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Forum Post: Protests Gain Visibility, but Movements Need Direction.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:08 p.m. EST by FairShare (90)
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I have many potential supporters of this movement but even an assembly needs direction or in the end you have what is happening in Egypt right now. The potential supporters I have will not take part until there is some direction in the movement. A lot of people see this and the protests as no more than an anarchist movement and web site. It lacks coordination although I love the intent of the think tank efficiency. I would like to touch face with the web master to put a task bar up top to add a button that takes the people who visit this site to a list of possible solutions and leave the forum up as a tool to discuss and edit these solutions based on the occupist input.Does anyone else see this as a necessity? I think you could gain a lot more support in doing this. Any input? I will create the content of my group who is waiting and secretly visiting demonstration because of the violence issues.



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[-] 0 points by Progression (143) 12 years ago

Time and time again, I have heard OWS is losing momentum with a lack of direction. I don't believe this as I think everyone is just waiting for an opportunity to act. Directing people to a list of solutions does help clarify some issues but hopefully there will be a mechanism against this feature being abused by pro-corporate groups.

I'll drop in my idea for a direction OWS can try. Yes, camping out, protesting, among other activities show great solidarity so why not take it to the next level. Hit corporations where it hurts, their business. More details here: http://occupywallst.org/forum/overlooked-ways-to-legitimately-attack-financial-b/