Forum Post: President Obama may come to Ny and visit OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 3:28 p.m. EST by Obama2012
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
he is raising funds to be able to visit and support causes like OWS. Obama want you to know that he is down for the struggle. Please help him help you by donating at
Stop trolling, Obama2012.
This is not a pro-Obama movement and everyone knows it, from disgruntled former Obama voters such as myself, to the most goldbuggian end-the-Fed Ron Paulite out on the corner with a handmade sign.
Act Blue is indeed selling Occupy yard signs and having the proceeds go to DNC candidates. How bout them apples! I wrote them and asked on what authority did they hijack this movement to push their corporate b.s. The DNC is NOT our friend anymore than the RNC. I have been waiting for these infiltrators going up to the election. Here they are.
Check out Carl Person or run one of us. Anything but this. Read voting records. You won't get through the business section without feeling ill.
Well-stated. But with a Democratic president in the WH and strong GOP pushback on any attempt to make meaningful reform (resulting inn total political paralysis--at best compromised legislation) there may exist the political firepower (thanks to OWS efforts) to push through some of this legislation. Even now the GOP resists allowing the Jobs bill or the millionaire tax to go through, despite overwhelming support. Keep going! I don't think they can hold out forever. At some point these WS sellouts have to start worrying about their own re-election. Just as the Tea party got a few right wing crazies in Congress in 2010, perhaps OWS can get some true progressives in 2012 in.
Very few Republicans, and even fewer Conservatives support OWS. However, many liberals and Democrats are clamoring to show their support.
The extent of conservative support is unknown at this point. I agree that this is largely a left-progressive-"democratic wing of the democratic party" movement. To surmise that OWS was therefore an Obama re-election project---the narrative this troll is pushing in a ham handed way---would be a inference not justified by logic or fact.
Don't look at parties anymore. They're dead. Look at informed people who see through a corrupt system. You have lots of friends who have cast off labels and changed their minds just trying to figure out who to vote for. Would you like arsenic or strychnine? 'Cause that's almost everything on the ballot.
Why else is Obama and many other Democrats speaking favorably of OWS? They are politicians!!!!!! They are doing it because they think that will put the Republicans on the defensive. And I'm saying they are making a huge tactical error. But, we shall see.
and I agree that the extent of conservative support is unknown......that is because it is almost undetectable....
Hey they have Buddy Roemer. ;)
Yeah, the guy who votes for alternative energy and has his money in defense. Why save the world when you can blow it to bits for profit? Oh and Obama voted no on the use of landmines.
Yeah, simply because they want to hijack OWS as their very own Tea Party 2.0. Not happening.
I agree. Tell them all to go to hell, lol.
No one cares about what your political leadership is pretending they think.
What does that comment have to do with anything?
Very intelligent remark. Did you get advice from Michael Moore?
And that tells you what......
Yeah, and I think we should fall for their lying, self-serving pathetic sound bytes in support of the 'little guy'.
I sleep better at night knowing that the liberals are supporting the populist uprising.
I think Alec Baldwin should give all that money back to Capital One and stop being their spokesperson. What a hypocrite.
I guess we know what's in Baldwin's wallet. Lies from greedy fucks!
So, are you going to protest Baldwin? Or, just Capital One?
I have already delivered my personal boot to the ass to BoA, by closing my account with them the morning after that CEO prick of theirs said he had a 'right' to rip customers off.
We should all close accounts with the big banks, and tell 'em to go fuck themselves; it pisses them off royally. Citibank had account closers arrested for closing, don't ya know.
Yeah right.......I love how you say people were arrested for closing their account at a bank. I've read a lot of bullshit on here, but I'm calling you out on that one. Show everyone where someone was arrested for closing their bank account. Come on. Come with the goods. You said it, so it's true, right? Show it. Come on. I'm waiting.........................
OWS posted a Youtube vid of it. Give me a mo, I'll try to find it.
Edit: Here it is.
You copied the wrong link. You said people were arrested for closing their account. What you showed was a clip of people being arrested for a variety of things such as loitering, trespassing and interrupting a business.
I said show me where people were arrested for closing an account
Or did you lie?
They WERE arrested for trying to close their accounts. That statement in itself is true. If they had not been holding signs that detailed their feelings about the bank, they would not have been arrested, but if they had not been trying to close their accounts the same would be true.
EDIT: I don't care to argue with you anymore. We aren't getting anywhere.
Just because they were closing their accounts a the time of arrest does NOT mean they were arrested for closing their accounts. "While" and "for" have two different meanings. What if one of them wore blue jeans while being arrested? Would you say he was arrested for wearing blue jeans? I hope not. They were arrested for inappropriately and illegally protesting in the lobby of the bank.
No one lied. They were arrested for trying to close their accounts. They obviously weren't arrested for protesting the bank, because they wouldn't have been arrested for just that, right?
Depends what they were doing to protest. To protest doesn't mean that anything you do is legal. You can go and close your account any time you want, but you can't go and disrupt a business. And yes someone lied. It was said that the OWS crowd was arrested for trying to close their accounts. That is preposterous and not true. To repeat that as fact is lying.
I'm saying they were arrested for trying to close their accounts while protesting the practices of the bank. That is what happened.
But they weren't arrested for trying to close their accounts like that other guy said. And now you combine two things, trying to close their accounts and protesting, as if both were reasons for the arrest. Not true. One of them might have been scratching his balls while protesting, but he wouldn't have been arrested for scratching his balls.
You people need to quit lying abut what happens
Supposedly they were arrested because you can't be a customer and a protester at the same time.
How can they be trespassing, loitering, or interrupting a business when they were trying to close their own accounts? That is what they were trying to do.
And they were being unruly. Are you really sticking to saying they were arrested for trying to close their accounts? Really? Say so if you are.
"You copied the wrong link."
That's possible. Look, there's a lot of related vids there; folks getting harassed and arrested at Citi. That's what I'm seeing. I'm in TX, not NYC. What I know of events there comes filtered through the movement's network, so sue me.
Disagree with me if you want, nitpick all you want. That's fine.
It isn't nitpicking when you say people were arrested for closing bank accounts when that never happened. Why would you be so gullible to think that a bank could just call the police and have them arrest someone for closing an account? Just think about that for a second, or a minute. That would be outrageous. But, of course it didn't ever happen. There is big damage done when people repeat lies. People then will believe those lies. You want proof? You believed it, didn't you? Yeah, you did. I"m sure partly because you WANTED to believe it . But it's not true. Not even close And as far as the ones being harassed at Citi? It's not the OWS crowd, It's the bank employees and the legitimate customers there to do banking business that are being harassed.
Yes, agreed. The problem is - almost 100% of them are hypocrites. Did you know that CEO salaries pale in comparison to A list celebs? Yet the people give celebs a pass.
Sure they do, because they are beautiful, funny and cool. Oh, except for Michael Moore, lololololol
Obama has been a champion of the ows from the very beginning
guess thats why it took him at least 3 weeks before even mentioning it.... I voted obama in the last election, wont do it again.... /me chants No I Wont!
Agreed. What is the alternative? Do you think there is someone else better for 2012? That is the biggest problem!
I would like to see Sean Penn run.
Actually, I agree!
So, so right and let's add "Hire" to that list since it is persecuting poor and working class families around the world. Heinous, lies all round on his part.
And the ICE deported a record number of immigrants over the past year
He's not a superhero or a wielder of a magic wand. He's only the president. He really tried on Gitmo, and failed. The president's powers are limited by the constitution and the traditions of our system of government.
He's done more than anyone in decades to rein in Wall Street.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; Volcker rule; Dodd-Frank...the CEO's are frothing at the mouth, and sending megabucks to Romney.
You may not agree with Obama on all points (I certainly don't) but be careful about completely demonizing the only president for decades to back strict regulation of the financial markets.
Obama along with the democratically controlled Congress at the time attempted to restrict the power of Wall St in ways that the country hasn't seen in decades. He broke off a 30 year trend of deregulation and empowerment and attempted to weaken the grip the financial industry had on our country.
Unfortunately most of those regulations are being held up in the now republican controlled congress.
Instead of waving your hands and screaming things about the big scary establishment you may want to inform yourself of the real problems with Wall St, how we got to this point, and what can be done to fix it.
Watch Inside Job. It tells the exact opposite story. There is no party issue. Do not buy this divided Congress. They are simply corporate rivals. But they serve one purpose. Themselves. If you don't think something is wrong here, you would not be having this movement. You would be having an Obama fundraiser.
If Obama comes to NY its properly to visit his friends in wall street that gives him millions in bribes for his next election
he raised more than 86 million dollars so far I don't think he needs our donations
That's all he's talked about on his Twitter and his wife is trying to beat a jumping jack record. He should have been up in that balcony sipping champagne too. Andrew Jackson would have gotten on a screen in Time Square and vowed to rout out a den of vipers.
He also passed a trade agreement recently that will destroy more jobs...
Congress passed the agreements, he will sign.
Try and appropriate our movement for his reelection campaign?! He is not welcome! I hope he's driven out!
He doesn't care. And you are stupid if you actually trust him. It's re-election time duh. Obama just wants votes.
"Obama wants you to know that he is down for the struggle." LOL. Did he just send a drone towards OWS?
Yeah, one more politician trying to hijack the OWS movement!
Obama is a liar and he is worst then Bush .... We need to restore Habeas corpus and stop the government from working around Posse Comitatus Act. Stop assassinations and renditions aka kidnapping. Close Guantanamo. End Iraq war, Afghanistan / Pakistan war, Libya and all other humanitarian wars. and so on Obama was a big mistake. They used him to sell us to lie to us... hope, change what a joke. Wake up America
It is hard to end something which still has no real end. If we recall our troops now, our work would be undone in a few months. If we Wait longer, We could see increased Resistance from the populace. When you get in a position like this. The chances of You getting out, are slim to none.
so whats your point ... what are you saying .... What is undone ? increased Resistance from the populace that lives in that location? who cares ? you believe terrorists that live in caves or villages are really trying to come to the USA and kill us?
ooo… Caves… You know where the real terrorists are… Right here in America, in Cities. We have to think about the people there too you know. They have just the same amount of rights as us.
huh ?
Yes believe it or not we are a species call Humanity. we all Deserve the same rights to Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
and This is what the terrorists want. for us to be in Fear of them hence the Name "Terror"ists. Most Terrorists are already in the Country. Causing us to be afraid.
And Yes I do care about all Humanity. We are ALL THE SAME. We have the Same genetic Code. We have the Same History. We have the potential to Unite and Work together.
Are these "terror" ist's just like the terrorist Hitler told the Germany people to be scared of ? O they where polish I think our terrorist are form everywhere in the world mostly the middleeast .... Be Scared ... could be a neighbor ... see somthing say somthing ...
I voted for him in 2008 and i will not support him now. He failed, hes bought out just like the rest of our government
Threads like this should be deleted.
I'll admit I voted for the guy in '08 but that was before I realized Michelle had hidden his balls somewhere...
YAY! Obama is coming to Wall Street....not OWS mind you, but Wall Street. Got a campaign coming up dontchaknow!
Get Outta Here.
I am willing to hear him out. He will be one of the few who do acknowledge it. I am voting for Ron Paul either way, but if Obama comes down and listens then actually puts in motion parts of the demands that makes sense I would be more willing to listen to him over all. But as a MS patient, and medical cannabis user, father of 2 living in a small apartment and can't find work after giving 15 years to my corporate gig I am tired of the lies. I am tired of him leaving troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now going into Uganda?
