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Forum Post: Protest Leaders, Organizers, on the street protesters. Where is this movement really heading? Here's a plan of sorts.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 3:17 p.m. EST by realdeal (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Leaders and organizers, my question to you guys is how long do you guys want, plan and/or think this can go on? I mean its great that a bunch of ragtag underdogs can come together and work together to achieve so much to this point. (good luck on getting a consensus on this 3 demand thing) But it seems you guys don’t have a clear idea of what to do with thing, this Monster you have created. The Movement almost hit the bull eye but it missed and that will turn out to be a great thing.

Can We all agree that banks are not a business, there supposed to be a place to hold your money.(transferring your money to a small bank or CC doesn't solve anything. What's to stop them from doing what the big banks did?)

There is are First target the Banks. Something simple, easy, something every person will be behind a "can't loose" demand so to say. Something logical and practical. Something that will gain millions in support. What i have in mind is like not supporting it, is like supporting child molesters.

Now I don't want to divulge too much, But let me put it like this. The 1% thinks we are a joke and they think they know that protesting won't work. They are so unprepared for what is going to happen. They have left the backdoor unlocked, and when we knock in that backdoor and kick the Banks in the chest they will not know what to do. The first thing that will happen after we hit the banks with a sneak attack is the politicians will turn on the banks and try and support the movement its in their nature. By the time the 1% figure out what happening and try to control it. Bam we hit the politicians right in their face. By this time the 1% will just about done. Just 1 last swift kick to the corporate groin and will have the new America. I mean really its so simple and logical and quite doable. We could slap around the power companies a little too.

Summary of above. A 4 or 5 phase plan targeting the Banks, Politicians, and Corporations/Banks again in that order. (a 5 phase plan involves the power companies before the banks). It does involve some secrecy, misdirection, and manipulation nothing bad.

After phase four or five I would assume that occupy would be its own political party,with a clear sense of direction and the power to get it done, and the banks corporations, politicians put back in their places, and America could get to work fixing the damage. and personally I have no interests in politics in that sense, I’m more worried about china and India following in America footsteps. So I would part ways.

Phase 1 is already happening(gain support, media coverage) question is how long? To Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, spring, summer?? Phase 2-4 is more about cutting "them" down and putting "them" back in their places. Phase 4 or 5 is where we finish them off and the demands would be met, started, and achived. And there are some really good idea’s out there.

This is most definitely like a game to the 1%, wall street, the banks, the corporations(whoever they are) and they have won time and time again. It's like a board game and we setup our piece's wrong so they think, At Wall Street? (It's more than that, I will only talk about this in person to leaders and organizers).

I say we play their game with our rules. We could already fall for one of their traps by answering the news media call for us to make demands. So what they can pick them apart and make them look bad? So they have a end to their story? Right now they can't finish their stories they have to keep coming back, they have to keep asking questions.

People and Corporations schedule interviews all the time to announce something and then just announce that they pushed back the announcement they were just going to make just to get free media coverage. Don't give it to them yet. This is still phase 1 "gather support" let people know what's about to happen.

And what about this "Demand"? What if we want a compromise or a request? why does the media want it to be a demand? Demand seems so aggressive, harsh and radical.

If anyone in a leader position interested in the details, I have the clear and precise details on how, where, when, and what to do. and you can convey weather the details will work. I seen a lot of idea's but no real plans. read my other posts.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by Bizinuez (120) from Raleigh, NC 13 years ago

We don't have any leaders, so you shouldn't expect any answers. Any answers that you get are not from actual leaders. And no, I don't have any control over this "monster." But the "monster" has been awakened.

[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

gather more troops

[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

Common ground is easily found in the banks.

[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

Lets say there is a major "check and balance" that seems to be left out of the school books. You really got to like history to know about it.

Let me say this being a history buff, having"different view" of the world, and a desire for the truth. I see things a little different than most. I can tell you this. when this country was made they left us with a "secret reset button" that is not quite understood by most. But you can find it in history you just have to look at people like Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Aaron Burr, (the founders). know what they were about, know the deals and comprises they made, the check and balances they left for us and you can discover the "reset button". Its left unguarded.

[-] 1 points by imbaddakota (42) from Indianapolis, IN 13 years ago

when the british fought against us in the revolution they marched in rows with guns and took turns firing in a very clear and organized way, laughing at the colonists with no structure, no uniforms, no ranks, running around in the woods taking pot shots. Do you see military forces marching in rows across open ground today?

Just because this protest is not following customary rules and practices does not mean it isnt going to work.

Government and corporate america are so intermarried now, you will have a very hard time fighting on their turf (ie: the courts, congress, etc). The second a "formal statement of demands" is presented they will throw a ton of money at it and their media to pick apart everything that is listed.

The other thing that will happen with a formal statement is that half the 99% will start to disagree.

What makes this protest great — TO ME — is that i honestly dont know what fuck happened to our country, i dont know where to start to fix it, and i dont know what thing that happened is the worst (bank bailout? loss of freedom of the press? Monsanto suing farmers for seeds that drifted into their field on the wind? something else?)

What I do know is that i am fucking pissed that the "USA" (Gov/Corp) is steamrolling over the whole planet and everyone in it, including ourselves.

So I am here. 99% sure of that

[-] 1 points by asdf46554 (26) 13 years ago

Demand 1. Go Home

Demand 2. Take a shower and shave

Demand 3. Go find a job and be a grown up.

[-] 1 points by shadaxgale (230) from Oswego, NY 13 years ago