Forum Post: Proposed Solution
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 2:51 p.m. EST by barrycooper
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am a corporation, a one man corporation. I trust I am not the enemy. Nor, one would hope, are 10 employee restaurants, 3 employee bookstores, 30 employee coffee shops, 5 employee clothing stores, small manufacturing, small construction, or any of the many, many small businesses around the country who provide 90% of the jobs, and all of whom are run by Capitalists.
If it bothers you that GE gets special exemptions from taxation, then you have a shared grievance with conservatives. We, too, see large corporations making large donations to politicians, who then give them special treatment.
What would happen if you stopped complaining about profit--you, too, are seeking profit, and without work on your part at that--and focused on the ACTUAL inequities of our system? They are there, plainly.
All useful action begins with purpose, and proceeds effectively only to the extent it is combined with understanding, which is to say coherence and direction.
For my part, I differentiate Capitalism and our banking system. Our banking system is not Capitalistic. They do not SAVE money: they CREATE money. That is why they control such a large share of our economy. To reverse this process and keep it reversed, it is CRITICAL that we understand how this happened. It has been going on for the better part of 100 years.
Please read this series, and message me if you have constructive feedback. If you want to insult me, please be creative. The net is that this is a blueprint for a gradualistic but radical change in the means of production that will benefit most those at the bottom of the wage scale, the people who are normally savaged when socialists take over anything.
Austrian School economics are still controversial and unproven. I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm not saying they're right. I'm just saying no one knows - not even you.
I apologize if I misunderstood you - I don't plan to read your link because I don't trust anyone who might be using this forum to sell their ideas. I'm just going by your discontent with fractional reserve banking.
And anyway, the more important point is that - even though most of the protesters can't verbalize this - they are not railing against "profit." They are railing against "profit at any cost." The distinction is very important.