Forum Post: Problem One:
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 6:27 a.m. EST by EdmondSeymore
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I think that technology has made it difficult for some people to be self reliant. In the past, a family could hunt and gather and survive.
Today, the rule of law and a lack of natural resources has limited a person's ability to survive on their own.
Society has become very complex and everyone needs money to play the game. The job is key.
I think everyone will agree that to get ahead a person needs to get an education, get a job and be a responsible citizen.
Some people claim they cannot find a job. Then, government needs to ensure that anyone who wants a job will find one.
That should not be a great expense for government and should solve the problem of cannot find work.
I think this is the most important problem to solve.
Money is not going to go away. We must just use it wisely. Destroying the banks will do no one any good.