You can tell the court that you'll be out of the country but that may be more problematic. If your court date is after your proposed return and you are certain you will be back, don;t sweat it. If not you have an issue.

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

I am leaving for a minimum of 1 year.. Not too sure how this would pan out. I appreciate your responses to my question by the way.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

You better get out of the park NOW. You are fucked if you stay. Trust me! I know about this shit! Please tell me your going to Canada or UK?

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

I am going to move back to holland where I used to live for a bit. Why please tell you canada or uk?

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

Because any other place, you get arrested, leave the country for a year, return, get arrested, your on the terror watch list for sure. How are you going to stay in Holland for a year?

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

Ohhh where you talking about being out of the Schengen zone? Yeah i'm going back visa-less :( I lived there for about 17 months 2 years ago, and now have to finish my degree (only place I can since I already started there) and am just risking it. I never had a problem before overstaying my visa, but we'll see how Amsterdam police are this year hah.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

Hah, your a dick! If you had a brain in your head you would leave the park now.

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

Hey I'm not a dick! I was just proposing a question! I have left the park already (because I was using my brain), and I'm at home which is close by. I was going to return but wanted to get some info first.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

You made the right choice. Stay out of their now. Its going to start getting ugly! Sorry about the dickhead thing. Just trying to help you.

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

ok! first positive response! any more?

[-] 1 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

hmm not good news! I know people mentioned just being released after a few hours... not true? can anyone back this up!?


[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Yea, you probably will be released in a few hours with no bail IF you only get charged with disorderly conduct. But who knows what will really go down, if you make a wrong move and the cops are in full fascist mode they could charge you with resisting. Or somehow things get out of control and.... who knows?

Also, where are you traveling to? I have heard of Americans with arrests getting turned back at the Canadian border even though they've never been convicted of anything. In these times, you are under a microscope brother, if you have a clean record and want to travel...hmmm you have to take of yourself.

[-] -1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

You are moving out of the USA in 10 days and your last action is to get yourself arrested?

Find a way to redeem yourself in the next ten days dude.

[-] 2 points by deaddisneyy (17) 13 years ago

Redeem myself? My last action is not to "get arrested" as if its something i'm longinggg to do. My last action is to stand up for what I believe is right.

[-] -1 points by IdFightGandhi (38) 13 years ago

Don't worry about it. I doubt you'd get a court date unless you damaged something or did something more than protest.

Worst case they'd set a warrant for arrest but you'd be out the country, so they couldn't do anything unless you came back.