Forum Post: Purple Dialogue
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 3:22 a.m. EST by gawdoftruth
from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
ever hear of the purple dialogue?
purple dialog
one minute shift
/watch?v=-xHw9zcCvRQ&feature=PlayList&p=2CD2383F4F5AAB57&index=11 The Buckminster Fuller Challenge
Purple Dialogue SpiralPurple Dialogue is the process of bringing two
diametrically-opposing points-of-view, represented here by the colors red
and blue, into alignment such that they both UNDERSTAND each other's
point-of-view. The Purple Theory is that if there is ever disagreement on any
issue then this simply means that one or both sides of the issue does not
understand the other side's point-of-view. At least one may need to learn
something. Either or both people may need to learn how to express
themselves better for the specific other person and/or they may need to
learn how to learn or figure out what the specific other person is attempting
to communicate to them. Once both sides understand each other accurately
then mutually beneficial solutions become more obvious. see purple_dialogue_spiral.jpg
Now let's take this concept to a more extreme highly-leveraged level.
By the year 2010 the total amount of information available is expected to
double every 72 hours and the digital data generated from storing that
information on computer hard disks is expected to double every 11 hours.
This means that the majority of people who DON'T understand things
accurately grows exponentially becoming increasingly worse at an
accelerating rate. Whether or not some calamities are intentionally
produced or brought on by nature we can not afford to have MISTAKEN or
ambiguous communication cause disastrous events to occur. The Purple
Dialogue as applied with people in highly-leveraged positions of facilitative
power to eliminate ambiguity BEFORE it is introduced into the
exponentiating data delivery stream is an ecoficient maximally-enabling
demonstration of Trimtab potential.
Purple Dialogue evolved from the concept of PiALOGUE (Pi Dialogue)
and is a highly-defined form of the word "dialogue" which uses a metaphor
of the mathematical constant p (pi) as a methodology for finding an unknown
quantity that may be impossible to measure or to determine directly from
only that which appears to be obvious. For example, a person's words do
not necessarily communicate that person's meaning and intent accurately
during the initial speaking of those words. Verification of meaning and intent
needs to take place otherwise ambiguity tends to sneak into the dialogue
like an evil spirit disrupting the integrity or accuracy of our communication
without our even realizing that an error has occurred in the expression of our
ideas. PiALOGUE Trangulation of The Purple Dialogue Dot
If a circle or "pie" represents the totality of human experience and we slice
up that pie into smaller pie-ces and then triangulate on those aspects of
individual human experience (represented by the smaller colored dots) and
by relating those triangulated experiences to each other (represented by the
pink lines) then we can all come to a greater understanding and awareness
of the whole pie represented by the Purple Dot in the center. With Purple
Dialogue there is no need for giving in, conceding, or otherwise
compromising a person's personal opinion because each point-of-view is
integral to the overall understanding and awareness of all participants in the
Purple Dialogue. see purple_dialogue_triangulation.jpg
Purple Dialogue is a "LIVE" integrally-progressive accurate
communication insurance process. It is the TWO-WAY exchange of information by and between ONLY two specific people or groups who desire to accurately understand what each person/group is attempting to communicate. If 3 or more people/groups are involved in a dialogue then the Purple Dialogue aspect only takes place between two specific people/groups at a time to insure that they understand each other accurately
before addressing an additional person or group. Purple Dialogue is a
social architectural design communication technology component. As a
verbal language and thought-oriented concept it requires zero expenditure
of additional physical resources and is therefore an ecoficient maximally-enabling activity.
please edit in the titles of the video links
This is a rather anonymous SONG-CHANT-RANT offering, that will hopefully unify our message on the streets. Imparting some basic historical information that has lead to the continued debasing of free forms of Government. Where a select group of power seekers never seem to have enough of anything, including us.This is a very serious time for the FREE Global Community, our only weapon is Martin Luther King's legacy. They further try to discredit us with accusations of not having a coherent message when their only endgame is to further in-slave us! Abusing others until there is only two classes the Haves and Have-Not's. we’ just not gonna’ take it no more we’ just not gonna’ take it no more we’ just not gonna’ take it no more
nothing’s been the same since jfk eisenhower warned us it would get this way a vast military-industrial-complex a vast military-industrial-complex
were out here to show the one percentors we’ just not gonna’ take it no more we’ just not gonna’ take it no more
oly norquist pledged most congress (oly’ = satire oliver north)
to his power lil’ oly’ norquist pledged most congress (piglet)
to his power
we’ know who you are were’ tired of our voices not counting
we’ just not gonna’ take it no more we’ just not gonna’ take it no more we’ just not gonna’ take it no more
were out on the streets to get our “countries” back
until foreign trade benefits---the 99%
were out on the streets to get our “countries” back
until foreign trade benefits---the 99%
were’ just not gonna’ take it no more were’ just not gonna’ take it no more were’ just not gonna’ take it no more
so, your’ spreadin’ democracy all over --the world your’ spreadin’ democracy all over --the world
it’s gotten’ so corrupt even we---don’t understand it!
