Forum Post: Protest to Prosperity: In The Interest Of Occupy Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 4:53 p.m. EST by writtenbyrex
from Michigan City, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Democratic Capitalism is a political, economic and social ideology based on the synergies that exist between democratic free-market economy, worker owned industry and a liberal cultural system. The economic system that will stem from such an ideology will support a capitalist free market economy that is regulated by a democratic political system supported by the national majority. This system combines the free-market energies of competition with the enormous productivity and innovation released in an environment of good-will and cooperation. The most obvious way that Democratic Capitalism stands apart from authoritarian capitalism is through the limiting of special interest influences such as corporate political lobbyists. The United States at one point in history was on the road to Democratic Capitalism as its political-economic system until the shift to authoritarian capitalism occurred several decades ago.
Since Democratic Capitalism classifies workers as citizens, and bosses as leaders, the old definitions of worker and boss become discarded and meaningless. Laborers elect all the members of management, and this is of course a major shift from the current dictatorial management seen in existing capitalist firms. The purpose of Democratic Capitalism is to end economic authoritarianism and establish liberty and equality in the economy. This idea of economics was written about extensively by John Stuart Mill, and then later by professor and journalist Michael Novak, and retired Chairman & CEO Ray Carey. Much has also been said on the concept of economic democracy by professors, journalists, philosophers, analysts and economists such as Robert Dahl, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Karl Marx, David Ellerman, Adam Smith and Richard Cook. It has been tested and proved to be successful in some corners of western economy throughout the twentieth century, however it has yet to be implemented as the driving economic system of a nation.
A society that subscribes to Democratic Capitalism will have a government that promotes the general welfare through the support of commerce, while also protecting life and property. The educational system will develop both the individual and societal skills of people, while religion, spirituality and philosophy will provide a secular mission of supporting the democratic and moral qualities of society. Commerce is thus improved by eliminating the disgraceful exploitation of people and resources, thus enhancing the individual. Under Democratic Capitalism, currency is used only as a medium of exchange and is not allowed to influence the commercial process, therefore the monetary system is inherently deflationary. Under Democratic Capitalism, workers are motivated through their ownership in the company, thus morale and skill level is high, yielding maximized surplus. Fair distribution of that surplus amongst all company citizens puts money into peoples hands, therefore stimulating economic growth. Company governance is based on participation rather than authoritative police-like administrators, and therefore those administrative functions are decentralized and minimized.
The freedom, values and mutual respect that make Democratic Capitalism work can be extrapolated to the whole of society. Through a compassionate and community oriented approach, Democratic Capitalism provides a form of commerce with the broader mission of eliminating material scarcity, elevating community spirits, and unifying people. Rather than treating people as servants, companies will incorporate the broader talents of their people, thus cultivating an environment far more conducive to collective contribution. Ultimately, Democratic Capitalism provides the foundation for society to evolve into a more harmonious and peaceful version of itself.