Forum Post: Presidential Candidate That Supports #OWS: SAVINGAMERICASPROMISE.COM
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 9:23 a.m. EST by crv2012
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Latest speech just released:
Chad stands in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and Occupy movements across America... supports both their grievances and goals.
Now is the time! WE ARE THE 99%...
Your page is busted.
Seems to be working fine now.
Ron Paul 2012, nothing else is worth voting for
NOTHING is worth voting for. Can't you see this is far beyond the capacity of any politician. You want to become president, you need big money to campaign. He will take money from rich people and have to do their bidding.
Not if the American people stand up and demand change... not if they quit voting for these people like fools... Someone has to educate the rest of the population as to what is going on... THAT needs to be #occupywallstreet's biggest goal.
BTW, I have great respect for Ron Paul. I share many of his beliefs and views... the problem is that he is too low-key, and he's embedded in the system already... what America needs is someone with PASSION who will say what he believes and quit worrying about winning... someone who will stand up and just lead us forward...
Our election process is completely corrupt. Voting no longer matters. Whoever is the best corporate lap dog is the one who "wins" so no thanks, I won't be voting because elections are big dramas that MSM makes boat loads of money off of and nothing more.
Your absolutely correct on all points except one... NOW IS THE TIME FOR AMERICANS TO MAKE THEIR VOICE HEARD... ONLY A STRONG LEADER CAN PUT THIS NATION BACK TOGETHER and voting for a Real American, someone who believes and won't sell himself out for Corporate America WILL SAVE THIS NATION...
That would be the way I would have gone before but, my vote did not count in the last election or the one before that, our system is so gamed your vote is lost. It's the corporations who determine which candidates "win" or not. It's over until we get corporations out of the election process voting is useless.
I have to agree...
but if only we could just all find a single candidate to support... someone completely new... someone completely different... who could spark our imagination and restore our confidence in our democracy in each and every way...
No WE are the candidates now. They are all bought and paid for. "If you see the Buddah on the road, kill him" NO gurus, no leaders. YOU and ME. That is all there is. Stop looking for the "dream" candidate. They are not coming. No one in D.C. represents me. Every time I go there all the statues and documents are about men. I'm, DONE. with it. MSM lies about these people and we look for a savior. No one is going to represent you. Obama, another swinging dick in the W.H. to me. I'm done!! I am NOT represented. AT. ALL.
If someone were to represent you and your opinions... What would you have them represent?
Curious, I'm not voting for anyone who is financed by and large by corporations they will be beholden to. That's all. It's not about just my views. It's that the voting process is co opted by corporations donations to every candidate. They don't stand a chance without the backing of these corporations. Therefore they control our election process. I saw things on the inside of the democratic party that would revolt you. I am done with it. Voting under these circumstances does not even count. I tried believe me. I even had a meeting with Dr. Dean. Nothing was done about vote manipulation, vote stealing. etc. etc. etc. and when HE even deigned to make the slightest remark he was removed. People don't realize the extent to which their votes are controlled. I would ONLY support a candidate when the corporations are out of our political process. All else is a total waste of time.
Running as VP should be LaRouche.
Lyndon LaRouche? lol
We need a VP and P who believe in the people of this nation.
You posted this promoting yourself?
Someone has to stand up and put this platform forward...
We can elect as many congressmen as we want... no matter how you roll the dice, the result is the same...
There is only one path to victory for this movement.
Do you trust a politician to do it? It has to be someone who believes. Someone who is unaccountable to these corporations that have taken ahold of our government.
Maybe it's not me... But it has to be someone like me...
A normal guy who just wants America to be that promise of freedom and prosperity they taught us about back in grade school...
:( ...but it's not no more...
That's great. But, if he wants to work for us, the 99%, he better be transparent as glass. Has he now, or will he in the future during his campaign or while in office (if he gets elected) take corporate contributions and or special interest group money? And, is he willing to work as hard as he can to make lobbying and corporate contributions illegal?
