Forum Post: Proud of UC Davis protesters
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 9:53 p.m. EST by RantCasey
from Saginaw, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Wow I love the discipline the protesters had not to attack officers that assaulted them with pepper spray. I don't think I could have remained that peaceful and calm. I am also proud how the protesters removed the officers in a peaceful and organized fashion. Great Job
Two pepper spray cops on "administrative leave", president of U.Cal. system says this and the jabbing incidents require a system-wide response. He is not pleased with how the police handled this.
Soon the cops will be looking for new jobs and see how dumb it was to fight against this movement
Even if they keep their jobs, this will change their behavior! The cops at Berkeley must be worried tonight....
Yeah, it must take a lot of courage to do that, to face assault and not react. To risk jail time and a record. I hope that this is all for something, as it has already impacted so many lives.
What a show of physical and moral courage the youth of UC Davis have shown. They taught us honor courage commitment in the USMC. And all of these core values were used this day.
Massive congratulations to everyone at occupy UC Davis!
they have effected our first retreat of sadistic police forces! the following exchange was heroic... the protestors gave the police permission to leave! ... and the police left!
Occupiers: “WE ARE WILLING…”
MC: “to give you a brief moment…”
MC: “of peace…”
Occupiers; “OF PEACE…”
MC: “so you may take your weapons…”
MC: “and your friends…”
Occupiers: “AND YOUR FRIENDS…”
MC: “and go.”
Occupiers: “AND GO.”
see more here:
Found this smart post on by Hector Trevino · Executive director at CCMRICHMOND.ORG "What that cop did was torture,We all need to flood Gov. Jerry Browns office (916) 445-2841 and demand that he remove UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi,(53 0) 752-2065 UC Police Chief Annette M. Spicuzza (530) 752-8943 and the firing of UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike."
Excellent suggestion with actionable info!
Here is the link to video news in case you missed it..
Shame of Police (Controlled by 1%) and dishonest 1% who does not have good intent of general public and peaceful protesters.
If police officers, whose interests lie with this movement, could just find the courage to do the right thing and side with the protesters, this movement would end quickly in full victory. There wouldn't be much the 1% could do without its military.
Hi RantCasey, Agree.
W O W indeed! That was a "Martin Luther King" moment... THAT is how OWS will gain more and more public support. B R A V O !
MLK would have been proud. I wish he wouldn't have been killed. This country would be so different. So much better.
And let us take note that King was not killed because of his civil rights work. He was killed after taking a stand against the Vietnam War AND announcing that he would be leading a "Poor People's March" to Washington.
The American Empire determined that he had become a MENACE to the Unholy Status Quo and had him executed. (See the book by William Pepper: "An Act of State :The Execution of Martin Luther King. Jr.")
Is OWS continuing the work of King, using essentially the same methods? I believe so.
Whenever sumone becomes to powerful and threatens the country's elite they are systematically removed.
BUT they can't kill us all....
They do got nukes though... Scary thought huh
Did you have a chance to follow the uprising in Egypt? There was a day - I forget which it was, but I could find it for you - which marked a turning point. The Egyptians called it "the day fear vanished". We humans are not just bodies but spiritual beings and deep down we KNOW in our heart of hearts that death cannot destroy us.
And once we have realized that, then no power on this earth can stop us. We become invincible. I think that is why Jesus told his disciples "Be not afraid of those who can kill only the body".
Very true
The so called chancellor should give the victims her salary for the year. Or perhaps they should receive scholarships for being humiliated by that fat pig of a cop. This is really beginning to look like Nazi Germany.
If you think this country is beginning to look like Nazi Germany check out the Denver International Airport from Google Earth. You have to scroll down the page a bit until you get to it, although I would recommend reading the whole article. That is one creepy airport:
I traveled thru DIA recently and didn't see any of those murals.
I wonder if they had them removed due to all the negative press. I saw them on that website and a TV show late last year. Hell, you never know what to believe anymore.
OTOH, I didn't have time to make an extensive search, it was a connecting flight, and I didn't ask either.
Did you scan down that webpage and check out the Google Earth view of the airport? You may have to zoom in or out but the four sets of runways at right angles does indeed look like a giant swastika from the air.
Yes, but one could ask whether other airports have that arrangement. It seems like a good idea for allowing flexible landings.
Not that the murals aren't incredibly creepy though...
I'm curious myself as to whether any other airports have that arrangement. That would be interesting to research. That website does have a tendency to be a bit alarmist but I've found quite a bit of valid info there.
She made mistakes. If she wanted to keep her job she would fix the mistakes. But she won't. This is what the whole problem is those given power never admit to there mistakes and take responsibility to fix them.
Call Gov.Jerry Brown 916-445-2841 and demand the removal of UC Davis Chancellor from her Office.
think it's likely that she's gonna use the excuse "I didn't know he'd do that?" kinda like others have?
The police have only a couple ways to respond?? And none of them are pretty. They aren't negotiators. Cops are wrong for what they did they assaulted kids.
Actually, they are trained (minorly granted) in negotiation tactics, it's useful in domestic violence incidents.
Call Gov.Jerry Brown 916-445-2841 and demand the removal of UC Davis Chancellor from her Office.
On top of that she was the subject of a scandal a couple years back. She's history...
How so?
I've had pepper spray in my eyes. The last thing I could do is attack someone.
I'm afraid you may have much more than pepper spray clouding your vision, "MVSN"... Happy trolling anyway!
Shut up stupid
"shut up stupid", you write. Wow! you're some great debater... LOL
Proud? They go pepper sprayed like idiots while the finance guys for OWS stayed in $700 a night room. You got to feel pretty stupid.
You are off my topic. I don't care what a business man and sum other dude did with there own fucking money!!!
We just fired and had arrest our business manager. She used her credit card to make legal purchases then stole cash to pay the credit card. The police say "they" often use the "it was MY fucking money" until the cash theft was discovered. If you like people being pepper sprayed and the boss staying in a $700 a night room and having control of the CASH,,,, you are an idiot.
Where is the proof he used OWS Money???? You act like you care???? So theoretically let's say he did use the money illegally?? Should the OWS movement just end now cuz sum dumbass stole 700 bucks? What now the whole movement loses credit because a member stole from itself. And he slept in the hotel at night when nothing was going on right but according to u people were being pepper sprayed at that exact time??? Do you read the crap you write?? These posts are to try to fabricate a leader that don't exist. You are trying to put a face on an idea it don't work that way. If you really care go prosecute the guy.
I didnt say he did take the money. I said he exhibits the same pattern. Would you sleep in a $700 hotel room while your brothers are sleeping in the streets and getting pepper sprayed? Your leadership is the same as many corporate leaders. You are being used.
This guy don't lead the movement??? Its ruled by everybody there. Just because he moves money around and write checks don't put him in charge of ideas. Are you really this narrow minded. If he actually stole money I hope he is punished but to say I am being used is ignorant.
Oh no,,,,, if I was you I wouldnt think twice about being used. Your boss at work stays in a $300 a night room and your NEW LEADER is in a $700 a night room. LMAO
I'm self employed my wife can't afford that room. And I dont have a leader.???