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Forum Post: Professionally Revised Doctrine

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:46 p.m. EST by DrManfield (1) from Queens, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Below is a professionally written doctrine for our movement. please take the time to read, inform yourself, and distribute to as many people as possible.

Demands for the OccupyWallStreet Movement PREFACE Until the conditions stated below are met, our movement will only intensify. It has already proven to be a lasting and powerfully uniting force that is growing constantly. We will engage in purely nonviolent protest, and we will continue to protest nonviolently until our demands are fulfilled. As our popularity grows, so does our power. With this power we will make our demands loud and clear, we will voice them with a thunderous roar that has already proved more powerful than any government or corporate power in countless Middle Eastern countries. We are the true voice of liberty, and we will not be silenced until we strip the corporate culture of its power, and return it to its rightful owners, the citizens of the United States of America. I. REVERSE THE EFFECTS OF THE CITIZENS UNITED SUPREME COURT DECISION A. This decision stated that corporations can spend as much as they want on election campaigns and no disclosure is required whatsoever. Corporations should be highly limited in ability to contribute to political campaigns no matter what the election and no matter what the form of media. This is in order to ensure that the politicians that are elected loyal to the people and not to their corporate buyers. II. RE-INSTATE THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT A. The repeal of provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act effectively removed the separation that previously existed between investment banking which issued securities and commercial banks which accepted deposits. The deregulation also removed conflict of interest prohibitions between investment bankers serving as officers of commercial banks. This repeal directly contributed to the severity of the Financial crisis of 2007–2011 by allowing Wall Street investment banking firms to gamble with their depositors' money that was held in commercial banks owned or created by the investment firms. III. PASS THE BUFFETT RULE ON FAIR TAXATION A. This act would ensure that all American citizens making over one million dollars pay a fair portion of their income to the federal government. This act does not call for a higher tax rate for the ultrarich as one would logically assume, but rather for a tax rate equivalent to that of the middle class, an extremely reasonable request.
IV. COMPLETELY REVAMP THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION A. This commission must be completely rebuilt to ensure the protection of the American people. It is currently a broken institution that merely perpetuates the corporate domination over the middle class. The new commission must be powerful and well funded, and regulated consistently. V. RE-ESTABLISH THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES A. There must be an established order in which presidential candidates debate and campaign on mainstream media. Currently these institutions pick and choose which candidate to give air time, based on their financial interests. These interests directly conflict with the interests of the people, and in order to ensure that voters are given an unbiased, equal view of each candidate; drastic mass-media reforms must be enacted. VI. INVESTIGATE, ARREST AND TRY THE WALL STREET CRIMINALS A. These corporate moguls clearly broke the law and helped cause the 2008 financial crisis in many notable cases. There is a broad consensus that there is a clear group of people who committed financial crimes and have not been brought to justice. A vigorous and intensive investigation must be conducted to prevent future acts of rampant foul play. VII. INTENSE REGULATION OF THE DEFENSE INDUSTRY A. The wars that our country is engaged in are not wars in the interest of the American people, or for the good of any group of people. These wars are fought for corporate profit, and until reforms are put in place, we will continue to sacrifice our beloved troops to benefit a select few war profiteers. Legislation MUST be put in place to ensure that no institution whatsoever profits from the making of war.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by NielsH (212) 13 years ago

I especially agree with IV.

Accounting standards have been extremely loosely applied for more than a decade. Without proper accounting there can not be a vibrant economy.

[-] 1 points by OnePeople (103) 13 years ago

Remove #3 and I would agree. #3 is for the left not the 99%.

[-] 1 points by bbrri123 (10) 13 years ago

Occupy America-Doctrine

“……government of the people, by the people…..”

1) Financial Crisis-Responsibility:

Every Board Member and member of the Executive Management Team of any and all companies that had any knowledge of the lending abuses of the last decade should resign from those companies without severance pay and be banned from the banking/lending business for minimum period of 10 years. If the resignation does not occur by December 31, 2011, these Board and executive members will be prosecuted for fraud. If the State and Federal governments do not finance or support the suits, the members of the OWS will finance the suits on behalf of public interest and the shareholders of said companies.

2) Short & Long Term Stimulus:

Any Senate or House member that does not support (vote in favor) of immediate and long term programs to put American’s back to work, will be asked to resign from their seats by December 31, 2011. If the members of the Senate and House do not vote to create jobs, the OWS will organize to support any new candidate for the next election in the incumbents city, district, or state. The OWS will organize to support such opposition candidates and will actively recruit supporters to get the vote out against said incumbent.

3) Reallocation of Funds:

The OWS is insisting that there be an immediate pull out of all troops and equipment from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Senate and the House of Representatives will reallocate all the funds (budget) the Government was spending annually on the two wars, for rebuilding highways, bridges (infrastructure), schools, and for teachers salaries and school supplies as the school systems require.