He is going to have to do a LOT more then "just come down" to have me even give him a second thought after voting for him the first time and feeling duped.
Pla consider giving a donation to help obama defeat corporate greed
Won't happen.
Research your Candidate. Research his buddies at GE, Bank of America, Chase. Look at the fact that he could have given every US citizen illegal or not 11 thousand dollars instead of bailing out the banks who are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars and refusing to loan it to the economy starters (US) on the command of the federal reserve.
Tell "your" president that if he wants "my" money he has to stand up for me and not the 1%. I am alive because of a plant he demonizes, while he drinks on the white house lawn I help pay to maintain with my tax dollars. His kids futures look bright, while mine look dismal.
Your "president" is a failure as a human being because he is letting money and lobbyist destroy the lives of the people who put him in Office and Ill be damned if I am going to give him one more penny of my money to do it again.
Hell no
personally, I'd like to see what he has to say. If he just busted out a canned "we can change the world together" speech without a specific plan or any proactive movement on that plan using the powers of the executive branch, he would lose the little credibility he has left with these people. Anything he says he's willing to work toward is largely nullified by how little he did when the Dem's had both houses in congress plus the white house. He had more power to change this country than anyone has had in my life time and he didn't even step up to bat on any of the major issues the OWS movement is supporting.
I call it the Shark Defense....when you go scuba diving, you always have a dive buddy. If you see a hungry shark, you only need to swim to the boat faster than your buddy. The politicians making "favorable "coments about OWS are just trying to swim faster than their buddies. But they dont realize how hungry we are and how far away the boat really is.
Obama is a piece of wall-street scum. Tell him to stay in his study at the white house where he watches espn and reads people magazine.. Tell him to stop deploying spy drones and assassinating Americans without trial and I still will hate him. Resign scumbag!
The OWS protest is growing because people are waking up in part because of the financial and job situation across the world. This is a manifestation of what Obama's buddy Zbigniew Brzezinski called the Global Massive Political Awakening. Think independently from everyone else. Our Elite molds societies by educating the people just enough to run the machine, but never enough to ask if this is the best machine for us. Think about it, our controlled school systems teach sex and drugs in third and fourth grades and not how to even balance a checkbook by high school. The Elite’s system wants utterly dependent people to control for power and profit. They do not want fully aware people, who can see through main stream media lies, Wall St Ponzi schemes, or Federal abuses. They certainly do not want people educating others to our common plight of illusion.
It's said democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner; a republic is the sheep with a tommygun. So, a revolution is a lot of sheep, with a lot of tommyguns, and ammo to spare. lol
lol ... I don't know ... i would like to see some serious accountability ... Somethings got to change
One thing the American people don't know about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh was supporting Brock Obama to beat Hilary Clinton because they new he was a secret republican. After Brock Obama won the Iowa caucus the republicans on fox new said yes we won. Why would the say that? Bill O'reilly even asked why were all the conservatives angry at Brock Obama. Look what Brock Obama did when he bailed out the banks. He made a health care plan the the republicans wanted in 1998 and Bill Clinton vetoed it. When Brock Obama was president the Democrats had the majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives. While he had the power to make bills and laws to help the middle class and poor live a better life he never tried to. He also never tried to create bills or laws that would decrease the power the wealthiest Americans have over innocent American citizens. He never tried to raise the wealthiest Americans and corporations taxes when he had the power to. Then when the Republican party owned the majority of House of Representatives, Brock Obama allowed them to control the entire government. The Republicans used bulling methods to attack our government, but Bock Obama turned into his old self and became a conman. When the Republicans wanted to Bush’s tax cut and to get rid of the death tax for the wealthy American. Brock Obama said he did not want to give in, but he did it for American citizens. Then when the Republican party want to cut more taxes from the wealthy and cut public programs from the poor and middle class. President Obama said he did not want to give in, but he did it for American citizens. At the end of the day he is a great Republican conman. Now when The republican want their own candidature back into the White House they get help from American Elect. The first question you must ask about America Elect Why do they only want their candidates to run for President of American and not other political offices? Then if you look at one of the leaders in Americas Elect and find out the he was an Aide for Mitt Romney and other Republican politicians then the truth comes out. American Elect does not want to give the public more choices, but they want to take away the votes the democrats would receive from the young people when the presidential elections happen. This way Mitt Romney a Republican candidate would have the best chance of becoming the President of the Untied States of America. Now look at MSNBC they were a conservative news station before they started supporting Brock Obama. Then all of a sudden they became a liberal news station. All they have done was praised Brock Obama and Blamed the Republicans for him not being able to help the middle class and poor people something he promised he would do if he was elected as President of the United states of America. Then President Obama gave billions of dollars to General Electric for creating jobs in America. Instead General Electric created more jobs in China because their workers are paid much less then American workers. Then if you do the research and find out General Electric owns a part of MSNBC. Then it all makes sense. MSNBC will say great things about Brock Obama as long as he provides billions of dollars to General Electric. President Brock Obama gave the banks billions and billions of dollars. The reason why he gave billions of dollars to the banks because the banks are proviThe American Citizens' Vote
Billy Jetland CEO
James Jetland
Skype: theamericancitizensvote
Phone Number: 702-445-4782
Email: ding money to his campaign so he could get reelected next year.
Who the hell is" Brock" Obama?
I would LOVE to seem him come to New York, visit OWS and get BOOOOOOOOOOOOED non-stop for a couple of hours. It would be the great group therapy for an angry America AND for this consummate narcissist who calls himself our President.
To learn more about this well-guarded secret, see narcissism specialist Dr. Sam Vaknin's site and scroll down:
I don't like Obama at all but, Vaknin is not a Dr. at all, he's a psychopath misleading people everywhere. If you want info on narcissism look to Dr. Robert Hare...not making money off people's misery like Vaknin.
And this is bull about donating to Obama. Why on earth would ANYONE with Occupy approve of Obushma's tactics or ever fall for it again. And WHY is "Act Blue" selling Occupy yard signs and taking the money for the DNC??
In a poll it said most Americans blame government, not Wall Street. We need to teach the people, it's the collusion between them.
raising funds? Like waiting for his Airmiles? Come on, he should have been there already.
Don't give any of that 300,000 to Obama, he is a shill. People don't be sheep anymore, he had more Wall st goons in his cabinet than anyone before him. We have to clear all public offices and clear this concept of a professional politician. only 1 term for congress and 2 for anyone serving in the house of representatives. No life long judges. Tell him you want taxes for the super rich to go back up to 90% like they were in the 60's.
Obama is worse that Bush, because Obama sold us on changing from Bush policies and then he just kept them all. Obama cannot be re-elected unless he totally gets rid of his WS connections.
He took in more money from WS in 2008 than any other president on record.
Ugh, stop.
Top Income in U.S. is...Gasp!...Wash. D.C. Area
Federal employees whose compensation averages more than $126,000 and the nation’s greatest concentration of lawyers helped Washington edge out San Jose as the wealthiest U.S. metropolitan area, government data show.
The U.S. capital has swapped top spots with Silicon Valley, according to recent Census Bureau figures, with the typical household in the Washington metro area earning $84,523 last year. The national median income for 2010 was $50,046.
The figures demonstrate how the nation’s political and financial classes are prospering as the economy struggles with unemployment above 9 percent and thousands of Americans protest in the streets against income disparity, said Kevin Zeese, director of Prosperity Agenda, a Baltimore-based advocacy group trying to narrow the divide between rich and poor.
“There’s a gap that’s isolating Washington from the reality of the rest of the country,” Zeese said. “They just get more and more out of touch.”
Total compensation for federal workers, including health care and other benefits, last year averaged $126,369, compared with $122,697 in 2009, according to Bloomberg News calculations of Commerce Department data. There were 170,467 federal employees in the District of Columbia as of June. The Washington area includes the District of Columbia, parts of Northern Virginia, eastern Maryland and eastern West Virginia.
