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Forum Post: Problem with just raising the minimum wage to really high in today's world

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 10:12 p.m. EST by 420 (40)
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Doesn't matter the capitalist will see this spike of income as a way to suck more money out of us. Supply and demand is a thing of the past it should be demand and affordability now. This is what this nation has turned into now believe me. You think the iPad would be 800 dollars (or whatever it is) if everyone made a minimum of 135k a year. Only way to keep these money hungry people in check is laws. One I think would be good is to bring capitalism back to America. They say it is so unamerican to go against capitalism, well I don't agree with that at all. What's so American about outsourcing your companies to India or china just so you can bask in the American way of capitalism. I think there needs to be laws preventing this type of stuff from happening. If your going to live in America and sell your products in America you should do all your business in America or pay really ridiculously high tariff tax. There needs to be checks and balances in the money system such as that to make income equality. First thing I would do to make income equal is to set forth a maximum wage. If the state can regulate minimum wage it's only fair to set a maximum wage



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[-] 2 points by sguynn6 (3) 13 years ago

there already is a repatriation tax, which just helps corps. keep profit and growth out of america. i dont think forcing companies to produce or include all operations in america makes sense- it just means higher prices for the consumer, same as increasing corp tax rates. if you remove repat. taxes, compaines can bring profits from abroad back to america to stimulate growth without being penalized.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

What would you set as your maximum wage?