4) American Jobs & Trade:

The USA should not allow any imports (dollar for dollar) to be exported into the USA unless the U.S. companies can ship an equivalent of American made goods to those same exporting countries. Import and Export trade is to be monitored dollar for dollar. (Ex. If China exports USD $1 Billion in goods to USA, then USA must be allowed to ship the same USD $1 Billion to China. China will not be able to ship $1 more of goods or services than what the USA ships to China). The tariffs, duties, taxes, tax incentives for all trading parties cannot exceed the USA tariffs, duties, taxes, and tax incentives, dollar for dollar.

5) Reinvigorating the housing industry:

Housing is the back bone of the U.S. economy. The U.S. Government must guarantee home loans for any American with a job at a rate of a maximum of 1% over a 40 year payment term, with a maximum down payment of 5% for any and all “existing” homes (not new homes). In exchange, the Government will maintain a 25% equity interest in all homes in the program. The government will forfeit their equity interest if the homeowner does not default within the first 20 years (240 months) of said loan.

6) Education:

Any elementary, middle or high school that improves their “proven and verified” test scores by a minimum of 10% for the entire student body will reward the teaching staff , office and support staff with a bonus at the end of each school year in the amount of 10% of the base salary. If the same school increase the overall test scores by 15%, then the bonus will be equal to 15%. This incentive will be instituted for a minimum period of ten (10) years. For every high school that reaches a 90% acceptance rate for their graduating seniors to a junior college or better, will receive a 10% bonus from base salary from the State for the high school teachers, office and support staff of that high school.

7) Oil Dependence:

a) Auto Companies: They will be required to provide the American public, vehicles that provide 60 MPG no later December 31, 2014, or be charged a fuel tax of $2000 for every vehicle sold in the USA. b) Major Oil Companies: Charged an import fee of 25% of all net profits generated from U.S. sales generated from imported oil sold in America. Circumvention will be punished and treated as Treason. c) Federal Tax credit for oil companies for 35% of the cost to find/locate oil generated from the U.S. territories.

8) Taxes: Reform the U.S. Tax code no later than December 2012. Amnesty for any individual or company for repatriating any funds/profits presently located overseas. Reduce taxes to zero (0) for anyone making less than $25,000/year. Instituting a flat tax for individuals, and corporations to encourage investment in America. This is where we start Sincerely, Barry D. Bernsten

[-] 1 points by bbrri123 (10) 13 years ago

Occupy America-Doctrine

“……government of the people, by the people…..”

1) Financial Crisis-Responsibility:

Every Board Member and member of the Executive Management Team of any and all companies that had any knowledge of the lending abuses of the last decade should resign from those companies without severance pay and be banned from the banking/lending business for minimum period of 10 years. If the resignation does not occur by December 31, 2011, these Board and executive members will be prosecuted for fraud. If the State and Federal governments do not finance or support the suits, the members of the OWS will finance the suits on behalf of public interest and the shareholders of said companies.

2) Short & Long Term Stimulus:

Any Senate or House member that does not support (vote in favor) of immediate and long term programs to put American’s back to work, will be asked to resign from their seats by December 31, 2011. If the members of the Senate and House do not vote to create jobs, the OWS will organize to support any new candidate for the next election in the incumbents city, district, or state. The OWS will organize to support such opposition candidates and will actively recruit supporters to get the vote out against said incumbent.

3) Reallocation of Funds:

The OWS is insisting that there be an immediate pull out of all troops and equipment from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Senate and the House of Representatives will reallocate all the funds (budget) the Government was spending annually on the two wars, for rebuilding highways, bridges (infrastructure), schools, and for teachers salaries and school supplies as the school systems require.

4) American Jobs & Trade:

The USA should not allow any imports (dollar for dollar) to be exported into the USA unless the U.S. companies can ship an equivalent of American made goods to those same exporting countries. Import and Export trade is to be monitored dollar for dollar. (Ex. If China exports USD $1 Billion in goods to USA, then USA must be allowed to ship the same USD $1 Billion to China. China will not be able to ship $1 more of goods or services than what the USA ships to China). The tariffs, duties, taxes, tax incentives for all trading parties cannot exceed the USA tariffs, duties, taxes, and tax incentives, dollar for dollar.

5) Reinvigorating the housing industry:

Housing is the back bone of the U.S. economy. The U.S. Government must guarantee home loans for any American with a job at a rate of a maximum of 1% over a 40 year payment term, with a maximum down payment of 5% for any and all “existing” homes (not new homes). In exchange, the Government will maintain a 25% equity interest in all homes in the program. The government will forfeit their equity interest if the homeowner does not default within the first 20 years (240 months) of said loan.

6) Education:

Any elementary, middle or high school that improves their “proven and verified” test scores by a minimum of 10% for the entire student body will reward the teaching staff , office and support staff with a bonus at the end of each school year in the amount of 10% of the base salary. If the same school increase the overall test scores by 15%, then the bonus will be equal to 15%. This incentive will be instituted for a minimum period of ten (10) years. For every high school that reaches a 90% acceptance rate for their graduating seniors to a junior college or better, will receive a 10% bonus from base salary from the State for the high school teachers, office and support staff of that high school.

