Forum Post: Privatization Perverts Education.
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 17, 2014, 10:24 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Profit-seehas victimized Americans. Now it's beginning to happen in education, with our children as the products.
There are good reasons - powerful reasons - to stop the privatization efforts before the winner-take-all free market creates a new vehicle for inequality. At the very least we need the good sense to slow it down while we examine the evidence about charters and vouchers."
Can we just call vouchers what they are? Coupons!
nice sound on the title
Ronald Reagon
I don't do internet transactions either
sorry for delete
I'm putting that on my personal thread
did you get the two year warranty ?
Yep. You buy the stuff anyway and either forgot the coupon, or forget to mail in the rebate.
They won't let you do that with education coupons, there's a libe(R)tarian waiting to cash the coupon on which he collects the tax payers dime.
Who cares if the kids are still stupid, teach 'em creationism, just as long as the coupons good.
EDIT - When I go to the store I pay attention to the price ( as they now advertise the lowered price on the shelf ) - I tell em at the cash register that the price is lower than what they just rang-up - No one has refused to correct the price on my bill. ( EDIT > ) But one really shouldn't have to police the cashier - nor ( in My Opinion ) should customers have to collect coupons ( and worst have to mail them in to get the price reduction ) - the price should be the lowest without customers being coerced.
there should be a base level of society maintained to stabilize an economic environment
How would this end the for profit, coupon education system?
educations should be free and available to everyone
How dare anyone stinkle that statement?! Persevere!
Never Ever Give Up! Occupy The Agenda! Solidarity.
I've been voting up pointless 0 too
'Education should be free'
It's called 99% Solidarity!
Besides being a 100% wise investment in society.
Never Give Up On The 99%! Occupy The Future! Solidarity.
What stinkle? I believe that Matt for whatever reason is not given an auto-matic point for his comments anymore - so he starts out at a zero. Something between him and the site ( not moderators - the site ).
I saw him at 0. Doesn't seem fair.
Hope he - Never Gives Up! OWS!
I noticed the other day that every comment he made seemed to be at a zero - I couldn't see someone hanging out to stinkle him as soon as he made a comment - as some would hit the comments prior to getting stinkled - Right? So I asked him if he was not receiving an auto-matic point for his comments anymore - like everyone else gets. I mean after all of this time - why would the site stop giving him an auto-matic point - only him - not everyone - then I stopped to consider and came up with the thought that it could be due to his eternal cryptic BS comments that mean nothing or could mean anything in every post he comments in/on. I think the site must be tired of it and instead of banning him as being a recalcitrant ankle biter - they just took away his auto point.
If you 'stopped to consider and came up with the thought that it could be due to his eternal cryptic BS comments that mean nothing or could mean anything in every post he comments in/on' did you stop to think what an important statement he made about education? He made complete sense to me! Never Give Up On The 99%! Occupy Solidarity!
One good comment in a hundred thousand does not set a good pattern of contribution/participation. And anyone who appreciates a good comment can ( and do ) twinkle it. I didn't have anything to do with his current status - that is between him and the site. Perhaps if he breaks his cryptic BS behavior - the site may give him back his auto point?
I didn't accuse you of having anything to do with it. Matt may have a different way of looking at things or of expressing himself. I hope that he's treated equally to everyone else here. Never Ever Give Up On Fairness! Occupy Solidarity - and dinner time :)
He's better off than having been banned - don't ya think?
Matt sometimes talks beyond the level of comprehension of many people because he uses metaphors and very short fragmented phrases. He may be bouncing around in many different threads and sometimes misreading the context.
which is not uncommon among everyone here
with appended conversation
in fact, the whole discussion on matt is not going on in his thread
The fact that anyone can get any number of monikers means that anyone with the will power can corrupt the point system. There are also people who are still wrapped in the cocoon politics of parties having knee-jerk reactions to comments. By the way, this was exactly the process through which we have created politicians who cannot speak the truth.
We all love fairy-tales and I enjoyed seeing so many cutie mice near NYPD headquarter and admired the very strong foot-long mighty rat (excluding the tail) in midtown Manhattan. Here is the free education for all about the power center of Wall Street on THE island.
EDIT - BTW - why would anyone mess with Matt's comments/points - most everyone either tolerates him with a chuckle and an Oh Matt or they tell him to try and make some sense ( he is capable of making sense when he wants to ) - why would anyone mess with his points as his points/comments are generally useless? Why bother? Unless of course the site does not like the non-sense showing up as comments on the site's posts.
Some people may not have had enough free education to be able to tolerate apparent nonsense (much poetry hits on multiple levels so the associated ambiguities may actually be an integral part of it) so they crave cleanliness.
Education can use more courses such as media literacy, lies and statistics, motivations and emotions, politics and ethics, etc. My experience is that inspiring teachers can make great differences in education, especially the ones who drop hints at critical junctures but never state upfront the dogmatic answers from the Establishment.
