Forum Post: Purpose of this Movement Please!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 6:12 p.m. EST by person711
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am in a social movements class and am doing some research. I am totally non judgemental. I just am curious if there are stated goals for this movement? Like political goals, definied mission statement, anything. It seems, by the way the media puts it, is that people aren't really sure what OWS wants. Anyone have any (serious) insight?
Eliminate money and move to the barter system. Tax the rich 100% and distribute it to the OWS protesters in the form of drugs and condoms. Remove all government rules pertaining to marijuana. Remove government. And, all in favor get the biggest houses and hottest girls.
Did I miss anything?
A Canadian anti-Capitalist, economic terrorist manufactured the Occupy Wall Street phenom, and has been pulling the strings from behind the scenes.
I was hoping to find that as well on this website but I could not either. I will keep searching though. But based on the amount of threads created every few minutes, I can see that this website is in chaos and finding the real purpose has been lost in the void of the forum.
HEre is my own personal one: