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Forum Post: President Theodore Roosevelt and The Square Deal as Mascot/calling. He fought the Corporations and WON!!! He would destroy Chuck Norris.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 4:02 p.m. EST by realdeal (13)
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Who or what better to have then President Theodore Roosevelt and The Square Deal. He beat the crap out of the corporations, They hated him, bet they still do. He was DA MAN. He would destroy Chuck Norris. "Bully, ...bully" He wore awesome clothes, even awesome mustache. Really who better to look to in history that really helped the common American man? You better Take a look at how Ole Teddy T beat-up dem greedy corporations back when you grand pappy was alive. "bully, bully" We can have some fun with this, dress up like Theodore Roosevelt, use his old slogans, his image for are signs, etc...

It will also create a New media story "occupiers align themselves with Theodore Roosevelt say what? show picture of everyone dress like Teddy T, etc... and they get to explain the history of Teddy and the deal or whatever they fill up slow news days with.

The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program formed upon three basic ideas conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. Thus, it aimed at helping middle class citizens and involved attacking plutocracy and bad trusts while at the same time protecting business from the extreme demands of organized labor.



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[-] 1 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

Good points but nobody destroys Chuck Norris.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Obama sure ain't no Roosevelt...

Obama is considered so weak and spinelees that prominent Democrat strategist James Carville recently labeled him a "wimp" who needs to grow a pair of... a certain part of the male anatomy. Laughably, the White House responded with "outrage". But Carville - on CNN, I believe (check on YouTube) - adamantly refused to apologize.

How much harm does a President have to do to his country before "We the People" decide he is no longer fit for the office or worthy of it?

The coming "New America" needs a simpler, more straightforward impeachment process for presidents who are found to be severely lacking and out of touch with the "We the People" who are their masters in this democratic sysyem. As I see it, in the New America, disastrous presidents such as Nixon, "Dubya" and Obama would be quickly impeached by a nationwide referendum before causing the nation irreparable harm.