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Forum Post: President Obama and Mitt Romney are Nearly One and the Same!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 9:51 p.m. EST by Scout (729)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

" Whether you voted Democratic or Republican in the last election, it did not matter. The non-super budget committee proves it as does Obama's carry-over of Bush's bank bailout policies.

The sad fact of the matter is a vote for Obama is a vote for Mitt Romney. Likewise, a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Obama."




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[-] 3 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

Chris Hedges made this statement in New York City's Zuccotti Park on Thursday morning during the People's Hearing on Goldman Sachs, which he chaired with Dr. Cornel West. The activist and Truthdig columnist then joined a march of several hundred protesters to the nearby corporate headquarters of Goldman Sachs, where he was arrested with 16 others.

Goldman Sachs, which received more subsidies and bailout-related funds than any other investment bank because the Federal Reserve permitted it to become a bank holding company under its "emergency situation," has used billions in taxpayer money to enrich itself and reward its top executives. It handed its senior employees a staggering $18 billion in 2009, $16 billion in 2010 and $10 billion in 2011 in mega-bonuses. This massive transfer of wealth upwards by the Bush and Obama administrations, now estimated at $13 trillion to $14 trillion, went into the pockets of those who carried out fraud and criminal activity rather than the victims who lost their jobs, their savings and often their homes.


What we are asking for today is simple - it is a return to the rule of law. And since the formal mechanisms of power refuse to restore the rule of law, then we, the 99 percent, will have to see that justice is done.

[-] 3 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

well absolutely nothing will happen NOTHING - until people realise there is no difference between the two political parties and that people are being fooled and then OWS must act on it!

[-] 3 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

I am in complete agreement on that . . .

Also, people MUST face the FACT that our main stream media is owned by SIX corporations. This highly centralized system serves the agenda of the one thousandth of one percent and no one else !

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

absolutely ! this is everybody's last chance to act because I fear unless it stopped we will end up in a world that is worse than an Orwellian nightmare.

[-] 2 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

agree - totally -

[-] 1 points by EXPOSED (222) 13 years ago

Yes I agree with both of you, the people have to realize that it's two branches of the same corporate agenda and that the monopoly of the media consolidated under Clinton keeps the illusion that there is a difference between both.

[-] 2 points by suyabaa01 (244) from Milford, CT 13 years ago

I agree with you all. The real question is: Who is running the show?

It's CFR [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on_Foreign_Relations ]

CFR is very elite group (after the members of the Banking Cartel) composed of approx. 4,000 members, managing the US finance, legal, corporate, governance, military, media and academia.

"Members of the CFR are the people of the cutting edge in science, business, education, and politics have no patience with local love, local loyalty, and local knowledge. The papers they write become the US law." [1] In other words, THEY RUN THE "Corporate America."

THEY ARE NOT ELECTED BUT SELECTED by the members of the Banking Cartel among qualifying persons [overachievers and narcissists to be exact to take the pity out of the equation]. CRF makes the final policy and the final decision for the US. Elected officers (such President of the United States, Secretary of States) are their Press Secretaries [3]; they serve to convey CFR decisions to the nation and prepare the nation for the consequences (such as foreign policy changes, international sanctions, various scale military operations, wars, banking bailouts, corporate laws).

[1] — 3 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2VDC8UQ3c8#t=189s

[2] — 1 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv3M2gCynLw#t=542s

[3] — 2 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdu0N1-tvU#t=2630s

Bush, Obama, Romney are Hamiltonians. They will serve "the Empire", not the People. We MUST support/elect leaders that will serve the Republic and restore the rule of law. [4]

[4] — 2 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6HuzhMUHGM#t=269s

I'm quite sure that the #1 goal of the GLOBAL #Occupy movement MUST be to STOP THE DEBT MACHINE. If we fail to cut their ties with our sovereign financial systems they will only get stronger with the privilege of controlling nations' money and money supply.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws." — Mayer Amscel Rothschild [1744–1812] — Father of the Rothschild dynasty

[-] 2 points by mookie (38) 13 years ago

Paul is the only guy running that will attempt to reform Washington. Both Parties and their lobbyists fear him. It is apparent that the people pulling the strings behind the OWS movement are clearly working for a "BIG GOVERNMENT" solution, and justify the destruction of our middle class as a means to their end. Plenty of people are mad as hell, but some are offering solutions, others are asking our corrupt government to take even more control.

