Forum Post: Pursuit of Happiness?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 8:30 p.m. EST by majickals
from Liverpool, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was hoping...and still hope that this OWS movement will present some thoughtful contention and reasonable demands. What needs to be fixed in order of priority is A) People shouldn't have to worry about losing their home because of outrageous interest rates and property taxes...and there should be some kind of rent control to protect renters. B) College tuition needs to be brought down to affordable levels. Young adults should not come out of school with $80-$100K in debt hanging over their heads. C) We should no longer have to tell each other what companies want us to say when being mistreated by management, underpaid and overworked...that is "just be glad you have a job." They should be glad they have good workers and if their not we should be able and willing to walk out and leave them hanging. D) Schools should include curriculum on financial management, entrepreneurship and debt control. E) To return the favor for taxpayer's bailout, bank should be collecting debt on a principle only basis, suspending interest and fees giving debtors a chance to get above water. Also, debt collection should be suspended indefinately. G) Our government needs to stop senseless wars now and bring our troops home before any more poor/middle class soldiers and civilians end up dead in the name of the rich and powerful....these are a few ideas and there are many more....Let's make real fairness for consumers, debtors, students, soldiers and homeowners the focus for this movement.
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