so, your’ spreadin’ democracy all over --the world spreadin’ your’ democracy all over --the world
it’s gotten’ so corrupt even we---don’t understand it!
bring back our soldiers’s your cor-poor-et wars are all over bring back our soldiers’s your cor-poor-et wars are all over
were out here to show the one percentors we’ just not gonna’ take it no more we’ just not gonna’ take it no more
it’s too bad we hav-at spell it out but liars never listen they just -run their mouths
a thousand point of light all over the world
a new world order the bil-dah-burgers can go to hell
were’ just not gonna’ take it no more were’ just not gonna’ take it no more were’ just not gonna’ take it no more------
were’ just not gonna’ take it no more!
More specifically, Purple Dialogue uses the mathematical expression X -
unknown variables. To the people of different languages and cultural
backgrounds the metaphors in seemingly opposing viewpoints are the
unknown variables whose values have yet to be accurately determined by
someone other than the actual originator of those concepts.
The Purple Dialogue central dot is that which exists at the theoretical
"Zero Point" (absence) of ambiguity, dysfunction, miscommunication,
misunderstanding, etc. (see purple_dialogue_dot.jpg). Trangulation of The
Purple Dialogue Dot Logo For example, if two points-of-view initially appear
to be in conflict with or in opposition to each other then I represent them
graphically as a red and a blue dot. The more that each dot expresses the
progressively finer points of their perspective the more information that is
available for the other dot to consider and the more opportunity they have to
respond with additional applicable information that may not have been
considered previous to this Purple Dialogue process. Even if the two dots
initially think that they are still in opposition to each other, and it may appear
as though they are not making very much progress (not changing color), the
more that they communicate the closer they get to the theoretical purple line
between them. As each dot receives additional feedback from the other dot
as to how they are receiving the expression of the other dot at each step of
the Purple Dialogue process they have the opportunity to "adjust" their
languaging and semantics accordingly for that specific other dot and how
the information is being received. As more words are spoken and more
illustrative diagrams are presented a new transcendent language evolves
that is specific to the two dots. As a new common integral vocabulary grows
between them then the distance or separation between them and the Purple
Dialogue Dot decreases and X -> 0 (X approaches zero) where X equals
the set of ambiguity, dysfunction, miscommunication, misunderstanding, etc.
Purple Dialogue PO Presiding Oligarchical PyramidIf someone who
understands Purple Dialogue can accurately communicate with a person in
a position of extreme power, like the leader of the presiding oligarchy or
Presiding Oligarch (PO), whose singular actions affect the literal majority of
the people on Spaceship Earth, then the person utilizing Purple Dialogue
will have the ability to enable the implementation or actualization of whatever
their objective is whether it be a project or an adjustment in philosophy.
Without personal knowledge of the specific intentions of the PO all other
actions taken may be counterproductive regardless of how useful they may
initially appear to be to someone who is lower on the power pyramid.
Therefore, within the course of a single conversation they can be maximally
efficient by accomplishing the most productivity with the least effort and the
least utilization of physical resources and thus being an example of Trimtab
potential. see purple_dialogue_PO_pyramid.jpg
Adding the single phrase "Purple Dialogue" (a trimbtab) to the global
vocabulary will not only help guide humanity to a more integral conscious
awareness and the optimization of harmonious coexistence, this simple act,
in and of itself, uses absolutely no natural resources. It is a simple
psychological tweak to the human thought process. Initially the Purple
Dialogue enablement is offered to our leaders to apply amongst themselves
on matters of the greatest importance and then trickled-down to the general
public as it becomes more and more understood.
As a demonstration of the viability of the Purple Dialogue we have been
attempting to communicate these concepts with the 2008 Presidential
candidates. So far only the Barack Obama Campaign appears to have
embodied them in endeavoring to provide truly integral non-partisan solutions.
Purple Dialogue Mediators, Counsellors, & Consultants help people
participate in Purple Dialogue to achieve Purple Solutions. Join with us or
ask us to join with you to achieve truly integral results. I envision a monk-like
service-oriented non-religious non-profit-motivated organization whose sole
purpose is to ensure the integrity and accuracy of communication between
people and organizations whether they be homeless or in high positions of power and influence.
How is this even remotely on topic...
because we have to make peace with the many povs as a movement, obviously.