Forum Post: Push To End Fossil Fuel Economies
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:14 p.m. EST by Shamus27
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I sent the email below to Mr. Jeremy Rifkin last night.
He is a visionary and is deeply involved in trying to get the world to plan and implement an alternative to fossil fuel economies.
The EU is already adopting many of his ideals including distributed green energy, storing green energy in the form of Hydrogen among others.
He has written several books to include:
- The Hydrogen Economy
- The Empathetic Civilization
- The Third Industrial Revolution
I think what he has to say if worth listening to.
I hop he will take the email below that I sent him seriously.
I hope that if he does come to OWS that he will be heard.
Our economic futures, our planet and even our species are at stake.
I sent you guy $50.00 bucks, that is all I can spare at the moment but there will be more to follow.
Thank you so much for what you are doing, the country welcomes your efforts.
Peace & Love, Jim
From: James Allen
Mr. Rifkin,
First let me say how much of a fan of yours I am.
I have read several of your books to include:
- The Hydrogen Economy
- The European Dream
- The Empathic Civilization
And I am currently reading "The Third Industrial Revolution"
This country needs to hear your thoughts on the urgency of the need for the planet to get off fossil fuel economies. Our environmental and economic future is at stake.
Our Government is dysfunctional with entrenched corporate interest running the show in Washington. If the US does not change and do so very very soon the entire planet is at risk of environmental disaster. As you state in your latest book the situation is so sever the very existence of our species is at risk.
I believe what we are witnessing on Wall Street is the beginning of one of the largest movements in American history.
We need your help. The right wing media is already putting false propaganda about this movement, Glenn Beck said this very day that the "protesters on Wall Street will drag the rich out and kill them for what they have;" total BS, the said thing is that many American believe what he says.
With that kind of hyperbolae clouding the public debate how can this country and the world for that matter have an intelligent conversation about how to solve our energy and climate crisis?
We need a voice of sanity!!! Can you please offer your voice to Occupy Wall Street, we need your support.
I live in San Antonio TX and we are slowly adopting the ideals you help frame here for a better energy future but the entire nation needs to hear you and start moving on a more rapid and much larger scale.
Please, please please help us.
Best Regards. Mr. James E. Allen San Antonio, TX.
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