Embracing K Street In recent years Washington has attracted more lobbyists and firms with an interest in the health-care overhaul and financial regulations signed into law by President Barack Obama, according to local business leaders.
“Wall Street has moved to K Street,” said Barbara Lang, president and chief executive officer of the DC Chamber of Commerce, referring to the Washington street that’s home to prominent lobbying firms. “Those two industries clearly have grown in our city.”
Still, household income fell even in Washington by 0.8 percent last year from $85,168. In the San Jose area, home to Cupertino-based Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO) in San Jose, income dropped to $83,944 from $84,483 in 2009.
Median income in both metro areas has been falling since 2008, when it reached a record in each place. The 4.7 percent drop in Silicon Valley during that period was three times larger than the Washington region’s 1.5 percent fall.
Top Income in U.S. is...Gasp!...Wash. D.C. Area
Federal employees whose compensation averages more than $126,000 and the nation’s greatest concentration of lawyers helped Washington edge out San Jose as the wealthiest U.S. metropolitan area, government data show.
The U.S. capital has swapped top spots with Silicon Valley, according to recent Census Bureau figures, with the typical household in the Washington metro area earning $84,523 last year. The national median income for 2010 was $50,046.
The figures demonstrate how the nation’s political and financial classes are prospering as the economy struggles with unemployment above 9 percent and thousands of Americans protest in the streets against income disparity, said Kevin Zeese, director of Prosperity Agenda, a Baltimore-based advocacy group trying to narrow the divide between rich and poor.
“There’s a gap that’s isolating Washington from the reality of the rest of the country,” Zeese said. “They just get more and more out of touch.”
Total compensation for federal workers, including health care and other benefits, last year averaged $126,369, compared with $122,697 in 2009, according to Bloomberg News calculations of Commerce Department data. There were 170,467 federal employees in the District of Columbia as of June. The Washington area includes the District of Columbia, parts of Northern Virginia, eastern Maryland and eastern West Virginia.
Embracing K Street In recent years Washington has attracted more lobbyists and firms with an interest in the health-care overhaul and financial regulations signed into law by President Barack Obama, according to local business leaders.
“Wall Street has moved to K Street,” said Barbara Lang, president and chief executive officer of the DC Chamber of Commerce, referring to the Washington street that’s home to prominent lobbying firms. “Those two industries clearly have grown in our city.”
Still, household income fell even in Washington by 0.8 percent last year from $85,168. In the San Jose area, home to Cupertino-based Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO) in San Jose, income dropped to $83,944 from $84,483 in 2009.
Median income in both metro areas has been falling since 2008, when it reached a record in each place. The 4.7 percent drop in Silicon Valley during that period was three times larger than the Washington region’s 1.5 percent fall.
Obushma is part of the problem. This will KILL this movement. "Donate" to re elect him? I didn't think OWS was part of a political campaign when both parties are owned by corporate goons. Take the campaigning elsewhere. This is heinous.
He sued Citi for not getting in line with subprime so more mortgages could be sold to investment banks. Read his voting record. He speaks alternative energy and votes no or does not vote. We are in Uganda now in the interest of oil. He did not push for regulation on oil companies. He is a money machine for himself and the banks with a campaign that guilts a questioning body for having criticized his greatness. This is a dangerous dictator like Bush we have to learn about via foreign countries via the internet. Do you know how many people died due to the Gunwalker sting? And he is currently working on a new Freddie Mac. The student loan debt and the mortgage bubble are the same thing. The only person who even comes close to the public interest is Dylan Ratigan or Carl Person who believes someone from this movement should enter government. Obama refuses to hold Bush accountable because they are both products of Goldman Sachs. All he is talking about on his Twitter page is how much money he's raised and exceeded 2008 and he's trying to co-opt this.