7) Oil Dependence:

a) Auto Companies: They will be required to provide the American public, vehicles that provide 60 MPG no later December 31, 2014, or be charged a fuel tax of $2000 for every vehicle sold in the USA. b) Major Oil Companies: Charged an import fee of 25% of all net profits generated from U.S. sales generated from imported oil sold in America. Circumvention will be punished and treated as Treason. c) Federal Tax credit for oil companies for 35% of the cost to find/locate oil generated from the U.S. territories.

8) Taxes: Reform the U.S. Tax code no later than December 2012. Amnesty for any individual or company for repatriating any funds/profits presently located overseas. Reduce taxes to zero (0) for anyone making less than $25,000/year. Instituting a flat tax for individuals, and corporations to encourage investment in America. This is where we start Sincerely, Barry D. Bernsten

[-] 1 points by bbrri123 (10) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by david0austin (4) 13 years ago

regarding point 5 - Re-establish the public airwaves ... "drastic mass-media reforms must be enacted"

"The Fairness Doctrine was the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) policy introduced in 1949 that required holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and do so in a manner that was honest, equitable and balanced. Under President Reagen, the FCC decided to eliminate the Doctrine in 1987, under President Clinton, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 further dissolved the fairness in reporting, and under President Obama, in August 2011, the FCC formally removed the language that implemented the Fairness Doctrine. (See: 'FCC finally kills off fairness doctrine,' Boliek, Brooks, POLITICO, August 22, 2011) ...

"Today, with corporate controlled media, people of goodwill rely on Keith Olbermann, Don DeBar and citizen reporters sharing information that is in best interest of the public. Those people are also relying not on Television, but rather on Occupy Wall Street Livestream where the revolution is being videoed, since the revolution will not be televised"

Why Keith Olbermann read Occupy Wall Street General Assembly Declaration October 8, 2011, Deborah Dupre, Examiner http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/keith-olbermann-reads-occupy-wall-street-general-assembly-declaration-video

resources referenced in the above article:

Telecommunications Act of 1996 http://transition.fcc.gov/telecom.html

FCC finally kills off fairness doctrine August 22, 2011, Brooks Boliek, Politico http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/61851.html

[-] 1 points by david0austin (4) 13 years ago

captured and uploaded to boxnet at http://www.box.net/shared/sifvuj526hxrjsicx6mz

[-] 1 points by DrManfield (1) from Queens, NY 13 years ago


Unite our Movement. Dismiss scrutiny by the Media.

Please post this link everywhere you can.

[-] 1 points by andformore (1) 13 years ago

I understand people's concerns that these don't go far enough or that they need to be more focused, but it is important to remember the movement is still trying to gather forces, unite the working and middle classes, and in general show that we are able and willing to mobilize in order to get what we want. I think this is a great list for those purposes. After some progress is made, we can work on more polarizing and difficult issues.

Regarding SamuelAdams and III: As far as I understand the main point of the buffet rule is to increase tax on capital gains. Taken from our best friends over at the heritage foundation: "[The Buffet Rule] could raise the capital gains tax rate so it is equal to, or higher than, middle-class income tax rates—28 percent or higher."

[-] 1 points by NativeEagle (2) from Coronado, CA 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by SamuelAdams (119) 13 years ago

I - good II - good III - I understand the want to fair taxation but I think this is a poor way to achieve it. Raising taxes just gives more money for our leaders to waste. I think a focus on cutting spending to peel back the deficit, with a long term goal to drop both spending and taxes is more appropriate and fair to all. As well, the plan is to raise INCOME TAX on amounts above $1mil, not to raise capital gains, which is where many of the super wealthy make their money. The tax itself feels like a farce to get groups like this on board with another pillaging of citizen's wealth. IV - good start but could use more focus, no sure about a complete dismantling as the SEC seems to have everything it needs, just missing the right people to take action. V - with freedom of the press this simply cannot be done. I agree with your points than candidates are cherry picked and backed by big money, but we cannot piss over the first amendment because it is misused. I have no solutions to this situation aside from personal awareness, people simply need to care more and be more educated on issues, the internet is good for that. VI - good VII - On the fence here since situations like these aren't about the end or the means alone, but both together. Need more info of how war profiteering will be stopped aside from a blanket statement of legislation as we can apply this argument to any topic.

[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

We are making process lets not wimp out on the demands. It's just... these look like what the democrat establishment think we would be happy with. I don't think these are going to keep us from austerity measures

[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

I don't know .... a start "REVERSE THE EFFECTS OF THE CITIZENS UNITED SUPREME COURT DECISION" The problem is much bigger it was a problem before this decision "RE-INSTATE THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT" This should happen even as a bandage till we get the system fixed "PASS THE BUFFETT RULE ON FAIR TAXATION" Don't know ... I don't trust the establishment anymore "COMPLETELY REVAMP THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION" ya "INVESTIGATE, ARREST AND TRY THE WALL STREET CRIMINALS" Think we need to investigate, arrest more then just the wall street criminals this is kinda why we are at this point "INTENSE REGULATION OF THE DEFENSE INDUSTRY" agreed What about NSA, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI How about accountability, example Oliver North all that torture that was not a couple bad apples, WMD lies, How about a real investigation of 9/11, Habeas corpus, CIA Renditions and assassinations