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Forum Post: Proposed rewriting of demand list

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 5:56 p.m. EST by Vestax159 (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

First off I agree with this movement and will be joining DC tomorrow and Richmond in the following weeks. However I propose a change to the list of demands as they are not reasonable at all and will only serve to have this cause laughed at and fallen.

You cant forgive all debt, it will help the wealthy more then anyone and completely crash out society. You can't just raise the minimum wage or prices for everything will simple adjust. You can't promise a livable wage to everyone or no one will ever want to work.

Demand one. No more bribery! Campaign funding will be provided by the government and public. Contributions cannot exceed that of the minimum wage yearly expendable income. NO representative, family member of, or friend of can receive goods which may be interpreted as a bribe or "contribution" during the period of time surrounded their term. This includes lobbyist. If found guilty of such action it will result in immediate dismissal from office and disqualification from all future positions.

Demand Two. The removal of political parties. No representative will be allowed to represent themselves as being affiliated with a political group other then that of the people.

Demand Three. Medical, dental, and vision will be provided to all American citizens regardless of their wealth, race, gender, etc.

Demand Four. Colleges and universities will be completely funded by the American government. Any existing student loans will be forgiven.

Demand Five. In addition to the minimum wage we propose the introduction of a maximum wage. This will be determined by a multiplication of the current minimum wage. Any person wage (including that of investment or other sources of income) exceeding the maximum wage will be taxed 100% by the government for the betterment of our society.

Demand Six. HUGE investments in the advancement of ourselves. As a society.. No as humanity we must be vigilant in our betterment. This means advanced in medical research, space programs, ecosystem projects, clean up projects, roads.. This is what we CAN afford to go in debt for.

Demand Seven. Constitutional Amendment providing the American people the ability to remove any candidate, from any position, at any given time for any reason. Each month a poll will be conducted through the internet or some other means for the removal of each representative. If the representatives people ever reach a majority opinion (based on total representative people) the representative will be removed from office.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Vestax159 (1) 13 years ago

adding one more

Demand Eight. Deployment of troops in a conflict in foreign soil cannot be engaged or continue unless the majority of the people agree to such action each year. Upon the disapproval of the majority EVER soldier must return home within a year.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

There's a site at occupyanddemand.org now where you can post and vote on demands. It appears to be "in solidarity" with this site.