I have had great teachers from both private and public schools. It seems that the passion of the teacher for the subject taught and how experienced they have had teaching the subject matter greatly.
If you feel the site is in error or that someone is messing with Matt - contact the site. No doubt someone is looking in right now. As an example of such on-line presence - note an earlier comment I made - the site was not gonna let me post it because it was all in caps - I typed a complaint about the caps censor and was able to post the comment.
So it is likely that someone on the site is already aware of this conversation - talk to them about it - not Me.
Matt should initiate that because he has the legal basis.
All of your impassioned defense of Matt - and now you wanna just leave it with Matt. HUH
I do not really care about the point system much because I can ignore things, having lived with so much data for so long. My concern was that Matt might take it more seriously than I do.
You do know that pushing for a case needs either the protagonist or a power of attorney, don't you?
On a forum? U have got 2 B kidding me.
no the poetry is concise
non-sense is liberal conservative left right tax payer dogma
which is in the most vague of terms
Okay, let us call concise poetry coded - such as electrons being identical and metaphorically representing electrical workers.
The privatization of education is a problem being "fixed" by corporate people lacking long-term and intimate knowledge of the public school environments. For example, why would the U.S. want Bill Gates to "fix" education, aside from his money? He was kicked out of Harvard for ethical violations!
or elections?
all electricians understand that electricity acts in a uniform way
so uniform that micro circuits can guide it
education isn't broken more would be better
i can't pay for it
There are many free online courses such as from Coursera, Khan Academy, various colleges and universities, etc. It is best if you search for them yourself because other people tend to have different biases. Free education online is NOW a reality. Take advantage of it!
I'm just not skilled enough for a job
har har har
Skill qualifications are really in the eyes of the beholders. You have human resource people who mostly just do buzzword matches - nowadays even this process might have already been automated. You need to have correct buzzwords to get past that gate. Otherwise you get the passive-aggressive "responses."
Get the hot buzzwords onto your resume and cover letter to get past the human resource people.
human resources should already knows I have 7000+ post on their site
Your point about Bill Gates is weak. I don't know if he's the right man for the job, but you shouldn't judge him on something he did 30 years ago. People learn, people change. We'd have to judge him on what he can bring to the table of the education discourse today. It's kind of like people who search deeply for the wrongs someone did in his youth to dismiss him. Oh, he smoked weed when he was 18, so he shouldn't be a politician now or a cop. Etc... If we used that logic to judge people, greats like Mandela would have been swept under the rug before being able to accomplish something good.
"philanthropists like Bill Gates and Eli Broad and Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch and Jeff Bezos and the Walton family, who have little educational experience among them, and who have little accountability to the public, are riding the free-market wave and promoting "education reform" with lots of standardized testing."
Do you see the list of "philanthropists" include several notables who have caused much of our distress? We already have our kids tested to the Nth degree under the "No-Child-Left-Behind" more aptly called "No-Smart-Kids-Get-Ahead." We already have so much data but we lack the will power to carry through the program using the collected data. There was much teaching to the tests, devoting time and resources to gather data to do basically NOTHING.
Why do we need lots more standardized testing if we have already got data gushing from our ears?
How about giving Windows source code to China? Yeah, right, the Chinese hackers know no American English! Do you know how many business school graduates specified Windows for the businesses? Can you see why the U.S. security industries are growing by leaps and bounds?
Why would China know to build weapon systems that exceed ours by such tiny bits? There is the result of Capitalism and Libertarianism for all of us! Damn, damn, damn that blow-job era and beyond!
Something current? How about sweatshop labor in China.
Yes, that's my point, a current argument about Bill Gates would make sense. I don't know enough about his doings in China to comment about that particular issue. He's generally not a guy I like very much simply because of his bad taste.
Bill Gates = the Dark Side. Wait till we see his seeds "flower."
I've noticed that Matt has been more voluble lately and actually printing whole coherent sentences as well as more than one sentence in more than 1 comment. Could this have anything to do with his being commented upon - time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time - from the very beginning that his comments make no sense?
Here is a website that promises free programming courses in Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. You may want to take a free course there.
but I've done the programming race
I know I can program and don't need to keep up with every language
If someone wants to hire me to program
I can figure it out
I could probably teach javascript
There was a technical something dude perhaps a year back who said that he would hire someone remotely to do Ruby and there was a Connecticut person whom he had worked with.
Does anyone remember him?
that might work
I was working with someone for a security program
but I had no interest
Coupons, man, coupons.
It's the "progress" of profit-able education. The venerable voucher, which is actually a coupon.
I'm aware of the what is and what should never be aspect, but I'm talking about here and now.
What is this "base level of society" you speak of and what's it's relationship to education coupons?
an environment of educated thinking people will bring the most to it's members
Yes, with coupons!
Perhaps that's your calling?
Coupons for jobs?