Forum Post: Predatory Republic II
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:20 a.m. EST by gerdahl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Predatory Republic
We are part of a system that requires a victim, to flourish/ to stand up, our feet will crush the poor/ and those poor must yield to the boot/ we step up, lives of the lost are lost more/
Our pride in the past, a reflection on the greatest/ but now the need is other & changed/ instead of more, make the most of/ of what there is, transform/
Is there ever a time it is not relevant to say/
that my auto, food and shoes are auspicious marks/
of comfort and common health, and of the excess/
from a toll taken, sometimes by intent/
Know that the children, women and men/ in the distant are akin, although unseen/ do they need to stand next to us, to register somehow/ so we can to relate to them/
It is the seven sins that drive desire beyond necessity/ spin them so they fulfill the greater deed/ that is, stand all the people together/ so when some gain, no one bleeds/
The Old Guard
If you are inclined to believe these ideals are impractical/ recall many Kings ensconced in tactics that/ rode the backs of the enfeebled & lacking/ fairness and sense had no place in their reason/ reason that was built by justice both blind and deaf/
Because of ignorance and whim/ events large and small transpired/ not unlike an only child/ outsized by unfettered greed/ unrestrained and therefore wild/
As wild as in reason dulled by pettiness/ reason as in to remain on the throne/ accumulated power refrains from equity/ it is by its nature a thriving denial/
The Change Unseen
Eventually the scales roll back, though/ the tide turns, the sun will rise/ a revolution unfolds, in thinking or in blood/ few foundations will survive/
Those that do are ready to accept/ to embrace what hope progress might deliver/ a powerful promise of easing the pain/ from the burden of the rundown dream/
The New Kings
Often asked, but seldom answered/ why a teacher ekes by, and with such good intention/ whilst athlete's strides inspire us/ by comparison their rewards are lies/
And, too, we empathize with the elite and their trite/ visions of whom are found everywhere/ for as always their selfish entitlement/ somehow informs our needs/
No target should be more favored, though/ than the pernicious executive/ no reward is too great for their efforts/ and the greatest threat they face is failure only/ as the long roof will remain/
Revolution in pen
Perfection is an ideal suited to the narrow mind/ it is the nature of humans to inquire more, not less/ as happiness comes from gain of ground/ relative to our last progress, or regress/
So, shake apart the predatory republic/ chase away the muddy history/ recombine the two - Capitalism, Democracy/ and allow them to settle anew/
Geof Erdahl - 2004