Forum Post: Proud!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:43 a.m. EST by heart4u
from Mt Uniacke, NS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am so proud of the Occupy Wall St resistance having a zero tolerance to violence, drugs, etc. I personally feel that peace is powerful. I just watched a news item on our Canadian Prime Minister being asked if he expected this to be like the G20 in Toronto...he basically said Canadians don't have the same agenda. But whatever the Canadian agenda, I want it to be peaceful and I as a Canadian support the Americans, the Europeans, etc as we are in this together as this effects us all. If I walk I will walk in support of the American agenda and the Canadian agenda and the worldwide agenda. This just shows that as people we are caring, peaceful individuals. If we fall to violence, we are no better than the greedy bankers who probably want to see demonstrators fight amongst themselves so they have an excuse to silence them and go on doing their own violence of hurting people financially.
They cannot be allowed to create a economic system that forces us to be dependant on the system for survival, but then denies us the opportunity to participate- the jam needs to be spread.
Survival it the most basic right and it is programmed in to our dna, as seen when a person will jump from a burning multi-story building. It is the chance of surviving the fall (however miniscule) versus certain death in the flames. If you did survive by landing on someone and they died- would you be charged with muder perhaps? No. It is your right to do whatever it takes to survive.
Those who are denied the right to participate in the system and whose survival, or their families survival is threatened, has the right to crime or violence.
Peaceful protest is only useful if it is productive. Should it fail to achieve the desired effect of eradicating the inequality, then violence is justified.