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Forum Post: Protesters Back In Tahrir Square With Tents

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:16 a.m. EST by lisa (425)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


Thousands of Egyptians were massing in Cairo’s Tahrir Square early on Friday for a mass rally against the military rulers’ proposed “supra-constitutional principles” that seek to shield the army from public scrutiny.

Liberal and Islamist group, including the powerful Muslim Brotherhood movement, announced they would hold the rally after the government went ahead with its plan to draft overarching constitutional principles.

Tents were pitched and sound stages set up as protesters returned to Tahrir square, the epicenter of an uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak from office in February, in what they said was an attempt to put “the revolution back on track.”

“There will be a big revolution tomorrow,” said a protester demanding rights for Egyptians killed and wounded in the revolution.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

These are links to learn about what is happening in Egypt. There are 34 groups in opposition to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces Supra Constitutional Principles which are listed here:


The Presidential elections will not end the problems for Egypt. It will be after the Parliament is elected and a Constitutional Assembly can be formed and then a new Constitution could be ratified before the people see any relief for their grievances and all of that will not occur before 2013.


There are 38 political movements in Egypt.


Here are additional things people should know, if they want to begin to understand the parties and what is going on over there.







[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

Friday in Tahrir Square.


CAIRO: About 50,000 mainly Islamist protesters flocked to Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Friday to press Egypt’s military rulers to transfer power to elected civilians after the cabinet launched a move to exempt the army from parliamentary oversight.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

OWS needs to be aware of the situation on the ground over there before sending people to monitor their elections. When people get arrested in countries such as Egypt, they don't get issued desk appearance tickets and released a few hours later. They could be there for a long time if revolution breaks out.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

We talking LAST RIGHTS or what. I thought this was all about getting rid of the Coptic Christians in Egypt., or was that just a temporary flourish. Read my lips, boys and girls, MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, no more Tahrir Square, no more visits to the pyramids just a lot of sand and camels. Welcome to revolution at its finest.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I am IN AWE of the courage and perseverance of our Egyptian brothers and sisters. GOOD LUCK! You are in our thoughts and our prayers.

[-] -1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

You might want to read by lips too - MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. No more of this brother-sister stuff, meeting in Tahrir Square at all hours of the day.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

You suffer from selective reading, apparently : it's N O T all Muslim Brotherhood..


[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Are you by any chance anti-Muslim? Islamophobic? Do you know any thing at all about the Muslim Brotherhood?

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

Just a word to the wise - sorry I wasted it on you.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

The wise can do without your kind of "wisdom"...

[-] 0 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

Muslim Brotherhood, oh joy!