Forum Post: PROPOSED LIST OF OUR DEMANDS (please help edit/add so this can be submitted for consideration to those maintaining the official list)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:40 p.m. EST by Constitutional
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Our number one demand is that President Obama admit that he has economically terroized the United States and he must resign from the office of the President. If he does not, we will have to vote him out in 2012.
Phul-ease!..... I am one of the 999%! Scrabbling to take any pick-up work I can to stay in my apartment. But his notion that "Occupy" is NOT a political organization is ridiculous! It HAS to be a political organization, otherwise it will just be a collection of squawking "hippie activists" and will achieve nothing! That is how those in power will see it. Let's admit it! We need to have a serious well thought list of demands and someone DOES actually have to be "in charge," or at least the singular voice of the movement. So! How's this for some demands: (those of you that understand the workings of the financial industry need to help here)
OK folks. You get the idea. Yes, it's necessary to protest, and to "raise awareness" by causing a scene on Wall Street and other financial centers. But we need to do more. We need to shape this into a CLEAR voice about what SPECIFICALLY we wish to change.