Forum Post: Proportional representation will benefit all Americans it is true democracy.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:47 a.m. EST by edogee
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Proportional representation is one true answer to America troubles; however it’s more than one answer. Please educate yourself with this political process, read more at kiss your ass goodbye it's spelled as one word, It’s a website which focuses on job creation and political awareness. When you read my website there no way that anyone can deny that I am your brother, and will have your back.
Thank you Edogee
states with lower population will loss power in such a congress
He's referring to proportional representation of political parties in Congress, if I'm not mistaken, and not proportional based on area or state population.
is that were one votes for a party instead of a person
so if a party got 10% of the vote
they would get 10% of the representatives in congress
I believe so.
then regions would not be represented only popular agenda
This wasn't my post or anything, but what I think the poster was getting at is the concept of limitation of parties in the current system. That if a region felt unrepresented you could see the emergence of the "Midwestern Party for Political Expedience," or whatever, which, if fielding enough support from the people of the region, would send representatives to Congress with respect to the amount of support it has.
the phrase is worth running through a search engine