Forum Post: Public rising against corporate greed: support by an Indian
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 6:30 a.m. EST by shreepal
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The world is sitting on volcano of public anger against the greed of maket economy. This volcano of public anger will surely explode one day - any day soon - Steam powering this explosion is: unemployment brought by automation of production and services for the greed of more money. This public rise against greed must be wise of its destination and path to be followed by this public rise. Corporate greed has many names: it is market-economy; it is the firing of working people on account of the adoption of automation of production and services for more money; it is injuring nature; it is degrading humanity. The coporate greed will devour Earth, life, peace, humanity. It is the common enemy of mankind. Let humanity rise against the greed of market economy. Let the 'Occupy...' resistance of U.S/Western countries and 'Spring' revolution of the Arabs and 'Anna Hazare' movement of India join the forces against the common enemy. A world-wide revolution is in the making and the anger of humanity in different parts of the world is fuelling it. Let us know, learn and be wise about the ultimate destination of this human rising and the route it should take to reach this destination. Have a look at these issues at: Indian People's Congress (link)