Forum Post: Pure comedy, IP blocked from OWS forum
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:42 a.m. EST by MikeyD
from Alameda, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey forum administrators, way to go with the free speech. What, you think I don't have about 5 million more IP addresses to burn after this one gets blocked too? Quit trying to be the fascists you are trying to bring down.
Gah. Instead of blocking IPs they should give us the tools to downvote posts, which would in turn downgrade poster status and cause all their new posts to appear at the bottom. Everybody knows blocking IPs is completely useless.
I've been banned on a rating system forum
There are definitely problems with rating system forums. Reasonable dissent can be downvoted even if the arguments are valid just because people don't want to hear it. It's a shame. Nonetheless it would be better than what we have here.
Do tell, what did you say to get banned?
EDIT: typos.
bombs points by vampirefreaks
paying member can give people bombs if they don't like a poster
if that poster has 10 bombs they are banned for two weeks
I've no idea if that system is still in use
It was my last anonymous account
I've been banned from a lot of places
Stop being a coward and using a proxy to hide your real identity!!
I have no problem with that
just remember when to stand up for your rights as an individual also
Oh so like you own 5 million IP Numbers. I assume that you are not a large tier 1 internet provider. So my assumption is that they are either proxy servers and or you access to a very BOT network.
Oh please, don't start with the conspiracy theories. There is no BOT network.
young for the Bolivarian aliance for the people of our américa: if you want that we spread in all our network the thinks that ocupy wall street do, we need the films in spanish or with subtitle
Umm, why would they ban your IP when they could just lock out your account? Throw-away handles have no credibility (like yours has - tons) so they'd probably have a lot more impact going that route. Or they could do both.
You probably just experienced a technical issue. Conspiracy theories are your thing though, I know. That's cool.
Yah, no IP blocking going on, or post deleting, or blocking of the use of arab countries as your location(easily verifiable). Nothing to see here. Go back to reading your copies of Steinback. FDR prayer and worship meeting at 5. The glory of the revolution cannot be bothered by insigniicant details.
Apparently you are not free to act like an idiot on this site. You have a voice now why don't you address some real issues, rather than pretending to be a victim. You pretend that your civil liberties are being violated
Call someone that cares, the ACLU. Oops I forgot you hate them.
Good Comment. I agree with you. I will probably get blocked now too.
Oh yea, because getting beaten by police is JUST LIKE being thrown off an internet forum.
I'm wondering now if you have other ids under which you've posted some virulent racist or anti-semitic garbage?
The little "Why are there no black people here" role play from a few days ago was kind of stupid and borderline but I don't think you'd get banned for that?
Again, ban a guy for stating the obvious? Where ARE the black people?
And yes, being thrown off a forum for speaking your mind is about the same as being hauled away by the cops for speaking your mind. Both groups claim to protect your freedom to speak. Its hypocritical in both cases. Thanks for pointing it out.
No, it isn't the same. Freedom of speech as guaranteed to you in the constitution means you are free from govt interference with your speech.
The govt is not intefering with your speech. All boards moderate.
I think some of you would just like OWS to be great big librul pussies that let you make them look as idiotic as you want to right here on there own property. Not saying that's you, just saying. I do agree, the policy should be posted.
And you didn't respond to my question about having other ids under which you may have posted more inflammatory stuff.
I don't reply to most useless and unfounded claims. Tell you what. I'll answer your question when you answer mine. How long have you been having sex with farm animals?
That wasn't a claim it was a question.
It's amazin how, in your last post, you equate absolutely anything to do with what happens on the street to your whining about getting ip-banned from an internet forum.
Go in the street and get your head busted by a cop, then come back and draw that false equivalence.
Spare me the hypocrisy. It is full of the same dark humor that the "peaceful" Arab spring protesters had to their cries.
No more than 60 days after They overthrew the "brutal dictatorship" that had been using violance and threats of violence to keep them from airing their grievances, they were busily killing Christians, ransacking the Israeli embassy, and stoking violence on the Israeli border.
Its the kind of thing that makes people thankful the only thing you are in charge of is a web forum.
You having other ids is relevant to your complaint. Who and what I have sex with isn't.
Sure it is. Only a moron would have sex with a farm animal, and whether or not you are a moron is always relevant. I'll humor you though. No. I have no other IDs. Notice the title of the thread was not about dup Ids or deletion of accounts but about IP blocking.
Now for an equally relevant question for you. Its been rumored that the arrested OWS protesters were spitting on cops and provoking violence, stoking racism, vandalizing city property, and violating a variety of other city laws. I also hear the girls who originally got pepper sprayed did it to themselves.
More than willing to loan them the benefit of the doubt, aren't you. Its the usual hypocrisy. You aren't at all against the use of force,silencing of speech, or autocratic rule, you are only against those things if they are done to people who agree with you.
Welcome to hypocrisyville, population .... you.
If you got blocked you properly a troll or infiltrator
Go back to you wall street bosses and tell them you tactic wont work here
or a hacker, slash cyber-criminal......
So now MickeyD, you are a hacker, slash cyber criminal for expressing your self.
This is the mentality that concerns me the most. They are no longer "just" blocking your IP address. Now they start to call it a criminal act.
I didn't say that, hat I meant is that a person who continuously hides their identity for nefarious reasons ( like trolling this forum) may or may not be involved in criminal activity online
Trolls are not entitled to first amendment rights. Back to your bridge, troll.
I hope you all go to, freerepublic and biggovernment too and call them facist pigs for enforcing a comment policy.
Consistency is nice.
Sorry, did you see a comment policy? How about an official agenda or a list of acceptable talking points. By all means, please do point it out.
Need knowledge, self-control, and RESOURCES to have freedom and if 1% owns all the resources the rest can not be vary free. Life is all about relationships and getting them right. Put your faith in truth which is about knowing relationships in your life. Put your hope in freedom which is about choosing relationships in your life. Put your trust in love which is about caring relationships in your life. Truth, freedom, love are good. Deceit, slavery, hate are bad. Choosing good is moral. Choosing bad is evil. Of these values freedom is the easiest to loose because you need resources to have it, but if you have more resources than you can use they end up owning you and resoures not used or not used in a sustainable way get wasted and when resources are wasted it means less freedom for someone somewhere.
If you share these values spread the WORD, I took years getting this right and you may say that it should have been easy but like the knowledge that the earth goes around the sun if you did not know it that knowledge would be hard to get, we have to teach knowledge or the knowledge dies with us. Have faith, hope, trust in truth, freedom, love David McDonell of Ironwood MI