Forum Post: Pro or con ...which is more here?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 7:12 p.m. EST by fishb8
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I suspect the majority of those posting on this here "Official" OWS board . . . Are NOT supporters of OWS and come here to either attempt to understand To argue , or berate.
Even if agreed that there are great inequities in the system and life . . .
Most people want OWS to simply go away.
I'd guess 80% of all posts are not in favor of tactics and language of OWS. Could be as high as 99.
The only reason so many haters are here is because this movement is working - and they don't like it.
You really believe that? There are still protests and some activity, but people aren't coming in helping it grow much anymore, most people are just doing what they normally do and ignoring OWS. Not like what I hear civil rights movement was like or even the environmental movement.
I don't believe that. I know that.
In three short months OWS has completely changed the dialogue in this country to return our government to the people so that it can promote the general welfare of all of its citizens, not just corporations and the wealthy.
Have you heard about the tax-cut to the poor and middle class that passed today? Have you heard about Rep.Ted Deutch's proposed amendment "The Occupied Amendment" to get corporate money out of our political system so that it can be returned to the people. Have you heard about Martha Coakley, the Attorney General of Massachusetts, the first in the country to file a major lawsuit against the lenders that caused the housing crisis. These are all outcomes of this movement and there is much more to come.
This forum has become so TROLL-INFESTED that it often looks more like an ANTI-OWS HATE SITE than a forum for meaningful discussion by OWS members and sympathizers.
"Jaqueline" asked this question point-blank: "Why aren't the OWS moderated against this Right Wing Garbage?" Her post garnered a WHOPPING 386 COMMENTS in less than 3 days.... with nary a word from the forum admins.
This is a disaster for OWS, as this chaotic loonie-asylum of a forum has no doubt TURNED AWAY from our Movement thousands of potential supporters, contributors and donors.
Trust me, the potential supporters aren't turned away by the trolls. They are far more likely to be turned away by the extremist rhetoric, cop-hating and America-bashing that passes for dialogue here.
The old adage is that liberals want conservatives to shut up ( see the chanting and drowning out of candidates by OWS protesters this week), while conservatives want liberals to keep talking. The best thing that could ever happen to the conservative movement in the US would be to have everybody come read this forum, and see the true goals of people who are attracted to the Occupy movement. They would run away in droves, which polls show is already happening.
America has put in a lot of effort - so all the world hate's her government, and the corruption she stands for- American earned the name the great Satan -- and she is the greatest, evil on earth. as to our paid mercenary's (police) They need to stop assaulting our women and children - or their ass is mine.
Conservatives want you to keep talking, computer, so I'm not going to dispute you. Please feel free to continue to comment, and drive home just how extreme the fans of OWS can be.
TROLL B.S. never fails to put me to sleep...
TROLL B.S : recommended by more doctors than any other sleeping aid!!!
And yet you read his every word and deep down inside you know he's right. Hurts to know you live a lie, doesn't it?
GET REAL, "bereal"... LOL
Happy Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve New Moon, Christmas and welcoming in the long-awaited 2012 year of transformation.
Good Cheer, Love and Light!!!
May we all see the light.... yes, even the benighted trolls :)
Merry Christmas to you as well. Let's make sure 2012 is the last year of the Obummer!
you freak i guess you wont get your allowance , can,t you find any other way to disagree with someone besides riddling them with idiotic and obscene comments why cant you just tell me to fuk off or something , maybe you should explore the option of expanding your vocabulary ,
"why cant you just tell me to fuk off or something , maybe you should explore the option of expanding your vocabulary"
Sorry, I don't speak fuck... :)
well in case you did not know the term or word fuck has been used in every major protest against gov,t policies since the beginning of real protest , also if you notice the word fuck has been used by every major motion picture and film action star in the last 20 years , and society accepts it every time and never gives it a second thought , so where have you been also if you were not the least bit intrigued about this forum why did you log onto it just to insult me ? , you are lost in the world of political revolution and i am here to show you the way out ,
"why did you log onto it just to insult me?"
Who is calling the other a "freak"??? :)
Happy Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve New Moon, Christmas and welcoming in the long-awaited 2012 year of transformation
Good Cheer, Love and Light!!!
May we all see the light.... yes, even the trolls!
well thanks for your positive holiday cheer up , but i do not believe in thanksgiving or christmas and do not celebrate either holiday with anyone ever , but i do believe in the 2012 transformation and the pole shift that is about to happen i mean its possible that all of this effort we are putting into OWS will be in vain and the world we know will end which actually could be a positive thing because if an earthquake swallowed up wall st, i personally think that,s just fine so when you are laughing at this also remember its entirely possible , but in any case i hope you have a safe and happy holiday , peace B with you ,
And with you too, brother.... in spite of our manifold differences.