Follow me... I will release 9 "Episodes"... Speeches... That will reveal my positions, my life and entire platform:
I am a normal person: father, family and lower middle class... beholden to no man or corporation... except the American people and restoring their dream of freedom and prosperity for ALL...
I will take no corporate contributions.. I will take no special interest group money (unless directly supported in my platform)... If the people choose to support me, I will change America and restore this nation's promise...
I will solve this economic crisis, I will end corporate contributions and lobbying... I will restore the original nature of America's democracy and freedom for our children...
And I will never lie to the American people on any subject no matter how difficult it is...
I am no politician...
I just know the way...
Follow me
He seems like any other politician, empty and totally untrustworthy (though this my be my natural cynicism about politicians speaking here).
on his website he has nothing about his promises, his goals, his idea's. Nothing about his past experiences, and nothing about his politics. He is in other words full of hot air who see's this movement as a way to gain support and an easy ride into congress.
Personally I feel that career politicians should never be allowed to run a country....
Follow me... I will release 9 "Episodes"... Speeches... That will reveal my positions, my life and entire platform:
I am a normal person: father, family and lower middle class... beholden to no man or corporation... except the American people and restoring their dream of freedom and prosperity for ALL...
I will take no corporate contributions.. I will take no special interest group money (unless directly supported in my platform)... If the people choose to support me, I will change America and restore this nation's promise...
I will solve this economic crisis, I will end corporate contributions and lobbying... I will restore the original nature of America's democracy and freedom for our children...
And I will never lie to the American people on any subject no matter how difficult it is...
I am no politician...
I just know the way...
Follow me
Probably because he wants our vote.
I don't really care if I get any votes or win... I just want to save our nation for our children before it's too late... I want people to hear the truth, the problem and the solution... 9 episodes and you will understand... This weekend the 4th will be shared.
God Bless America. We are the 99%.
9 episodes? 4th?
If you want to see, first you must look... Destiny has brought us here and now.
This is not electioneering. If this movement is to succeed, it needs one of our own, someone who believes, to stand up and show the way... posturing alone will not solve our problems...
Look at the tea party...
Assumption that needs to be built into any model: Power always corrupts - people, organizations, parties, businesses, etc.
a flat hierarchy is what this movement appears to be about, not personal promotion (/agendas), or, what we have now.
There is not now, nor will there ever be a 'knight on a white horse' to save us. That white knight is all of us, each contributing in our own way, at least a little.
keep ALL discussions (and eventually voting under full legal names) on the internet for anyone to challenge and you will have come as close as possible to a sustainable system. One that finds 'errors' and 'bugs' (i.e. graft, waste, theft, etc.) as fast as possible because it is brought to attention by other users. This is Open Source philosophy.
The internet never sleeps and that's the necessary vigilance that a sustainable democracy requires.
The tea Party failed, because they tried to play the political game. We do not wish to side with any politicians until the end. When we are the ones, as a whole, standing up and showing the way.
You are showing that you don't understand out movement.
I am no politician. I am simply one of you.
A movement without a goal is merely entertainment.
And the time for political games is long over... our nation's future is at stake whether people understand that yet or not...
No it doesn't. Screw the tea party. Screw congress. Congress will change fuck all, the white house will change fuck all.
Exactly... Congress and these politicians will never go the way of the Arab dictators... They will never give up the power and money...
There is only one path. If you want to see, first you must look...
You need to study up on the Hegelian dialectic and learn how movements like Arab Spring ended up with what the powers that be wanted in the first place. Or how the left/right pie-throwing contest ALWAYS marches us toward the same end.
Who prints the money buys everything.
I may not be a politician, I may be a modest income man who focuses on his family and friends... but I am well versed in both national and international history and politics...
And America is a completely different story than the Arab states... our people have voted and chosen this path we are on... primarily though, at this point, because THEY SEE NO OTHER PATH...
And your absolutely right, the left/right dem/repub is like 2 sides of the same coin...
What America needs is a NEW DIRECTION... a new path.