Forum Post: President Election
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:26 a.m. EST by KeithWillis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OccupyTogether is going to have to support someone for President or we are left with a choice of crooks. Ralph Nader has been saying for many years exactly what we have been saying. He has done more for the citizens of this country than the republicans and democrats combined, without ever holding elective office. He has been honest in everything he has done and said. He was instrumental in getting such agencies started as the National Highway Traffic Safety, Consumer Protection, Environmental, etc. He has run for President the last 4 times, but no one paid attention to him because the 2 corporate parties banded him from the debates, and even from getting his name on state's ballots. I don't know if he will run this time, but I can't think of a more appropriate person to support. OccupyTogether should talk to him about running for President with our backing. Look into his history and see if you don't agree. He may not be charismatic, and his answers to our problems don't fit into a sound bite, but his solutions are right on.
No we don't! My advice to OWS is stay clear of any candidate or party! As a movement we are stronger and can drive home our message without being diverted into the dead-end of the completely CO-OPTed and wholly elite owned National political system. If electoral politics was the answer we shouldn't have had this happening. The truth is the political system has failed to deliver for the rest of us, so we need to go around it in a time honored PEOPLE'S movement.
obama was sayin how great in arab world they are starting new political parties but that is not allowed in the USA I agree whit rd1box12 or Marcy Kaptor dump Obama 2012 elect a nurse write it in
if the protest grow ? ( a clear goal need to be established ) a leader should surface as part of the movement
I have to agree, he is a good man. But he isn't Presidential material.
No one is trust-worthy enough. If that ballot held a third selection "Neither"....I think neither would win.