No, many of us are simply offended at your claims to represent nearly everyone. You don't, you're a tiny fringe. We're here to make that clear. And really, you need to come up with something better than "hater". It's tired.
And, many of us are offended that many of you defend the interests of the 1% instead of your own. If you're so against this movement, why do you post here? Seems to me you're intrigued by it.
Says you, but many don't see an answer is blaming others, redistribution, or socialism. I wrote why I post. It was pretty clear.
And troll. Its incredibly obnoxious to be called a troll for posting sincere thoughts.
May you trolls soon become tired of HATING!
Happy Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve New Moon, Christmas and welcoming in the long-awaited 2012 year of transformation
Good Cheer, Love and Light!!!
May we all see the light.... yes, even the trolls!
"Hater" is just more of the shout-down bullshit of leftists with really weak arguments.
Occupy has never pretended to speak for everyone. They speak for themselves. It's highly arrogant for you to associate yourself with a movement you have given nothing to then criticize it for not doing as you think it should. Feel free to take part in whatever suits you. The term "The 99%" is in reference to 1% owning nearly 80% of the assets and cash in this country and 99% owning what is left over. As a result, some are protesting with an acknowledgement that they are part of the 99%.
And now the spin begins. LOL
That's bullshit. They've claimed from the start to represent the 99%. They continue to declare themselves the spokespeople for virtually everyone. It's incredibly arrogant and self-important. It's also wildly aspirational coming from a bunch of committed leftists that really only represents maybe 10% of us.
The term "The 99%" is in reference to 1% owning nearly 80% of the assets and cash in this country and 99% owning what is left over. As a result, some are protesting with an acknowledgement that they are part of the 99%.
You can ignore portions of what I tell you so you can think you are good at word games but I will continue to tell it till you get it or give up one.
I've heard "we are the 99%" too many times to fall for your bullshit.
I present you facts. Take it or leave it. I'm not responsible for defending reality.
I've seen facts too. From the start, these self-important protesters have claimed to represent nearly everyone. They don't.
The term "The 99%" is in reference to 1% owning nearly 80% of the assets and cash in this country and 99% owning what is left over. As a result, some are protesting with an acknowledgement that they are part of the 99%.
You can ignore portions of what I tell you so you can think you are good at word games but I will continue to tell it till you get it or give up one.
If you use Percentile instead of percentage the number is simply the ratio any group . . . including insects and wilderbeasts, will have . . . that 99 0f a group of 100 will score lower than the "top" scorer in any particular attribute . . .catching the most prey . .having the most offspring having the best brain, making the most money . . .
All forms of hatred are the expression of a deeply buried, SUBCONSCIOUS SELF-HATRED... Worth thinking about, wouldn't you say?
Happy Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve New Moon, Christmas and welcoming in the long-awaited 2012 year of transformation.
Good Cheer, Love and Light!!!
May we all see the light.... yes, even the trolls!
People are Individuals. People are bound to question other people's viewpoints.
Even more questioning here with OWS because doesn't have one main issue. It has many different thigns it seems to be working toward.
You're right it isn't one voice on here. Does it reflect how OWS it perceived in general?
I want the movement to stay and occupy here:
The Revolution starts here!
Wait . .. . . . you WANT to START a MOVEMENT but Things " Are Too Stable . . .??? . . . ."!!! W T F ! ! ?/? You're mad cause things are going good .! ! ??? S M F
I believe in the message of ending government corruption and getting money out of politics.
Tell me one successful movement that had horrible marketing, lack of proper leadership, lack of organization, demonized authority, uses direct democracy (shaking head, rolling eyes, cannot even begin to understand the thinking here, truly absurd), is all over the place whining and complaining about everything under the sun, had no clear message (we are the 99% is not a clear message, makes us sound like a wanna-be mob), does not think we need politicians (huh??), uses anarcho-communist images, and thinks of itself as a "revolution" (shaking head and eye roll again).
Most people could care less about politics. I just had three people come into my office together, and none of them heard of occupy wall street.
I have found that most of hte "haters" agree that central banks/wallst are outta control, and that all our politicians are bought, and want to do something, but dont agree with the tactics.
Well, tehy are free to go and start their own thing. Put themselves out there. But they wont. And that brings us back to the first thing- most just dont care.
Nah OWS will live forever its immortal and cannot be dismantled because there is no predetermined protocol for dealing with movements such as this they have no idea how to shut it down or how to even understand it , it is as complex as coral reef and as simple as baby coming out of its mothers womb , no one can stop it and no one can rule it , but many people will try to divide and conquer it but that wont work either ,
beautifulworld is absolutely right.
And I am a supporter, and activist. I've been attending local GAs and plan on future activism.
The nay sayers can kiss my ass.