We should ask Obama why he laughed about the first stimulus bill being a failure:
If he visits OWS, Obama will embarrass himself. He will be heckled off the stage and he knows it. Wall Street special interests bought him off years ago. Ditto applies to anyone in the current field of presidential candidates. That's how pay-to-play works and that is exactly why Wall Street is occupied.
Absolutely not. No more money to Goldman.
if Obama comes to the part i will be chanting Get the fck out! Get the Fck! out Get the F*ck out!
IF Obama comes I will come to the park and chant throughout his interview Get the fck out Get the Fck out Get the f*ck out
I believe the President! I believe the United States! We will be good! Will come!
President in action! Concerned about the people!
Yeah, I"ll send him money again ................................... When donkeys FLY!!
If Obama comes, I hope he's met with the derision a Wall Street War president deserves.
He is raising funds to be able to visit? What on earth does that mean? He wants someone to pay his cab fare?
And besides, the day Obama steps into the OWS crowd, that will be the day he loses re-election.
One thing the American people don't know about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh was supporting Brock Obama to beat Hilary Clinton because they new he was a secret republican. After Brock Obama won the Iowa caucus the republicans on fox new said yes we won. Why would the say that? Bill O'reilly even asked why were all the conservatives angry at Brock Obama. Look what Brock Obama did when he bailed out the banks. He made a health care plan the the republicans wanted in 1998 and Bill Clinton vetoed it. When Brock Obama was president the Democrats had the majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives. While he had the power to make bills and laws to help the middle class and poor live a better life he never tried to. He also never tried to create bills or laws that would decrease the power the wealthiest Americans have over innocent American citizens. He never tried to raise the wealthiest Americans and corporations taxes when he had the power to. Then when the Republican party owned the majority of House of Representatives, Brock Obama allowed them to control the entire government. The Republicans used bulling methods to attack our government, but Bock Obama turned into his old self and became a conman. When the Republicans wanted to Bush’s tax cut and to get rid of the death tax for the wealthy American. Brock Obama said he did not want to give in, but he did it for American citizens. Then when the Republican party want to cut more taxes from the wealthy and cut public programs from the poor and middle class. President Obama said he did not want to give in, but he did it for American citizens. At the end of the day he is a great Republican conman. Now when The republican want their own candidature back into the White House they get help from American Elect. The first question you must ask about America Elect Why do they only want their candidates to run for President of American and not other political offices? Then if you look at one of the leaders in Americas Elect and find out the he was an Aide for Mitt Romney and other Republican politicians then the truth comes out. American Elect does not want to give the public more choices, but they want to take away the votes the democrats would receive from the young people when the presidential elections happen. This way Mitt Romney a Republican candidate would have the best chance of becoming the President of the Untied States of America. Now look at MSNBC they were a conservative news station before they started supporting Brock Obama. Then all of a sudden they became a liberal news station. All they have done was praised Brock Obama and Blamed the Republicans for him not being able to help the middle class and poor people something he promised he would do if he was elected as President of the United states of America. Then President Obama gave billions of dollars to General Electric for creating jobs in America. Instead General Electric created more jobs in China because their workers are paid much less then American workers. Then if you do the research and find out General Electric owns a part of MSNBC. Then it all makes sense. MSNBC will say great things about Brock Obama as long as he provides billions of dollars to General Electric. President Brock Obama gave the banks billions and billions of dollars. The reason why he gave billions of dollars to the banks because the banks are proviThe American Citizens' Vote
Billy Jetland CEO
James Jetland
Skype: theamericancitizensvote
Phone Number: 702-445-4782
Email: ding money to his campaign so he could get reelected next year.
"He made a health care plan the the republicans wanted in 1998 and Bill Clinton vetoed it. "
What a crappy narrative. Obama tried introducing a public plan which had 0 GOP support and push back from a handful of Democrats, which ,made filibustering a reality. Why do people like you put so much energy into being willfully ignorant (or lying) trolls? The final HC bill was indeed less than ideal and to be honest, I'd of preferred Single Payer. But the lack of support in Congress makes all of this wishful thinking (hopefully, OWS will help change that).
