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Forum Post: Protect IP ACTor the E-PARASITE Act US Gov Wants to firewall our country

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:11 p.m. EST by jordankratz (33) from Portland, ME
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My name is Jordan Kratz and I am a long-term Musician who started playing in rock bands summer of 1972.I listened to and supported many smaller bands and DIY (do it yourself) bands and did not have much love for bigger labels.By 1976 I ignored anything coming out from Corporate Record Industry as I felt they were bland and not anything I cared of.I jumped on the punk bandwagon and became one of the original punks of Boston, Mass.I started forming my own punk act and by 1978 I was recording local punk acts. It was difficult to get an audience in the old days.One had to make up 100's of mail packages yourself and press kits that you had to go to the post office to mail them all out yourself but we persisted anyways. By 1986 I had formed a Maine band "The GoreHounds" and put out a single and full album we did all DIY with no bog label involvement and got many fans by sending out with our money free copies for review all over the World. Big Meat Hammer was formed in 1989 and is still playing shows.We will be playing Saturday night.My other band made up of boyhood friends from Lynn,Mass is the Lynn Rebels who have a full album out and done all DIY with no big label involvement. Now that we have the Internet I can get my music out without having to mail out packages and walk to USPS to mail them out. I have given out all the things that are recorded from my Art 1976 - 2012 all free now.I have deposited my Art on websites as well as use P2P Filesharing sites that are important to any of us smaller artists.Everyday I am sharing my music on a variety of these sites and I now have to read that you want to CENSOR the Internet and make it all harder for us little guys to share legal Art of ours.This is unconstitutional and you will not get away with this type of Censorship.I will do all I can to fight you.You are spitting on our Constitution by your actions and by the money you have been given by RIAA & MPAA in order that they the big content can control the Internet in any way they see fit. There will be a lot of legal battles over this and I hope to join in.I will be talking with my lawyer and with the local branch of the ACLU.I have no intention of stopping sharing my legal Art. I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH RIAA & MPAA !!! We will change this system and we will do it by voting so you better watch out how angry you get us.You have more important issues than to break the Internet because you needed money so you took some good ole Hollywood Gold to finance your Party and your own desires.We are no longer the stupid sheep you think we were.A new day will dawn soon and we will vote smarter.Trying to pull the wool over our eyes so you can put up a giant firewall hopefully will open up even more eyes to the games you are up to.I intend on voting out any Democrat or Republican who votes yes for Censorship of the Internet. I advertise my Art any way I feel like and you have no right to tell me where my music can be played !!! I am so angry at this government and your arguing.And you are all on the take no matter what you say. Corporations are people ? NOT SO ! I am a person and I am telling you to vote this Censorship away or you will be selling out our Constitution.You will be stopping Innovation.You will be stopping many small bands from exposing themselves for free.You will be "breaking" the Internet and making it way more expensive to use. NOTE: You know a Criminal is in a house so you surround the home and then you get that one criminal...............You do not surround the house and then use an RPG to blow the whole house up for the one criminal killing anyone else inside. NOTE: You kill a fly with a flysquater not a huge thick log. Why not work on Economy and on extending federal unemployment as it will run out for millions by XMAS and then you will see some angry homeless people on the streets freezing. LEAVE OUR INTERNET ALONE ! Yours Truly, Jordan Kratz


Jordan Kratz



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[-] 1 points by jordankratz (33) from Portland, ME 13 years ago

Do your homework boys and girls and google this on the net.It is not really been in the news and not many know what is happening so there you go. Are you ready for a Great Firewall of the USA courtesy of the RIAA & MPAA'a money payoffs to Washington ?

Fight back and write to the white house and your reps as well.And tell people about the issue since no newspaper seems to want to talk about it.