Forum Post: Prosecute George W. Bush and His Cabinet
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:34 a.m. EST by larocks
from Lexington, KY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
im not sure but i think he is the one responsiable for most of what has happened to our economy. not only did he kill thousands but he spent money like it was going out of style. he also let the greed of wall street take over the fedral reserve and cause our economy to kill off. i blame him and his cabinet for everything that has gone wrong in this country. obama had nothing to do with it. he inherited the problem from someone else. obama still has time to fix this problem but if he dont act soon he will always be known in history as a yes man. he ran on a platform "change we can believe in" mr president i need to tell you is that the only change i have seen from you is the change i have left after my paycheck has been cashed and paid out to bills and taxes.
Don't forget that Bush2 and his cabinet and Republicans raided the Social Security Trust Fund in order to pay for the massive tax cuts to the rich and corporations and fund his endless wars in the Middle East! They now are refusing to put that money back into the fund and instead want to get rid of Social Security and Medicare and leave the tax cuts to the rich and corporations. Their refusal to put that money back that they stole without the consent of the American Workers who put that money into the system through payroll taxes is an outrage! This is one of the demands that Occupy America makes to the politicians in Washington and make it understood that we will not stand by and have the budget balanced on the backs of the poor and Middle working class! It is our money and we demand that they pay that money back into the Social Security Trust Fund! Bush2, Cheney and his cabinet spent it freely since it was not included in the budget, and stole it from the American Worker! We now demand it be paid back!
anyone got something they would like to add?
How about Clinton? Back in the late 90's, Brooksley Born wanted to implement regulation of derivatives. She saw a huge problem with this and was ignored. Perhaps if he listened, maybe the economy wouldn't be so bad off. How about prosecuting every politician out there? The problem with this economy goes way back and it has been snowballing for a long time.