This is a Right Wing operative troll.
This is some kind of Psyops thing to destroy the movement!
fuck presidents!
rather see jimmy mac (rent to dam high guy)!!!!
George Soros has all the money Obama and OWS needs,
Top 10 Heavy Hitters:
ActBlue..... $55,745,059
AT&T Inc..... $47,571,779
American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees.... $46,167,658
National Assn of Realtors..... $40,718,176
Service Employees International Union......$37,634,367
National Education Assn.......$37,051,378
Goldman Sachs........ $35,790,579
American Assn for Justice.......$34,715,804
Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers......... $34,292,471
Laborers Union........ $31,876,950
Pls stop helping the republican party spread lies about obama
are you kidding? Lies? he is just as bad as the republican party. He hasn't made one move that would be considered as a valiant one. It is all an effort to stay as the "Grey Man" he isn't being lied on by anyone here.
LIES? Factual data is lies? Sounds about right. What about my post are "lies" about Obama? Please stop helping Obama spread lies about me.
That says lobbying contribution total since 1989... what is the point of this data?
To show who's money has been influencing our public servants. If you were the curious type you might poke around a little on the site, and maybe learn something.
I understand the point of the website, but I am still missing your thesis. Democrats receive huge contributions from unions and republicans get real estate and oil, what is the point? It is a broken system, and (in my opinion) everything is moot until we do a complete campaign finance reform to a sophisticated, publicly funded alternative.
That is excatly the point. It is BOTH sides raking in big money. Representing those interests, and not Americans as a whole. We need to get money out of politics. The OP talked about raising money. I showed where some of the money is coming from...for BOTH sides.
Ok... I'd sign that petition :)
Me too.
Pls help fight lies by wall street banks and koch assoc lime the one above. Donate to,help elect a true leader
No more leaders.
NEVER! He will NEVER be a leader. Those elected were NEVER meant to be leaders, they were in fact meant to be public servants. If more Americans understood that, we might not be as bad off as he has helped us to be.
Turned out they couldn't be leaders or public servants. Servants of the banks and corps, but not the public.
When they swore to defend the country from enemies both foreign and domestic, they casually forgot an enemy of the country: The hostile econoterrorists they're working for.
hey man. you aren't going to win favors like this. try talking issues, you may even do some convincing.
President concerned about you! !
OBAMA 2012!!!!!
It sad but in the end I probably will vote for Obama just because it would be worse for a retardicunt to be in power.
Do you know how much tax money it would take for him to come and wave at that crowd? If you are pissed about where your money goes, you should be double pissed if he came to visit WS.
Just Remember one thing. We have a three Part system for a reason. Obama, being the Executive, is supposed to enforce the policies and laws of the Legislative. The Judicial is supposed to be Unbiased, and help uphold the Constitution. Our system is not supposed to be a Two-party system, but it is because it just is a two-party system.
We are all in this Together, as a Citizen it is our job to do what needs to be done. We all need to Vote, only then will the cycle end. This Era of Divided government needs to end. This is not helping us at all.
I will Vote for Obama, but only because there is no Other person i can see who can do his Job. All of you may be mad at him, but remember, Congress Writes the laws, and when they are not doing their job, Fire them.
Nothing would please me more but to be able to stand before Congress and do a Trump on 'em. "Gentlemen, this is your pink slips. Clean out your desks, empty your lockers, turn your restroom keys in, because YOU'RE FIRED! You've been given the boot! Get the fuck out!"
But I can't do that. They're not working for me, or you, or any of us 99%ers. We don't have a trillion dollars so we ain't the boss.
Yeah But we have the Numbers. They can't stop us all. Just remember, Nothing ever got done because someone sat on their hands while some one is causing injustice in the world.
Amen, and we're getting up and doing it. We ain't the boss now, but sooner or later we will be.