Forum Post: Proof that NYPD did not lead us onto the bridge!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 5:21 p.m. EST by xposingfalsehoods
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I told you we were warned and was not lead onto the bridge...entrapment story was false...but you can see the provocateur!!!
my dispute is not that we disobeyed the cops, if the group plan was to have a civil disobedience, sit down and block traffic then fine lets do it, but if the plan was to march peacefully over the bridge and you have a provocateur who splits the group up from the plan then this is what upsets me...the march lasted only 30 minutes, but they ruined it. and then people quickly blame the cops saying it was entrapment and now we can see that that story is false. im all for honesty man, im not against the cops, so thats why I will defend them if they were not in the wrong. the bigger problem is people infiltrating the group with possible plans to destroy it.
I wasn't there, but between the various people that I talked to it sounded like an honest miscommunication. @the people that made the civil disobedience comment, I agree that inconveniencing people is a legit tactic, but slandering the police is not cool. They do plenty of undeniably bad stuff so we don't need to discredit ourselves by painting every little thing they do as villainous. In general I think it's best to give people the benefit of the doubt.
I think people getting caught up on this issue are missing the point. This is civil disobedience - which is summed up on Wiki as "the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power." So basically, the point is to break laws and get arrested. I mean, MLK Jr. is an American hero and how many times was he arrested? Each arrest is a badge of honor.
Yeah f'ing right, they allowed us to proceed and escorted us and even had us get out of the way of cars in the right lane but then they themselves obstructed vehicular traffic by blocking the entire roadway. It was entrapment.
one we were not supposed to go into traffic, the plan was to go over the walkway, second of course they backed down, they already had a bad image from last week, third we kept pushing and pushing and inching forward...this was our fault...gotta keep the honesty. fact is fact.