[-] 1 points by reason321 (43) from West Windsor, NJ 13 years ago

Good points. Why we are allowing one person, the president, have so much power. If you think about it, we put futures of 300 millions into one person's hands. Why we do this to ourselves? This one person in-charge format is copied from the political structure of old kingdoms which is backward and just simply bad. We are now in 2011 with much higher level education, much advanced sciences, and much more effective mass communication tool (internet, we even have smart phones). Switzerland already has a form of political system which have multiple people in-charge of the country instead of one person. We can learn from that system and build a better one.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 13 years ago

yea not really. Romney is way to far to the left for conservatives for sure - but Obama is completely over the leftist cliff. It's all a matter of your point of reference. If the democrats move the bar to the left as much as they did - then anything to the right of that is extreme. Just look at how far to the left we are compared to 100 years ago. JFK would be considered a right wing fanatic today. Or at least on par with GWB.

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago


While I am an Independent voter I plan to register Democrat for the primary so that I can Write-In Elizabeth Warren for president. Warren is hated and feared by Wall Street and their minions in the Democratic and Republican leadership.

Make real change! Do it yourself.

Liberate American democracy

Register Independent.

Use the Write-In option to vote as you democratically choose to vote rather than as the parties dictate.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

I hope what you say is correct about Elizabeth Warren because America can't afford any more wolves in sheep's clothing

[-] 1 points by Kevabe (81) 13 years ago

Then vote for Mitt becuase we already know Obama is a failure.

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

Which one is the Sith Lord and which one is the apprentice? Lol.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

ha ha ha not good enough !!!

[-] 1 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

Well said! The rich and powerful love the current system. They turn the whole thing into a hometown football rivalry, let the American people polarize themselves into two camps, and then laugh all the way to the bank because the have both parties bought and paid for.

For the sake our our children and future generations of Americans, we need to take back our democracy from the rich and powerful who are using their vast sums of money to "speak" as if they represent millions of Americans. They are twisting our laws and manipulating our policies in their favor at the expense of the average American. The $50 or $100 a normal American may give to a political campaign becomes meaningless when corporations or other special interests are handing our millions to buy political access to the decision making process. Here's my 2 cents on what we need to do:

For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for (both on the right and the left). Don't get distracted by the symptoms - we need to address the root cause. Concentrating our efforts on getting the money out of our politics is the best way we can create an environment in which further reforms can be realized. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the LAP DOGS of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - End the LEGALIZED BRIBERY!!! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

HIP HIP HORRAY ! LSN45 one of the best and truest posts I've read on this Forum since it started! Hallelujah

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

Politicians of both political parties are owned by special interests. You can either stick with the devil you know or you can vote out the incumbent so you can vote out his or her replacement next time. And so it goes. It's always the lesser of two evils. Politicians invariably take care of themselves first and their well-heeled benefactors second. The rabble of Main Street America is just pain-in-the-ass background noise as far as they are concerned. That's why people are taking to the streets. We literally can't afford this inside pay-to-play bullshit anymore.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

and some politicians even display this disgust towards their constituents and are still able to remain in office ? WTF???? ha ha ha I mean are they masochistic or what. Take Peter Stark Congressmen in California. I have never seen such rudeness, arrogance and total lack of empathy towards this constituents as he sits in the room addressing them in a town hall meeting and yet the silly buggers vote him in again. is that bizarre or what?

[-] 1 points by reason321 (43) from West Windsor, NJ 13 years ago

The people need to be waked up! This should be another focus of the OWS. Those politicians make so much money by fooling the people to buy their books, to donate money, and to worship them as celebrities. Just in last a couple of years, how many politicians become millionaires in the name of "of the people, by the people, for the people", meanwhile, they are destroying the country. Do you follow news about the super committee? It is like a joke. The problem is why the people are so easily fooled? Wake up!

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

What you describe is an excellent reason why term limits should be imposed on congressmen. But it will not happen because that would require that congressmen impose term limits on themselves. The sooner America wakes up with outrage to the insult that congress has become, the sooner we will be able to take our country back. Congressmen like Pete Stark should be treated with the contempt they deserve.

[-] 1 points by EXPOSED (222) 13 years ago

Mindless fanboy: "Nooooo, Obama is a democrat, Romney is a religious nut of the party of no!"


[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

just an illusion! Give them bread and circuses just like it was in the Roman times. The circus is watching a show between two parties which are both financed by exactly the same people ha ha ha it's hilarious

[-] 3 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." ~ Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds wife

The people must be helped to think naturally about money. They must be told what it is, and what makes it money, and what are the possible tricks of the present system which put nations and peoples under control of the few.

Henry Ford, My Life and Work, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

now look what the politicians in Washington are proposing ! ha ha ha I guess nothing should surprise us these days?..... How much more proof do people need to understand the significance of what is going on?

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window

" The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world "
