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Forum Post: Proposed resolution of problem

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 6:51 a.m. EST by serenitychuck (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One of the biggest problems is speculative trading. Sometimes a stock will go up and down multiple times a day. Solution: Limit trades to 1 per year. That is, once a stock is purchased, 100% penalty if traded in less than 1 year with exemption for proven life emergency.

What do you think?



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[-] 1 points by 16Octkjm (2) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

I support your protest against greed and corruption in the economic and social system of the western world. Your protest may cause some change but it won’t solve the major problem that greed, envy and the overconsumption of goods and services are the basis of our ecologically unsustainable economic system. Mega- dollars are spent on advertising that we need to have a particular good or service in order to be more beautiful, acceptable, or successful etc. Most of us have been fed the partner of greed, envy, all our lives through the advertisements we have seen. The advertisements are meant to make us FEEL that someone else has a better life and that with getting a good or service our lives will be ‘better’. We have been taught that it is right to go after the bigger and fancier and that somehow this will make our lives more fulfilling. This feeling is a complete illusion, any joy we get from our purchases are mostly very temporary. To get out of the trap we are in we need to realise that if we had enough to eat , adequate shelter and meaningful relationships with others today, then we are doing quite fine and may have wants [ask yourself how you came by them] but no physical needs. The economic system supports itself by instilling personal greed in all of us. Our personal greed supports and cumulates into what you are protesting against. Greed is the attitude of wanting to get more out of a transaction than we are willing to put in and that somehow consuming more goods and services will make us more fulfilled. To effectively reduce greed we must start by changing ourselves and our attitudes. This is not easy to do. To reduce greed we need to look at ourselves, our abilities, and our opportunities and determine where we can contribute more to our transactions with others and the society we live in than we take out. We also need to divorce our sense of self- worth [and the worth of others] from consumption. I am not suggesting that we should all aspire to be homeless beggars but that we should learn to be happy with adequate housing, good food to maintain our health, find fulfilment in our loving relationships with family and friends and in our ability to make a contribution. By a little introspection most everyone will be able to see areas where they can reduce greed and corruption in their own life and thereby reduce the total amount in the system. If you succeed in reducing your own greed, even just a little bit, you won’t be adding to the huge pile of greed you are protesting against and you won’t be hypocritical.

[-] 1 points by pelican321 (1) 13 years ago

I support this movement but I think all the blame should not be on the Wallstreet eventhough they are most greediest animals in the world. I will hold the lawmakers responsible for supplying them the leagal support to ROB the people.There will not be any improvements untill our government becomes a goverment OF THE PEOPLE,BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.Now it is OF THE RICH,BY THE RICH AND FOR THE RICH!! Is there a single middle class Senetor or a Congress man/woman in our system.NO!!! We must dismantle ALL KIND oF SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS who buy the Lawmakers with their donations.

[-] 1 points by Royearls (6) 13 years ago

I would like to see a sign like this........ 1973 Gas Shortage LIES Corp. Greed Today's Gas Prices Continuing success of that Policy

Supply & Demand They Supply Gas & Demand more $

Excuses / Assholes Corporations have Plenty of both

[-] 1 points by BeRational (4) 13 years ago

I am supportive of the movement at large. These forums are instructive but quite unorganized. Could all participants start to cluster under given platforms with agreed agendas and start from there?

[-] 1 points by Royearls (6) 13 years ago

Good idea except for the fact that are too many to seperate. The message is No More Greed on Wallstreet The promblem the power brokers manipulations..... it has to stop NOW.

[-] 1 points by publicus1 (125) 13 years ago

Volunteer to join this working group:


[-] 1 points by 16Octkjm (2) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Today I woke up early and while having my usual breakfast thought about the occupy Wall Street protestors. They state that they are protesting against the greed and corruption of the banks and corporations that make up the 1%. This may cause some change but it won’t solve any problems because greed is in most all of us. Our personal greed supports and cumulates into what you are protesting against. Greed is the attitude of wanting to get more out of a transaction than we are willing to put in. To effectively reduce greed we must start by changing ourselves and our attitudes. This is not easy to do as most of us have been fed the partner of greed, envy, all our lives through the advertisements we have seen. We have been taught that it is right to go after the bigger and fancier and that somehow this will make our lives more fulfilling. To reduce greed we need to look at ourselves, our abilities, and our opportunities and determine where we can contribute more to our transactions with others and the society we live in than we take out. I am not suggesting that we should all aspire to be homeless beggars but that we should learn to be happy with adequate housing, good food to maintain our health, find fulfilment in our loving relationships with family and friends and in our ability to make a contribution. If you have read this far you will say I have heard all this before, it sounds like an environmentalist spouting off. True- reducing greed will reduce our environmental footprint. Some suggestions of ways of reducing greed in ourselves. Resist the temptation to envy others who are supposedly ‘better off’ than we are. Remove addictions from your life Drugs and alcohol, gambling, porn will all keep you trapped. Understand the difference between need and want. You may want those new shoes or the latest gadget but if your gadget works fine and you already have 20 pairs of shoes you don’t need them. None of these are easy to do and I’m sure you will be able to come up with many other ways of reducing your own greed. If you succeed just a little bit in reducing your own greed you won’t be adding to the huge pile of greed you are protesting against and you won’t be hypocritical.

[-] 1 points by publicus1 (125) 13 years ago

With respect, your perception is incorrect. Most of the people involved are capitalists, the problem is the merger of capitalism, an economic system, with our political system of republican democracy. That is what happened in Italy and Weimar Germany. "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini

Here is the petition of grievances being proposed by the OWS working group.


[-] 1 points by nickthegreek (2) from Huddersfield, England 13 years ago

if you subscribe to the concept of a market system, then in all markets there should be the ability to speculate, this is normal market activity. what is most sinister is the use of instruments to pervert the market, and insider dealing (of course), BUT IN particular the use of automated algorythmns to place the speculative bets; this really is 'brave new world' type stuff. This is where a very very few really clean up on the backs of the rest, and without any input whatsoever. stock markets running on direct algorythmn trading are a great evil because they are a conspiracy by a few, against and not FOR the people.

[-] 1 points by nickthegreek (2) from Huddersfield, England 13 years ago

if you subscribe to the concept of a market system, then in all markets there should be the ability to speculate, this is normal market activity. what is most sinister is the use of instruments to pervert the market, and insider dealing (of course), BUT IN particular the use of automated algorythmns to place the speculative bets; this really is 'brave new world' type stuff. This is where a very very few really clean up on the backs of the rest, and without any input whatsoever. stock markets running on direct algorythmn trading are a great evil because they are a conspiracy by a few, against and not FOR the people.

[-] 1 points by UnemployedLaw (68) 13 years ago

I would tax their financial transactions. We are taxed on everything WE do: purchase gas, home, car, computer, movie, etc.

We should tax wall st. and their transactions. Fair is fair.

[-] 1 points by publicus1 (125) 13 years ago

these transactions are taxed through short and long term capital gains taxes

[-] 1 points by UnemployedLaw (68) 13 years ago

Capital gains is a tax on the profit to the owner of those financial instruments, often hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, trusts, etc.

Wall St. is not taxed on the transaction, and ought to be.