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Forum Post: Prologue: Three Types of Conquest

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by CoExist (178)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

History reveals nations can be conquered by the use of one or more of three methods.

The most common is conquest by war. In time, though, this method usually fails, because the captives hate the captors and rise up and drive them out if they can. Much force is needed to maintain control, making it expensive for the conquering nation.

A second method is by religion, where men are convinced they must give their captors part of their earnings as "obedience to God." Such a captivity is vulnerable to philosophical exposure or by overthrow by armed force, since religion by its nature lacks military force to regain control, once its captives become disillusioned.

The third method can be called economic conquest. It takes place when nations are placed under "tribute" without the use of visible force or coercion, so that the victims do not realize they have been conquered. "Tribute" is collected from them in the form of "legal" debts and taxes, and they believe they are paying it for their own good, for the good of others, or to protect all from some enemy. Their captors become their "benefactors" and "protectors".

Although this is the slowest to impose. It is often quite long lasting, as the captives do not see any military force arrayed against them, their religion is left more or less intact, they have freedom to speak and travel, and they participate in "elections" for their rulers. Without realizing it, they are conquered, and the instruments of their own society are used to transfer their wealth to their captors and make the conquest complete.



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[-] 1 points by cityrep (20) 13 years ago

I guess the author of this "rant" believes he has been conquered by his own country and forced to take on student loans and mortgages even though he has no way to pay them back. Or what does he mean; that is my point?

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

Your completely pointless that is my point.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

war is political; religion is social; and economic is corporatism. this is the trifecta of democracy. If any aspect is left to prevail over all, then conquest is eminent. These scales have to be as balanced as lady justice's.

[-] 2 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

Lady Justice of moral rightness you may issue your punishment.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

(Modus Operandi)

How about a simple solution for radical times If, or once, The Occupy Nation agrees on one vision, it should be imperative that they find candidates that will agree to ask for a Constitutional Convention. This convention, through the internet, will become the forum for debating with the opposition. Because that debate will be accessible by all—and easier to hotlink—anyone who chooses not to participate abdicates their civil rights to the New American Consensus. This simple act, I BELIEVE, is the only way to change course. But a new deal has to be struck and agreed on before it can co-opt the government. I implore anyone who takes this occupy thing seriously to tell me why I am wrong.

Sincerely, Jesse Thomas Heffran

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

I agree you are on to something here.

[-] 1 points by mjbento (74) 13 years ago

That's exactly what's happening with america. It is being subject by chineese economic takeover. Once this recession is over, the americans will find themselves they're owned not by 1% of american billionaires but by chineese tycoons. Things are already bad now... imagine how better they could go with offices, buildings, supermarkets, food suplies, electricity oil and basci comodities at the hand of chineese producers. This new class of 1% will not hesistate to use force in order to quash dissent, they will order the police not to arrest but to execute people demonstrating. They will destroy any labor laws and will arrest unions.

Things can go way worse. the only way to stop this is to make the 99% buy american debt before it's too late

[-] 2 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Yeah, that's crap. Most of the debt in the U.S. is not to China or to Japan, but to private investors in the U.S.

There is no 'Chinese economic takeover', the 1% that are US citizens sold their own country down the road when they shipped manufacturing over to China, Indonesia, Mexico, solely to increase their own profits.

It's not just the 99% of the United States anymore, it's a worldwide revolution against the IMF, corporate capitalism, and private banking.

There will be no more 'new' 1%. The 99% will no longer permit it.

Why would the Chinese 1% be any different from the American 1%? The movement is only a few months old, and already they are using riot police, rubber bullets, and chemical weapons to confront peaceful demonstrators practicing their right to freedom of speech and assembly.

The Chinese had their Tianamen square, the Americans now have their Zuccotti park.

Why buy any debt at all? Who benefits from this, the 1% who created the mess? Why shouldn't the 99% say to the 1% "Screw you, we aren't paying your debt!"

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

We should make peace not debt.

[-] 1 points by mjbento (74) 13 years ago

"Screw you, we aren't paying your debt!"

That's somehow funny. Let me picture you this way. You need money to build a house so you go to the local bank and ask if they can lend you some. They agree on lending you as long as you provide collateral; you provide lifesavings as collateral and the house you live. It happens that latter on, you get fired and stop being able to pay your bills. The bank quickly hears about this and threatens to execute collateral if you don't pay them soon. You say "screw you", and by next day the bank agents are taking out any assets belonging to you to liquidate your debt, whether you like it or not. You threat them, they come with enforcing agents, so it's pointless.

That's exactly what the chineese will do if americans say "we don't pay our debts", they will come ask their money back.

I suppose you would become very happy if you lent 20,000 dollars to a business because it agrees to return it later only to find out they never meant to pay you. "screw you, we just used you, we don't pay you". If you just say "oh well, who cares", I'm sure you just found happiness.

[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Well, first of all, a hundred and fifty years ago someone didn't need a loan to build a house. They just cut the lumber themselves and built it. No need for a bank to be involved at all.

As far as saying 'screw you', I am talking about the national debt. At present, the government has outsourced the production of it's own money to private banks. So when the Government needs money, it has to borrow it from the banks, and pay it back with interest. The problem is, that is impossible, since there is more debt than there is money.

