Forum Post: Public Citizen
Posted 11 years ago on June 9, 2013, 1:10 a.m. EST by LeoYo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Corporations have their lobbyists in Washington, D.C. The people need advocates too.
Public Citizen serves as the people’s voice in the nation’s capital. Since our founding in 1971, we have delved into an array of areas, but our work on each issue shares an overarching goal: To ensure that all citizens are represented in the halls of power.
For four decades, we have proudly championed citizen interests before Congress, the executive branch agencies and the courts. We have successfully challenged the abusive practices of the pharmaceutical, nuclear and automobile industries, and many others. We are leading the charge against undemocratic trade agreements that advance the interests of mega-corporations at the expense of citizens worldwide.
As the federal government wrestles with critical issues – fallout from the global economic crisis, health care reform, climate change and so much more – Public Citizen is needed now more than ever. We are the countervailing force to corporate power. We fight on behalf of all Americans – to make sure your government works for you.
We have five policy groups: our Congress Watch division, the Energy Program, Global Trade Watch, the Health Research Group and our Litigation Group. Learn more about them here.
Public Citizen is a nonprofit organization that does not participate in partisan political activities or endorse any candidates for elected office. We accept no government or corporate money – we rely solely on foundation grants, publication sales and support from our 300,000 members. Please support our valuable work.
Public Citizen has two offices in Washington, D.C., and one in Austin, Texas. Explore the rest of this section of our website to learn more about our accomplishments, review career opportunities, and download annual reports.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.