Forum Post: Protest, Rebellion, Revolution... The Resonse to Unfair Governance
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 7:17 a.m. EST by cyberbiker
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Protest is not efficient. Rebellion less so. Revolution even less so. Fair and responsible governance can avoid such public expressions. Unfortunately, we have a Congress for hire. The tremendous damage Wall Street has done and its relentless effort to fight any reforms, while many in Congress try to get it off the hook as they raking in donations, leaves fertile ground for outrage and the replacement of our corrupt legislature. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy America!
We have 99% of the Votes.... when are we going to realize that. The 1% fears that bit of information more than anything else. When are we going to wake up???????
Actually, shadow, I don't think you have anywhere close to 99% of the votes yet. Many more than 1% have tolerated a Congress for hire because the thought it benefited them. Now more are realizing that a broad middle class is what creates a strong nation and strong economy. I feel that sale still needs to be made to the silent majority by the Occupy movement producing clear platforms that correct the errors of the system today. That will take continuous weekend rallies in cities across the country to steadily spread the work and win support.