Also, the money is created by the banks from nothing. Literally, from thin air. Yet somehow, the 99% are all enslaved to these magicians that produce money from nothing, and tell us we have to produce REAL labour, to have any hopes of paying off a debt, which is mathematically impossible.

If there is a room full of one hundred people, and one of these people starts handing out hand-drawn coupons to the other 99 of them and telling them they can buy stuff with it, the 99% might think this is a fine deal....

until that one guy tells them that was not a gift, it was a loan, and these 99 people now have to start cleaning his house, mowing his lawn, washing his car, etc. Well, the 99 might put up with this for a while, until they start to realize that they have become the slaves of this one guy, just because he is drawing coupons and telling everyone that this is the only thing that can be used as currency.

Now, when this ONE GUY stands up to the NINETY NINE people and starts demanding all his coupons back, with interest, the NINETY NINE stand up to the ONE GUY and say "Go fuck yourself".

So there are no marshals, no bank agents, no cops, no armies, to force the Governments of the world to pay back the loans that were fraudulently made to them.

See how that works? Your system relies on using force, intimidation, and procedure of law. When that is removed, there is no way to force the 99% to pay the national debt back to the 1%.

[-] 1 points by mjbento (74) 13 years ago

Of course, I knew you were talking about the debt when you said "screw you". You have a point when saying the 99 don't want to pay that little 1 individual. In a society without law enforcement, the 1 will steal.

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

Citizen Debt is the trap, it needs to be dumped.

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

How do you see the collapse of the present system occurring?

[-] 1 points by Ratico (21) from Fredericksburg, VA 13 years ago

Since you asked, this is how I would like it to occur so that we can control our future for once: 1.Setup a internet site asking people to stop paying, for two months, all their bills on a specified date, like 12-12-12. They still work and shop and spend money, just not on debt. 2.Said internet site has a graph showing the amount of people that have agreed to this pledge and the total amount of money, through a survey conducted at the time of each pledge, that will not be paid to each institution owed. 3.Through social media and traditional venues, e.g.:churches and bars, a leaderless movement prepares the majority of the people that once this tactic has crippled capitalism to the point where society ceases to function and to avoid anarchy that will ensue the majority of every community will need to volunteer to continue work, the police show up to work to prevent looting, truck drivers show up to deliver foods to stores, etc., but without excepting money. Conclusion:We no longer work for money but for the benefit of the future. We volunteer to work. Food and esentials are free. Extras can be earned through hours volunteered. People won't need to volunteer if they choose not to, but to buy a beer or cigarette you have to have volunteered so many hours. Even the Christ said that to change the world you must give up all you money and follow Him in Love and Peace. Thanks for your time and no, I'm not crazy or a kid.

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

Wow, this is a future I want to be a part of. Thanks :- )

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

Soon we will no longer have the purchasing power needed to sustain a monetary-based system that burdens the entire population and government with insurmountable debt. It will collapse itself.

[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Myself? With the devaluation of the dollar.

Basically, the only power the 1% has is their money, which is based on nothing and backed by nothing. Take away that power, and they have nothing.

If a new currency was created, and was created in a bank owned by the Government (i.e. The people), the choice could be made to cancel the national debt (actually owed to private banks) as fraudulent. Then, start buying the currently existing currency back, a currency exchange. Yes, there will be a depression for several years, perhaps decades, BUT, you will have your country and your freedom back.

This could be the collapse of Western industrial civilization though. We might have to find ways to do without petroleum based products like cars and cheap imports. Things might go back to the way they were when everyone made what they needed themselves, grew what they needed themselves, without an abusive corporate nanny to spoon feed us and tell us it's the only way.

[-] 2 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

Very interesting....

[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Yes, we would even have the option to pay off the national debt with the new currency (made by the elected government) if we wanted, but why bother? It's not as though the 1% have done us any favours.

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

What about an RBE system?

[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

I am not familiar with it.

[-] 2 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

An RBE is beyond politics, poverty and war. Looks very interesting.


[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

"All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." John Adams - Founding Father

[-] 0 points by cityrep (20) 13 years ago

What is your point?

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

What is your point?

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

Liberals always get dopey thoughts like this.

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

Q: What do you get when you offer a Liberal a penny for his thoughts? A: Change.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

History actually doesn't reveal that at all. What it reveals is that all three require militaristic force. Even tribute - it's a reciprocal friendship that requires an assurance of protection.

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

His-story has been changed many times. It really all depends on which one you have been reading.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Wow like the matrix right? Just because some whackos think the "Man " is out to get them doesn't mean its so. Laughable

[-] 2 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

There are some things we do not know, the knowing of which could change everything.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Hey the stuff we don't know we should just make a conspiracy theory up about the Jews trying to control us through banks and stuff

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

How about this one: Everything depends on who you think you are, and what you are trying to do.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

How deep, how about this one LIFE IS TRUST Deep huh Those evil jews did it, they stole my money from the backs of the black man

[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

Your paradigm speaks for itself. The above mentioned are the main types of conquest practiced for ages. The question to ask yourself is which one is occurring now?