Forum Post: Protesters in Richmond hit with Audit by mayor
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 9:37 p.m. EST by theaveng
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"When the Richmond Teaparty learned that the City of Richmond was permitting Occupy Richmond to use public space without paying, they felt it was unfair that the city charged RTP $10,000 for a one day-permit and $0.00 to Occupy..... But instead of making sure that everyone played by the rules, the city served Richmond Tea Party with a notice that it was being audited. “What did they send to Occupy (Richmond)? Obviously nothing,” said Colleen Owens, a spokeswoman for the RTP."
"On November 15, the VAright blog posted incomplete invoices obtained from the city totaling $7,000 showing that the City of Richmond willingly paid for toilets and cleanup for an Occupy at Kanawha Plaza, the same location where the Richmond Teaparty has paid thousands to use."
Serves them right?
Or unfair punishment?
the constitution does not say anywhere that you have to get a permit to protest...the very idea destroys the nature of protest. Want to protest your govt? howabout asking them for permission!! They will then choose who gets to protest. big govt at work
The U.S. Constitution doesn't say that, but either the State or City Constitutions may very well require citizens get a permit when they assemble. Most local constitutions also limit slander & libel as well. Or seditious speech.
You gotta read these State and city constitutions, rather than just assume there are no restrictions on your freedom to assemble. :-)
problem is that the 14th amendment now pertains the bill or rights also be followed by states
True the BOR's laws are now extended nationally, but the 14th still allows assembly to be limited (i.e. requiring a permit) via "due process of law". See Dennis v. United States.
Likewise speech can be limited by the States or Cities. For example in Gitlow v. New York the Supreme Justices ruled that states have the power to outlaw speech that incites immediate rebellion.
problem is....those judges precedent setting is terribly unconstitutional and how they came to their conclusions is very suspect
said that the Supreme Court should be ignored since the power of nullifiying Congresses' laws was never given to them, and the States should continue enforcing laws that they have the power to enforce (per the 10th). And the People should continue exercising the rights that are reserved to them (per the 10th and 9th).
ows either gets a free permit, where they want us - or we will occupy where ever we damn well please without a fucken permit- lol
training web page
You know, i find it amazing that so many of the OWS people can't complete a sentence without the F-Word. Grow up, I expect that of a 17 year old, but most of the rest of us actually grow up.
if you saw me in a demonstration , walking up to a cop and telling him to go fuck himself you would understand- that's the way we get them to respond-- we cause them much more pain then they can us with pepper spray.
training web page
Like I said, grow up and have an adult conversation.
There again,typical OWS. Create a confrontation with police hoping for a reaction so you can say "Wah they sprayed us and hit us". People like you prove my theory that OWS could care less about the 99%.
Typical OWS attitude. Fuck the world we do what we want. That's a very elitist attitude don't you think?
Which Richmond? And tax audits are a weapon used many times.
tax audits are what are used as a last resort to go after someone the govt doesnt like....they can find ANYTHING on ANYONE and they do not need to get a guilty verdict to take your stuff away. IRS needs to go for this reason.
That is true.
And sorry I didn't realize there was more than one Richmond. It's the big one. (Richmond Virgina)
I see. I didn't think it was the one in California as that one is just a filthy ghetto shithole. But I wanted to be sure.