Forum Post: PROOF: Programmer Under Oath In Open Court Admits Computers Rig Elections
Posted 12 years ago on March 9, 2012, 2:32 p.m. EST by Reneye
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For Those of you who still think we have a democratic and fair voting system, PLEASE take the time to watch this short video to get to the truth.
IN CASE YOU MISSED THIS???? An Eye Opening Clip Here: Software programmer says US elections are rigged and that US Representatives tried to pay him to rig their election vote counts.
Watch a Deibold Vote Machine in action:
=============== BE SURE TO SUB THIS ONE!!! (Working Backup) And This Current One:
Excellent, will spread the word
Vote Fraud - Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out think you'll get a kick out of this !!
Hahahahaha That Is GREAT .... ;)
Thank you, thank you !!
Thank you for that. My conclusion: If something crooked can be done to someone’s advantage, it likely will be. Voter fraud is nothing new in American politics. But the widely held public assumption that it is of little consequence is.
Absolutely!!! If someone thinks they can get away with something, then they are going to try to get away with it. Watch the "Inside Job" documentary for proof of that. And Bernie Madoff is further proof.
Thank you, I have and found it excellent!
I knew it! Who screams for democracy? Better get on this because your vote means nothing with this BS happening. Those Article 5 people got the cure for this.
Yea, I was just reading about the "preparatory amendments", excellent strategy. Completely prevents any chance of a runaway convention, which is what so many are afraid of. Some of us ought to be posting there. I'm going to register and post in my state forum so's any other lurking from my state can see there is another of the same constituency there.
How come Russia is getting so much flack for having paper ballots and installing webcams in all the polling stations? I think I like that system better...
Good point. When the 'hanging chads' were all over the MSM, I remember thinking "uh-oh, overkill...they're up to no good, bringing in electronic voting"
When did that info initially come out?
Do you know which committee this is & who was asking the questions?
It may have been at the Conyers Voting Forum, after Conyers left the forum and turned over the dais on December 13, 2004. Sorry, I don't know the names of the questioners.
That is Clinton E. Curtis -
For me, I am familiar enough with programming to see how this can happen. Did the programmer give a list of US Reps that tried to pay him?
I could almost use the word "unbelievable", but that word is used too often. Actually, upon reflection, I find such a scenario quite plausible and likely. Vote tampering has a long history in this country. Using computers to tabulate votes would naturally lead to someone trying to rig elections using whatever modern means they could.
Great find!!!
The price of freedom is, very indeed, eternal vigilance. This whistleblower is to be greatly commended for coming forth with this.
I wonder whatever happened to the politician this guy said made the request to create this vote-fraud software?
He, Tom Feeney, continued to serve as a U.S. Congressman.
Do you, or anyone else reading this, know when this video was made? We have an extremely important national election this year, and I wonder if steps have been taken to ensure electronic vote fraud will not happen.
Whatever happened to Feeney as a result of this whistleblower?
"Whatever happened to Feeney as a result of this whistleblower?"
Pretty much nothing, I suggest his Wikipedia page for additional info.
I think the video may date from 2004, but I do not know.
elections could not be rigged if we voted with our name
good one.
Vote rigging machine in action:
.....and we all think that voting in the next election will fix everything.....
Thank you very much for this. People acted surprised at the outcome. How naive can people be about the very dirty world of politics? Stuffing ballot boxes is nothing new, and is probably more prevalent than people want to believe. In close elections like the Bush-Gore one, it can make the difference.
Down with the machines!!!
lol, I should retract that statement
No one is perfect. Let it stand we are human after all.
I am waiting for some one to introduce fingerprint voting.
No I am not for it.
Any system can be corrupted.
That is why we need watchdogs.
Common sense, but always work for restoration of the constitution over federal government.
Yes - This is why we are here - to regain our government.
We move forward - Together.
In reading recently, I've realized that OWS has totally ignored legal process. We must engage that and amend the constitution with Article 5. Nothing else wields the power to meet the demands. We are looking at major usurpations that will destroy us.
if people voted with their name
the count would be verifiable bt everyone
Essentially you do vote with your name. There are some really dedicated voters who still appear at elections long after they have been dead and buried.
Here, here !! Down with the machines !!